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FROM JANUARY 1, 1898, TO JUNE 30, 1898




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The Week.


Alaska liquor case in Supreme Court, 434-Anglo-
American alliance, reasons pro and con, Gold-
win Smith on, 414.
Bryan, William J., Chicago speech on Jackson, 19,
on need of income tax for war, 255, enlists as
private with an ambition, 393, made colonel,
451-C. A. Boutelle's manty stand for peace in
House, 293--Chas. P. Bryan designated minister
to China, 20-Prof. Charles A. Briggs goes over
to Episcopal church, 257-Business disturbed by
Cuban war, 294-Bankruptcy bill in conference,
469-Beer tax increase opposed by brewers, 276,
doubled in war-revenue bill, 469.
Chicago crusade against department stores, 257,
Chicago Tribune" on advantages of war with
Spain, 175-Columbia (S. C.) "State" on bless-
ings of war, 175-H. W. Corbett, adverse Senate
committee report on his title to seat in Senate,
39-W. W. Crapo on cause of cotton-mill re-
ductions, 40-Caleb Cushing on Spain's ability
to fight, tho' bankrupt, 195-Grover Cleveland's
rebuff to a yellow journal, 235-Cheek case ar-
bitrated with Siam, 435-Consul at Amoy pub-
lishes letter insulting France and Germany, 216
-Colonial government looming up for U. S., 353
-Currency reform movement checked by
"Maine" explosion, 195, bill reported in House,
469-Congressional privilege as regards civil
processes, 140.

CONGRESS, LVth, first session: Attack on civil-ser-


vice laws, Grosvenor and Sulloway (House), 19
-Immigration Restriction bill passed (Senate),
39 Teller resolution that bonds are payable in
silver (Senate), 59, passed, 79, rejected in
House, 79-Hitt's speech on Cuba (House), 59
--Turple's speech on Teller resolution, Platt-
Chandler colloquy on bimetallism (Senate), 79-
Retrenchment in Fortification bill, 80, and
generally, 99 (House)-White's revived anti-
Aldrich on
Hawaiian resolution, Frye and
Gage's impolitic insistence on gold standard
(Senate), 99-Committee on appropriations
doubles House fortifications estimates (Senate),
119-Johnson (House), against Hawaiian an-
nexation 158-Fifty millions voted for national
defence (both houses), 175, 195-Proctor's report
of his Cuban visit (Senate), 215-Davis alleges
Great Britain's designs on Hawaii (Senate),
216-Dovener's bill to grab Annette Island re-
servation, 255-Grosvenor says war with Spain
must be a Republican war (House), 275-Danish
islands purchase not rushed through (Senate),
276-President ordered to drive Spain out of
(both houses), Boutelle and
for peace (House), 293-Hull's army reorganiza-
tion bill (House), 313-Dingley's revenue mea-
(House), 314, 333-Bland's fiat-money
amendment to Dingley bill, Bailey's motion to
coin the seigniorage (House), 333, 334-Income-
tax debate (House), 354-Amendment to Consti-
tution making May 4 inauguration day (Senate),
dit to making Senators eligible by popular vote
(House), 374-Revenue bill provisions for tax-
ing savings banks and life insurance (Senate),
393, 394-Lodge's Hawaiian annexation rider to
war-revenue bill, tax on gross receipts of cor-
porations rejected (Senate), 413-Allen on pay-
ing the war debt as we go (Senate), 414-Com-
mittee on foreign affairs accuses Japan of de-
signs on Hawaii (House), 414-Details
amendments to revenue bill (Senate), 433-Cen-
sus Bureau bill jobbed in Senate, 452-Currency
reform bill reported (House), 469-Bankruptcy
bill in conference, 469, passed (both houses),
489--Morrill against Hawalian annexation (Se-
nate), 470, 489 Hitt on leprosy and statehood
(House), 489- International bank charter, and
National Association of Manufacturers' incor-
poration (Senate), 490.



