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of England, from the penalties of certain laws, shall be adjudged, and are hereby declared to be qualified to act in their said respective offices and places, and thereupon the several officers herein mentioned, shall, instead of an oath, make their solemn affirmation or declaration, in manner and form following: that is to say;

The form of judges and justices attest, shall be in these words, viz: "Thou shalt solemnly promise, that as judge or justice, according to the governor's commission to thee directed, thou shalt do equal right to the poor and rich, to the best of thy knowledge and power, according to law, and after the usages and constitutions of this government, thou shalt not be of council of any matter or cause depending before thee, but shalt well and truly do thy office in every respect, according to the best of thy understanding."

The form of the attests to be taken by the masters of the rolls, secretaries, clerks, and such like officers, shall be thus, viz:

Thou shalt well and faithfully execute the office of, &c. according to the best of thy skill and knowledge; taking such fees only, as thou ought to receive by the laws of this government.

The form of the sheriffs, and coroners attest, shall be in these words, viz.

Thou shalt solemnly promise, that thou wilt well and truly serve the King, and Governor, in the office of the sheriff (or coroner) of the county of, &c. and preserve the King and Governor's rights, as far forth, as thou can or may; thou shalt truly serve, and return, all the writs and precepts to thee directed: thou shalt take no bailiff, nor deputy, but such as thou wilt answer for; thou shalt receive no writs, except from such judges and justices, who by the laws of this government, have authority to issue and direct writs unto thee; and thou shalt diligently and truly do and accomplish all things appertaining to thy office, after the best of thy wit and power, both for the king and governor's profit, and good of the inhabitants within the said county, taking such fees only, as thou ought to take by the laws of this government, and not otherwise.

The form of a constable's attest shall be this, viz: Thou shalt solemnly promise, well and duly, according to the best of thy understanding, to execute the of fice of a constable, for the town (or county of) P. for this ensuing year, or until another be attested in thy room, or thou shalt be legally discharged thereof.

The form of the grand inquest's attest, shall be in these words, viz:

Thou shalt diligently enquire, and true presentment make, of all such matters and things, as shall be given thee in charge, or come to thy knowledge, touching this present service, the king's counsel, thy fellows, and thy own, thou shalt keep secret, and in all things thou shalt present the truth, and nothing but the truth, to the best of thy knowledge.

This being given to the foremati, the rest of the inquest shall be attested thus, by three at a time, viz. The same attestation that your foreman hath taken on his part, you will well and truly keep on your parts. The form of the attest to be given to the traverse jury, by four at a time, shall be thus, viz.

You solemnly promise that you will well and truly try the issue of traverse between the Lord the King, and A. B. whom you have in charge, according to your evidence.

In civil causes thus, viz.

You solemnly promise, that you will well and truly try the issue between A. B. plaintiff, and C. D. defendant, according to your evidence.

Provided always, and it is hereby intended, that no person shall be by this act excused from swearing, who, by the acts of parliament for trade and navigation, are, or shall be, required to take an oath.

And, that elections may not be corruptly managed, on which the good of the government so much depends, Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that all VOL. II. 24

elections of the said representatives shall be free and voluntary, and that the electors who shall receive any reward or gift for giving his vote, shall forfeit his right to elect for that year; and such person or persons as shall give or promise any such reward to be elected, or that shall offer to serve for nothing, or for less wages than the law prescribes, shall be thereby rendered incapable to serve in council or assembly, for that year; and the representatives so chosen, either for council or assembly, shall yield their attendance accordingly, and be the sole judges of the regularity or irregularity of the elections of their respective members: And if any person or persons, chosen to serve in council or assembly, shall be wilfully absent from the service he or they are so chosen to attend, or be deceased, or rendered incapable, then, and in all such cases, it shall be lawful for the governor, within ten days after knowledge of the same, to issue forth a writ to the sheriff of the county, for which the said person or persons were chosen, immediately to summons the freemen of the same to elect another member in the room of such absent, deceased, or incapable person or persons; and in case any sheriff shall misbehave himself, in the management of any of the said elections, he shall be punished accordingly, at the discretion of the governor and council for the time being.

Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that every member now chosen, or hereafter to be chosen, by the freemen as aforesaid, to serve in council, and the speaker of the assembly, shall be allowed five shillings, by the day, during his and their attendance; and every member of assembly shall be allowed four shillings by the day, during his attendance on the service of the assembly; and that every member of council, and assembly, shall be allowed towards their travelling charges, after the rate of two pence each mile, both going to, and coming from, the place where the council, and assembly, is or shall be held; all which sums shall be paid yearly out of the county levies, by the county receivers respectively.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Governor or his Deputy shall always preside in the Council, and that he shall at no time perform any public act of state whatsoever, that shall or may relate unto the Justice, Treasury, or Trade of the Province, and Territories, but by and with the advice and consent of the couneil thereof, or major part of them that shall be present.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all the Sheriffs, and Clerks, of the respective counties of the said Province, and Territories, who are, or shall be, commissionated, shall give good and sufficient security to the Governors, for answering the king, and his people, in matters relating to the said offices respectively.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Council, in all matters of moment, as about erecting Courts of Justice, sitting in judgment upon persons impeached, and upon bills and other matters, that may be from time to time presented by the Assembly, not less than two thirds shall make a quorum; and that the consent and approbation of the majority of that quorum shall be had in all such cases and matters of moment; and that in cases of less moment, not less than one third of the whole shall make a quorum, the majority of which shall and may always determine in all such matters of lesser moment as are not above specified: And in case the Governor's power shall hereafter happen to be in the Council, a President shall then be chosen out of themselves, by two thirds, or the major part of them; which President shall therein preside.

Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Governor and Council, shall take care that all the laws, statutes, and ordinances, which shall at any time be made within the said Province, and Territories, be duly and diligently executed.

Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That

the Governor and Council, shall at all times have the care of the peace of this Province, and Territories thereof, and that nothing be, by any persons, attempted to the subversion of this frame of government.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Governor, and Council, for the time being, shall, at all times, settle and order the situation of all cities, and market towns, modelling therein all public buildings, streets, and market places, and shall appoint all public landing places, of the towns of this Province and Territories: And if any man's property shall be judged by the Governor, and Council, to be commodious for such landing place, in the said towns, and that the same be by them appointed as such, that the owner shall have such reasonable satisfaction given him for the same as the Governor and Council shall see meet, to be paid by the said respective towns.

Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Governor and Conncil shall, at all times, have power to inspect the management of the public treasury, and punish those who shall convert any part thereof to any other use than what hath been agreed upon by the Governor, Council, and Assembly.

Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Governor and Council shall erect and order all public houses, and encourage and reward the authors of useful sciences, and laudable inventions in the said Province,

and Territories thereof.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Governor, and Council, shall from time to time have the care of the management of all public affairs, relating to the peace, safety, justice, treasury, trade, and improvement of the Province, and Territories, and to the good education of youth, and sobriety of the man

ners of the inhabitants therein, as aforesaid.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the representatives of the freemen, when met in Assembly, shall have power to prepare and propose to the Governor and Council, all such bills as they, or the major part of them, shall at any time see needful to be passed into laws within the said Province and Territo


Provided always, That nothing herein contained shall debar the Governor and Council from recommending to the Assembly, all such bills as they shall think fit to be passed into laws; and that the Council and Assembly may, upon occasion, confer together in committees, when desired, all which said proposed and prepared bills or such of them as the Governor, with the advice of the Council, shall in open Assembly, declare his assent unto, shall be the laws of this Province, and Territories thereof, and published accordingly, with this style, "By the Governor, with the assent and approbation of the Freemen in General Assembly met;" a true transcript or duplicate thereof shall be transmitted to the king's privy council, for the time being according to the late king's

letters patent.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Assembly shall sit upon their own adjournments, and committees, and continue in order to prepare and propose bills, redress grievances, and impeach criminals, or such persons as they shall think fit to be there impeached until the Governor and Council for the time being, shall dismiss them; which Assembly shall, notwithstanding such dismiss, be capable of assembling together, upon summons of the Governor and Council, at any time during that year, two thirds of which Assembly, in all cases, shall make a quorum.

And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all elections of representatives for Council, and Assembly, and all questions to be determined by them, shall be by the major part of votes.

Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That as oft as any days of the month mentioned in any article of this act, shall fall on the first day of the week, ocmmonly called the Lord's Day, the business appoint

ed for that day, shall be deferred till the next day, unless in cases of emergency.

Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any alien, who is or shall be a purchaser of lands, or who doth or shall inhabit in this province, or Territories thereof, shall decease at any time before he can well be denizised, his right and interest therein shall notwithstanding descend to his wife and children, or other his relations, be he testate or intestate, according to the laws of this Province and Territories thereof, in such cases provided, in as free and ample manner, to all intents and purposes, as if the said alien had been denizised.

And that the people may be accommodated with such food and sustenance as God in his providence hath freely afforded, Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the inhabitants of this Province, and Territories thereof, shall have liberty to fish, and hunt, upon the lands they in all waters in the said lands, and in all rivers and rivuhold, or all other lands therein, not inclosed, and to fish lets, in and belonging to this Province, and Territories thereof, with liberty to draw his or their fish upon any man's lands, so as it be not to the detriment or annoyance of the owner thereof, except such lands as do lie upon inland rivulets, that are not boatable, or which hereafter may be erected into manors.

all inhabitants of this Province, and Territories, whether Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That purchasers or others, and every one of them, shall have full and quiet enjoyment of their respective lands and tenements, to which they have any lawful or equitable claim, saving only such rents and services for the same, as are, or customarily ought to be, reserved to the lord or lords of the fee thereof, respectively.

Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That no act, law, or ordinance whatsoever, shall, at any time hereafter, be made or done, by the Governor of this Province, and Territories thereunto belonging, or by the Freemen in Council or Assembly, to alter, change, or diminish the form and effect of this act, or any part or clause thereof, contrary to the true intent ard meaning thereof, without the consent of the Governor, for the time being, and six parts of seven of the said Freemen, in Council and Assembly met. This act to continue and be in force, until the said Proprietary shall signify his pleasure to the contrary, by some inrtrument, under his hand and seal, in that behalf.

Provided always, and it is hereby enacted, That neither this act, nor any other act or acts whatsoever, shall preclude or debar the inhabitants of this Province, and Territories, from claiming, having, and enjoying, any of the rights, privileges, and immunities, which the said Proprietary, for himself, his heirs and assigns, did formerly grant, or which of right belong unto them the said whatsoever, any thing herein contained to the contrary inhabitants, by virtue of any law, charter, or grants notwithstanding.

The law for ratifying and confirming the Acts and Proceedings of the Assembly, in 1696; passed by William Markham, May, 1697.

Whereas divers persons within this government have expressed their dissatisfaction, both with the proceeding, and dissolution of the Council, and Assembly, in October 1696, insisting that their charteral rights were given away thereby, and that all the laws passed the last Assembly are void, and of no force, with such like objections, that are made use of to obstruct the proceedbring the government into confusion: Now forasmuch as ings of this Assembly, as also to amuse the people, and it is sufficiently apparent, that by the act passed at the said last Assembly, intituled, The Frame of the Govern ment of the Province of Pennsylvania, and the Territories thereunto belonging, provision is made against such dissolution of Council and Assembly, as is complained of; and that our charteral rights are so far from being taken away, or given away, that they are effec

tually asserted, with sufficient salvos, to preserve the people's just rights and claims to all and every the privileges and immunities, granted them by any charter, or other grant from the proprietary, in case he should disapprove of the said Frame of Government.

Therefore for removing and preventing all further doubts, scruples, and disputes, concerning the meeting, sitting, and proceedings of this present General Assembly, Be it enacted and declared, and it is declared and enacted by the Governor, and representatives of the freemen of the said Province, and Territories, in Council and Assembly met, and by the authority of the same, That the Governor, and Freemen, of the said Province, and Territories, met at Philadelphia, on the tenth day of the Third Month, 1697, and now sitting in General Assembly, are the Council and Assembly of the said Province of Pennsylvania, and Territories thereunto belonging, and shall be, and are hereby declared, enacted, and adjudged so to be, to all intents, constructions, and purposes whatsoever, as if this General Assembly had been elected according to the rotation of liberties, before Colonel Fletcher came to the administration of this government, and as if this present Council and Assembly had consisted of the numbers, and had met on the days in the said charter, and former act of settlement, limited and appointed.

And it is further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said Frame of Government, and all other the acts and laws made and passed at the said last Assembly, held here in October, and November, 1696, as also all other laws formerly enacted, and now in force, and not by this General Assembly altered or repealed, are hereby declared and enacted to stand and remain in full force, and be reputed, observed, adjudged and taken as the laws of this government, any law, charter, or usage to the contrary, in any wise notwithstanding.


