"A HISTORY OF STATISTICS," Embracing in its List of Subjects considered 1. The Origin of Statistics. 2. The Growth of Statistics. 3. The Present Condition of Statistics. 4. The Future Development of Statistics. 5. The Statistical Offices and Societies of the World (with Addresses). 6. The Statisticians of the World (with Biog- 7. Summary of the Statistical World. Work of the ΤΟ HON. CARROLL D. WRIGHT, CHIEF OF THE MASSACHUSETTS BUREAU OF STATISTICS OF LABOR, AND COMMISSIONER OF LABOR OF THE UNITED STATES, This Book IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED; FOR IT IS TO HIS ENCOURAGEMENT AND ADVICE, DURING Fifteen years of offICIAL WORK TOGETHER, THAT THE AUTHOR IS GREATLY INDEBTED FOR WHATEVER SUCCESS HE MAY HAVE ATTAINED AS A PRACTICAL STATISTICIAN. |