CUBA, war with Spain for: Diplomatic inter-
change between Sagasta and McKinley re-
vealed in London Times," 334-"Maine" sent
to Havana, 59, sunk by explosion, 157, lying
press, 157, 175, fake Journalism on Havana
Americans in peril, 834, government of island
as a U. S. possession, 157, arbitration dismissed

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by Sagasta, 158, Cuban bonds and yellow jour-
nalism, 255, joint note of Powers, President's
his legacy from Cleveland, 275, mill-
tia not available, 275, naval desertions and
meagre army recruiting, 276, President ordered
to go to war, Republican and silverite pros-
pective advantages, 293, Spanish coaling in
West Indies, 294, call for volunteers, 313, right
to prey on merchant vessels, 314-Spanish fleet
at Manila destroyed by Commodore Dewey, 333,
after brave resistance, 353, bearing on theory
of a naval base, 413, Gen. Merritt's demands
for military expedition to Manila, 373-Fresh
call for 75,000 volunteers, 393, 413, nepotism in
appointments, 393, regiments too small, 413-
Cuban insurgents, ferocity of, and coolness to
U. S., 354, failure to meet "Gussie" expedi
tion, 373-Admiral Cervera's fleet shut up in
Santiago, 413, Lieut. Hobson sinks the "Merri-
mac" in the channel, 433, Gen. Shafter's forces
first engaged, 489-Reconcentrados' last state
worse than the first, 373-Colored troops want
colored officers, 373, get them in North Carolina
and Virginia, 470.

Dole, President of Hawaii, arrives, 59, departs,
119 N. Dingley on ways and means for war
revenues, 235-Dingley tariff, surplus for De-
cember, 1, deficit for January, 60, lean March,
255-Department stores, Chicago crusade

against, 257.

Evans, Commissioner, on pension frauds, 1, to re-
duce his clerical force, 39-Exports and imports
for December, 40, January, 140, March, 294,
May, 452.

Ford, Worthington C., removed from office for a
spoilsman, 355.

Gage, Secretary, on exempting deputy collectors

from classified service, 19, honor roll for su-
perannuated employees, 40, speech on Lincoln's
birthday in Chicago, 119, proposal to consoli-
date customs districts, 120, foresight in pre-
paring for new loan, 451-Postmaster-General
Gary resigns, 315-Mayor John M. Good deposed
for corrupt practices, 195, 196-Gold standard,
gathering Western sentiment pro, 79, impor-
tations in sympathy with money markets, 197.
Hawaii, President McKinley urging annexation, 59,
treaty beaten, 80, 119, 139, 176, abandoned,
216, Senator Frye witness, 80, beet-sugar inte-
rest opposed, 80, President Dole's visit and re-
turn, 59, 119, effect of discussion and the
"Maine" disaster on annexation scheme, John-
son's speech in opposition, 158, Great Britain's
disclaimer of wanting Hawaii, 216, California
opposed to annexation, 255, Cuban war revives
project, 354, extent of Speaker Reed's oppo-
sition, 373, 394, Lodge's rider to war-revenue
bill, 414, House foreign affairs committee ac-
cuses Japan of designs on Hawaii, 414, Hawaii-
an annexation as entering wedge of colonial
policy, 451, Senator Morrill in opposition, 470,
489-Mark A. Hanna, reëlected Senator, says
God reigns, 39-Milford W. Howard, M. C., not
privileged from suit, 140-Senator Geo. F. Hoar
at Bryn Mawr on national aggrandizement, 434.
indianapolis convention's action endorsed by N.
Y. Chamber of Commerce, 99-Immigration re-
striction bill losing ground in House, 119, not
helped by meagre immigration, 140.
Kentucky, Legislative bill against gold contracts,
176-Kansas Populist Governor denounces Su-
preme Court, 196.

Louisiana, new constitution disfranchising negroes,
374--State Board of Health concerned about
yellow fever from Cuba, 393-Lattimer strike,
Sheriff acquitted, 196-Libel sult, Russell vs.
Applegate, not against press, 237, against
Senator Coffey, 256, libel legislation in New
Jersey, 256-Legacy tax in war-revenue bill,
Massachusetts adopts electrical execution, 315-
Mississippi's maladministration in spite of
black disfranchisement, 895-Metlakatla In-
dians' reservation coveted, 255-President Mc-
Kinley strenuous for Hawaiian annexation, 59,
slackening, 158, illegal appointment of G. M.
Bowers as Fish Commissioner, good appoint-
ment of Judge E. B. Thomas, 99, appointment
of Henry Demas rejected, 176, other nomina-