OF JOHN BLAIR LINN-By Charles B. Brown, Esq. John Blair Linn was descended from ancestors who originally came from the British islands. They appear to have been emigrants at an early period, and to have given their descendants as just a claim to the title of American, as the nature of things will allow any civilized inhabitant of the United States to acquire.

His name bears testimony to the paternal and maternal stock from which he sprung. His great-grandfather, William Linn, was an emigrant from Ireland, who settled land in the wilderness of Pennsylvania, and whose eldest son, William, was the father of a numerous family. The father of John Blair Linn received a careful education, which his family enabled him to complete at the college at Princeton. He was trained to the ministry, in the Presbyterian church, and married, at an early age, Rebecca Blair, third daughter of the Rev. John Blair. Her brother and uncle were likewise clergymen, and the family were eminently distinguished by their knowledge and piety.

are only to be found in his own narrative compared with with the observations of others. In the present case, Mr. Linn's modesty prevented him from being his own historian, and peculiar circumstances occasioned his early life to pass over without much observation from others. We cannot any longer profit by his own recollections: the hand is now cold, and the tongue silent, which were best qualified to gratify the curiosity of love or veneration. We only know that he acquired the rudiments of knowledge at an age somewhat earlier than is customary. He was initiated into the Latin language while yet a child, and evinced very early a strong attachment to books. On his father's removal to New York, when John was only nine years old, he enjoyed new opportunities of improvement; under several respectable teachers. The happiest period of his life, however, in his own opinion, consisted of two or three years which he spent at a place of education at Flatbush, in Long island. He was in his thirteenth year when he left this seminary for New York, where, as Columbia College, his education was completed.

Fortunate is that man who has spent any part of his early years at a country school. In youth, every object possesses the charms of novelty; care and disease have as yet made no inroads on the heart, nor stained that pure and bright medium, through which the external world makes its way to the fancy. The noise, the filth, the dull sights and unwholesome exhalations of a city are, in consequence of this enchantment, ever new and delightful to the youthful heart; but how much is this pleasure heightened, when the objects presented to view, and by which we are surrounded, are in themselves agreeable! There is something in the refreshing smells, the green, the quiet, the boundless prospects of the country, congenial to the temper of human beings at all ages; but these possess ineffable charms at that age, when the joints are firm and elastic, when the pulse beats cheerily, and no dark omens or melancholy retrospects invade the imagination. To roam through a blackberries, to bathe in the clear running brook, are wood with gay companions, to search the thicket for pleasures which fill the memory with delicious images, and are frequently called up to afford a little respite to the heart from the evils of our subsequent experience.

Dr. Linn was indebted to nature for a healthful rather than a robust constitution. He was a stranger to disease till after he had reached manhood, and of that constitu tional vivacity which mere health confers, he possessed a very large share. His fancy was alive to the beauties of nature, and he experienced none of those little vexations and crosses, which some lads are doomed to suffer, through the malice of school-fellows, the tyranny of ushers, and the avarice of housekeepers. Hence, in the latter part of his life, no recollections were so agreeable as those of the time he passed at Flatbush, when he revelled in the full enjoyment of health, and its attendant cheerfulness. They formed a vivid contrast to that joyless and dreary state to which disease afterwards reduced him.

The ensuing four years were active and important ones. The moral and intellectual dispositions, which men may possibly bring into the world with them, be come fixed and settled, and receive their final di

He was near fourteen years of age when he returned Their eldest son, John Blair Linn, was born in Ship-home and went to college. He now entered on a scene pensburg, in Pennsylvania, March 14, 1777, at no great widely different, in all respects, from that to which he distance from the spot at which his father first drew had been previously accustomed: a new system of schobreath, and where his great-grandfather first established lastic discipline, a new circle of associates, the sensahis residence in the new world. The humble dwelling tions and views incident to persons on the eve of manhood. which was first erected in the forest, still existed, at a small distance from that town, and continued for a considerable time after this, to be inhabited by his greatgrand-father, who lived upwards of a hundred years. It is impossible for his survivors to recount the earli-rection at this age. When the appetites are vigor est incidents of his life; to trace the first indications of future character and genius; or enumerate the little adventures and connexions of his childhood. The juvenile stages of our moral and intellectual progress, which are in all cases entertaining and instructive, are so, in a particular manner, when they relate to eminent persons. The authentic memorials of any man's life and character,

