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Articles of Peace and Commerce between His Majefty George II. by the Grace of God, King of Great-Britain, &c. and the most Noble Prince Muley Hamet Dahebby, Ben Muley Ifmael, Ben Muley Zeriph, Ben Muley Aley, King and Emperor of the Kingdoms of of Fez and Morocco, &c. Concluded Jan. 14, 1727-8,



HAT all Moors or Jews, fubject to the Emperor of Morocco, fhall be allowed a free traffick, viz. to buy or fell for 30 days in the city of Gibraltar, or ifland of Minorca; and not to refide in either place, but to depart with their effects, without let or moleftation, to any part of the faid Emperor of Morocco's dominions,

II. That the king of Great-Britain's fubjects refiding in Barbary, fhall not be obliged to appear before the Cadi or Juftices of the country; but only the governor of the place, and his Britannick Majefty's conful, are to take cognizance of and adjust the differences they may have with the natives of the country,

III. That the menial fervants of his Britannick Majefty's fubjects, though natives of the country, either Moors or Jews, be exempt from taxes of all kinds.

IV. That all his Britannick Majefty's fubjects, as well paffengers as others, taken by any of the Emperor of Fez and Morocco's cruifers, on board any foreign thip or veffel whatever, shall immediately be fet at liberty and sent to the city of Gibraltar,

V. That there be permiffion for buying provifions, and all other neceffaries for his Britannick Majefty's fleet, or city of Gibraltar, at any of the Emperor of Fez and Morocco's fea-ports, at the market-prices; and the fame to be shipped off without paying cuftom, as has been extorted lately contrary to the treaty of peace fubfifting,

VI. All the other articles being fifteen in number, concluded, agreed and adjusted by the Honourable Charles Steward, Efq; on the behalf of his Britannick Majefty, and by his Excellency Bafhaw Hamet, Ben Aly, Ben VOL. II.



Abdalla, and his Imperial Majefty's Treafurer, Mr. Mofes Ben Hatter, a Jew, on the behalf of the faid King of Fez and Morocco, fhall ftand good, and be of the fame force as in the reigns of the moft high and moft renowned Prince George 1. King of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, &c. of glorious memory, and the high and glorious, mighty and right noble Prince Albumazar Muley Ifmael, late Emperor of Morocco. And it is farther agreed that all the articles aforementioned, as well the fifteen as thefe additional ones, fhall in twenty days after the date hereof, be published in the Arabick language, and affixed on the gates of all the fea-port towns in his Imperial Majesty's dominions.

Signed and dated at the court of Mequinez, Jan. 14, 1727-8.

Convention between Spain and Great-Britain relating to the execution of the preliminaries; figned at the Pardo, the 6th of March, 1728. N. S.

WHEREAS certain difficulties have arifen upon the

execution of the articles which are called preliminaries, and which were figned at Paris the last day of May, and after at Vienna the 13th of June, 1727, by the minifters refpectively furnished with fufficient full powers; and whereas, by a certain declaration made by the Count de Rothemburg, with the confent of all the parties, and approved, the aforefaid difficulties have been happily adjufted; of which declaration, and of the acceptation thereof by his Catholick Majefty, as the fame was exhibited and fubfcribed by the Marquis de la Paz, in his name, and by his command, the tenor hereof follows.

Whereas, fince the figning of the preliminaries, certain difficulties have arifen between the contracting parties, in relation to the reftitution of prizes that have been taken on either fide; and namely, that the Prince Frederick and its cargo, belonging to the South-fea company, has been feized and detained by the Spaniards at La Vera Cruz; which difficulties have delayed the execution of the preliminaries, the exchanging the ratification with Spain, and the open

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