tions rejected, 195, reply to joint note of Pow-
ers, Cuban message, legacy from Cleveland,
275, censured for federal appointments by
Penn, Civil-Service Reform Association, 295,
nominates major-generals, 354-Judge McComas
elected Senator from Maryland, 80-Prof. A.
C. McGiffert's heresy before Presbyterian Gene-
ral Assembly, 415-A. G. Menocal court-mar-
tialled, 453-Militia, law regarding, 275, 294-
"Maine" blown up in Havana harbor, 139, ef-
fect on currency reform movement, 195, official
report, 235, used in President's message, 275.
New York State: Gov. Black on arbitration by uni-
versity settlement, 20, coercing legislation,
140, Tammany bills in collusion with Platt, 20,
Comptroller Roberts exposes canal extrava-
gance, 21, Gov. Black assumes and delays in-
vestigation, 196, Platt's neglect of his legisla-
tive tools, 41, four bosses of Legislature, 159,
Grady's bill to apply Black's civil-service law
to New York dead, 120, biennial sessions
amendment favored by Croker, 159, new pri-
mary law proposed, 177, passed, 236, first en-
rolment, 295, 335, 374, Bill to lower standard
of police justices, 177, adjournment, 256, six
months' working of Black's civil-service law,
216, 217, abandoned in the case of cities, 491,
Black's services in killing bills and opposing
Platt, 256, proposed bi-partisan State Election
Board, 491, Democrats gain in town elections,
120, 141, 177, Major C. F. Roe put in command
of State troops, 120; City: Taxes on street
railroads determined by Rapid Transit Commis-
sioners, 453, Croker's choice of civil servants,
Police Board shared with Platt's men, 2,
Civil-Service Reform Association to enforce
the law against Comptroller Coler, 21, 277,
Van Wyck's denunciation of gift of land to
N. Y. Public Library, 41, defeated by Coun-
cil on street licenses, 60, grabs offices for
Manhattan Borough, 60, magnitude of first
budget, 60, Corporation Counsel holds to char-
ter for civil-service appointments, 100, Mayor
Van Wyck's boorishness to Captain of the Viz-
caya, 139, ousts Chief of Police, 394, and gives
Presidential election to Croker, 415, ousting of
Bridge Commissioners vetoed by courts, 470.
Proposed Birth celebration, 120, avoided by
decent men, 140, blocked by Long Island mem-
bers of Municipal Assembly, 197. Anti-machine
Republican committee of 53 renounces Platt,
81, Tammany Commissioners of Accounts va-
cating offices and refilling, 236, Platt's Brook-
lyn allies indicted, 236, Croker's club receipts
falling off, 159, Comptroller's muddled figuring
that tax limit is exceeded, 335-N. Y. "Tri-
bune's" defence of its Hawaiian attitude, 39.
excuse for not trying Cuban autonomy, 834-
New Jersey, new libel law, 256-North Caro-
lina officers negro troops with negroes, 470-
Nebraska, beet-sugar raisers menaced by Ha-
wallan annexation, 80, freight-rate decision
of U. S. Supreme Court, 177-Nicaragua Canal
crops up in Republican platforms, 470-Navy,
Roosevelt's bill to reorganize, 9--Negro officers
for negro troops, 470.
Ohio, opposition to Senator Hanna's reelection,
9, corrupt-practices act enforced in the case
of Mayor Good, 195, 196, Republican convention
and platform, 490-Oregon elections carried by
Republicans on gold platform, 434, effect on
complexion of Senate, 451,
Pennsylvania, opposition to Quay machine, 60, or-
ganized, 100, his agreement with Martin and
Magee, 176, Lancaster Co. primaries carried
for Quay, 216, Wanamaker's anti-Quay cam.
paign, 255, 256, 276, 277, 315, 355, 394, Wayne
MacVeagh denounces the rule of corruption,
295, Rev. 8. C. Swallow nominated for Gover
nor, 295, 894, Philadelphia elections, machine
combinations against independents, 141, Phila-
delphia Manufacturer favors reciprocity with
Canada, 217, failure of People's Bank, 236,
Quay-Magee compact, 355, Quay's man Stone
nominated for Governor, 434-Preston, Director
of the Mint, replaced by Mr. Roberts, 81- Pre-
sident Patton of Princeton on the inevitable
march of history, 452-Pension frauds, Com
misaloner Evans on, 1.

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