ous, the senses keen, and the conduct regulated by temper and passion, rather than by prudence and experience, we are most alive to all impressions, and ge nerally take that path which we pursue for the rest of our days. It was during this period that Mr. Linn's taste was formed; and though his moral and professional views underwent considerable changes afterwards, the

literary inclinations which he now imbibed, or unfolded, course, whether qualified or not, destined to a liberal continued to adhere to him for the rest of his life. profession, and the law is generally preferred, because His genius now evinced a powerful tendency to poe-it affords the best means of building up a name or a fortry and criticism. What are called the fine writers of the age, and especially the poets, became his darling study. In a youthful breast, the glow of admiration is soon followed by the zeal to imitate; and he not only composed several pieces, both in prose and verse, but procured the publication of some of them in a distinct volume, before his seventeenth year. These performances possess no small merit, if we may judge of them by comparison with the youth and inexperience of the writer. They manifest considerable reading, a remarkably improved taste, and talents which only wanted the discipline and knowledge of age to make them illustrious.

In a city where there is an established theatre, a young man, smitten with a passion for letters, can scarcely fail of becoming an assiduous frequenter of its exhibitions. Plays form a large portion of the fashionable literature of a refined nation. The highest powers of invention are displayed in the walks of dramatic poetry; and what the youug enthusiast devours in his closet, he hastens with unspeakable eagerness to behold invested with the charms of life and action on the stage. At that period some performers of merit had been recently imported from Europe, the theatre was, in an eminent degree, a popular amusement, and Mr. Linn was at that age when the enchantment of such exhibitions is greatest. The theatre, accordingly became his chief passion.

To austere and scrupulous minds the theatre is highly obnoxious, not only as hurtful in itself, but as seducing unwary youth into collateral vices and undue expenses. On this account, such establishments are certainly liable to much censure. Whether reasonably or not, mankind have always annexed some disrepute to the profession of an actor, and hence no one will give himself to that profession, who cherishes in himself any lively regard for reputation. The odium with which any profession is loaded, even though originally groundless, has an unfortunate tendency to create an excuse for itself in the principles and manners of those who adopt it. To make men vicious, little more is necessary than to treat them as if they were so.

tune. Mr. Linn was probably influenced in his choice of this path, more because it was honourable and lucrative, than because it was particularly suited to gratify any favourite taste. He does not appear, therefore, to have applied with much assiduity or zeal to his new pursuit: his favourite authors continued to engage most of his attention; and his attachment to poetry acquired new force, by the contrast which the splendid visions of Shakspeare and Tasso bore to the naked abstractions and tormenting subtleties of Blackstone and Coke.

He was placed under the direction of Alexander Hamilton, who was a friend of his father, and who took upon himself, with ardour, the care of perfecting the studies and promoting the fortunes of the son. Instead, however, of becoming enamoured of the glory, excellence, or usefulness that environ the names of Murray and of Erskine, Mr. Linn regarded the legal science every day with new indifference or disgust, which, at the end of the first year, induced him to relinquish the profession altogether.

Before this event took place, he had ventured to produce a dramatic composition, called Bourville Castle, on the stage. This performance was one of the many dramatic works he had previously concerted, but the only one which was ever performed on the stage. Its success was such as had been sufficient to have fixed the literary destiny of some minds. But his dramatic career was scarcely commenced, when it was entirely relinquished. His passion for theatrical amusements yielded place to affections of a more serious and beneficial nature; and those religious impressions, by which, from his earliest infancy, his mind had been occasionally visited, about this time assumed a permanent dominion over him. After much deliberation, he determined to devote his future life to service in the church.

Such a decision, in a youthful and ardent mind, could only flow from deep convictions of duty. The heavy obligations which every clergyman incurs, the extraor dinary claims which are made upon him, not only as a teacher of virtue and religion, but as a living example of their influence, form, to a conscientious mind, the most arduous circumstances of this profession. Consi dered as a calling, by which a subsistence is to be obtained, and a family reared, its disadvantages are very numerous. He is entirely precluded from any collateral and lucrative application of his time or talents, not only by the constant pressure of his clerical duties, but by the general sense of decorum; while the stipend he receives from the church is in many cases inadequate to decent subsistence, and in no case does it more than an

The example of Mr. Linn, however, may lead us to distinguish between that admiration for the drama, which leads some persons to the theatre, and those dissolute and idle habits, by which the attendance of others is produced, and which evince a taste for the life and manners of the actor, rather than a passion for excellent acting. The moral conduct of this youth was at all times irreproachable; and the impression made upon his fancy, by the great masters of the drama, seems to have contributed to his security from low tastes and vicious pleasures, rather than to have laid him open to their in-swer the current necessities and demands of a family. fluence.

The clergyman deprives himself of all means of provid ing for the establishment of his children in trade or in marriage, or even for the period of age or infirmity in himself, by embracing a profession which, in many ca ses, appears to have a tendency to impair his health, and to shorten the duration of his life.

When his academical career was finished, he was 18 years of age; and it being necessary to adopt some profession, his choice, and that of his family, fell upon the law. The law leads more directly and effectually to honour, power and profit, in America, than any of what are termed the liberal professions. As we are strangers In Mr. Linn's case, these sacrifices were greater than to all hereditary distinctions, the road to eminence is ordinary. There were many circumstances to inspire open to all; and while the practice of the law is ex- his generous mind with unusual and commendable solitremely lucrative, it tends to bring forth talents and in-citude for the acquisition of fortune, and his new endustry into public notice, and to recommend men to offices of profit and honour. A young man who, though meanly descended, shows some marks of genius, and has received some degree of education beyond that of mere reading and writing his native tongue, seldom thinks of pursuing any mechanical trade, and if he has some ambition, he is generally educated to the bar. He is thus placed in the direct road of that profit and ho-tance. nour, which waits on political popularity, and may put in his claim, with more success than the followers of any other calling, for a seat in the national councils, and for any official station. The children of persons who are raised fabove others, by their riches or station, are, of

gagements were incompatible with those pursuits, which had hitherto formed his chief passion, and engrossed the greater portion of his time. Such, however, was the strength of his mind, and the force of his religious impressions, that not only the prospects of power and riches, but the more bewitching promises of dramatic popularity, were renounced with little hesitation or reluc

New York was, in some respects, an eligible place for prosecuting theological as well as legal studies, but Mr. Linn weighed its disadvantages and benefits with too impartial a hand to allow himself to remain there.Along with his former habits and pursuits, he perceived

the necessity of relinquishing many of his former companions, and abandoning the scenes to which he had been accustomed to resort. His prudence directed him to withdraw as much as possible from the busy and luxurious world, and to put far away all those objects which were calculated to divert him from the object to which he had deliberately devoted his future life.

With these views he left New York, and retired to Schenectady. He there put himself under the care of Dr. Romeyn, a professor of theology in the Reformed Dutch Church. His zeal and resolution appear to have continually increased in favour of his new pursuit. Experience, indeed, gradually unfolded difficulties of which he had not been at first aware. The importance and arduousness of the part which he had assigned himself became daily more apparent, but these discoveries diminished not his zeal, though they somewhat appalled his courage. In a letter to his father, written during his probation, and after a short visit to his family, he says, "When I was in New York, I saw more clearly than I had ever yet seen, the road of preferment which I have forsaken. I saw more clearly than ever, that worldly friendship and favour follow the footsteps of pomp and ambition. I hope, however, never to have cause to regret the choice I have made. I hope to see more and more the little worth of earthly things, and the infinite importance of those which are eternal. As I have no treasures on earth, may I lay up treasures in heaven.

The disgust which I contracted for the law, might perhaps chiefly arise from a sickly and over delicate taste. The pages of Coke and Blackstone contained, to my apprehension, nothing but horrid jargon. The language of the science was discord, and its methods the perfection of confusion to me; and this, whether a fault in me or not, I cannot tell, but certain I am it was past remedy. But my aversion to the bar had something else in it than the mere loathing of taste. I could not bear its tricks and artifices, the enlisting of all one's wit and wisdom in the service of any one that could pay for them.

My mind, which has been for a long time restless and uneasy, and continually on the wing, feels already, in this state of comparative solitude, that sober and quiet peace, to which it has been long a stranger. I regret not the gay objects of New York, which I have exchanged for the now dreary scenes of Schenectady. The pleasures of my former life were often the pleasures of an hour, leaving behind them the anxieties of days and of years. A very few excepted, I regret not those friends of my early youth, from whom I have removed. Friendship is in most cases only a weathercock, shifting with the lightest gale, and scarcely stable long enough to be viewed. The applause of men I no longer prize, and self-approbation becomes every day of greater value."

In this retreat he pursued his studies assiduously.How he employed his leisure, what books he read, what society he enjoyed, and what particular advances he made in knowledge or in virtue, in the government of himself or his acquaintance with the world, it is not in the power of the present narrator to communicate. It appears, however, that he indulged himself in some poetical effusions, and wrote occasionally some essays in prose, which were published in a newspaper of that place. Though not unworthy of praise from so young a man, their intrinsic merit does not entitle them to preservation.

He obtained a license to preach from the classis of Albany, in the year 1798, having just entered his twenty second year. Having now an opportunity of displaying his qualifications of taste, knowledge and piety, the world soon became acquainted with his character. His merits in the pulpit were enhanced by his youth; a circumstance, which while it afforded an apology for some exuberances of style and sentiment, imparted lively expectations of future excellence. He received calls from the presbyterian church at Elizabethtown, New Jersey,

and from the first presbyterian church at Philadelphia, than which there were no religious congregations in America, whose choice could be more honourable to the object of it.

He finally decided, though not without much hesitation and reluctance; in favour of the latter situation. In this he was influenced by many motives besides those, which, in such a case, would naturally operate upon a young mind, eager for distinction. The principal of these originated in diffidence of his own powers, which he justly imagined would be subject to less arduous trials, as an assistant minister, or co-pastor, than where the sole charge should devolve upon himself. Under the auspices of so illustrious a colleague as the late Dr. Ewing, he hoped to enter on his important office with fewer disadvantages than most young men are subjected to. The errors of youth and inexperience would be less fatal, and would be more easily prevented and corrected, than in a different situation. The paternal treatment he always received from Dr. Ewing fulfilled these hopes, and his decision in their favour was fully justified by the veneration and affection of his people. He was ordained, and installed in his office, in June, 1799.

He had very early bestowed his affections on Miss Hester Bailey, a young lady of beauty and merit, daughter of Col. John Bailey, a respectable inhabitant of Poughkeepsie, in the state of New York. On his settlement at Philadelphia, he married this lady. The fruits of this alliance, which was interrupted by death at the end of five years, were three sons, the two youngest of whom survived their father.—[To be Continued.


From the recovered Minutes of Council. Dec. 1, 1759. The committee appointed to prepare a draft of an address to our new governor, laid the same before the Board for their consideration, and after some amendments were made, it was approved of, and a committee appointed to wait on the governor to know when and where it would be agreeable to his honour, that this Board should attend him.

It being proposed that an entertainment be provided for his honor, the governor, at the expense of this board, the same was agreed to; and Alderman Plumstead, Thomas Willing and William Bingham, were desired to prepare the said entertainment at the lodge, on Thursday next, and invite the members of assembly and such other gentlemen as they should think fit.

The gentlemen who went on a message to the governor, returned and acquainted the Board that he was ready to receive them at the house of William Allen, Esq. Whereupon, the Board went in a body to wait upon him, and the address was delivered by the recorder and then presented to his honor in the following words, viz.

"To the honourable James Hamilton, Esq. lieutenant governor and commander-in-chief of the province of Pennsylvania, and counties of New Castle, Kent, and Sussex, on Delaware. The address of the Mayor and Commonalty of the city of Philadelphia, May it please your honour,

"We, the Mayor and Commonalty of the city of Philadelphia, do most sincerely congratulate you on your appointment to this government and safe arrival among us.

We esteem it a peculiar happiness to the people of this province that the government of it is committed to a gentleman who has heretofore presided in that station, with the strictest honour and integrity.

The experience we have had of your abilities, your steady attachment to the principles of real liberty, and your known abhorrence of every species of venality and corruption, cannot but give the highest pleasure and satisfaction to all those who are true friends to the interest of this colony.

These considerations excite us with grateful hearts to acknowledge his majesty's paternal regard in approving

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