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in sa river parallel with sa Lebanon has not been granted-But the profits of assisting to the crossing s river against sa Lebanon have been ingrossed by those that live not in the State of New-Hampshire, & have no estate therein, & can easily evade any law of sa State for the regulation of Ferries-Your Petitioner therefore prays, the granting to him & his heirs the privilege of a ferry, beginning at the Northwest Corner of his house. Lott in s Lebanon-thence extending across så river in a direct line with the north line of sd Lott to the western bank of sd river-thence south on sa bank one mile & an half-thence east across så river to the North bank of the river Mascoma-thence North on the eastern bank of the first mentioned river to the first mentioned bound—as in duty bound shall ever pray William Dana

[Petition granted.—ED.]


[Petition for a new Town, 1785.]

State of New Hampshire—

To the Honarable the Senate, and House of Representatives in General Court to be convened at Concord on the Third Wednesday of October instant

The petition of Elisha Payne and others Inhabitants of the Towns of Lebanon Hanover-Enfield and Canaan in said State, humbly shew that their local situation is such, being in the four adjoining corners or parts of said towns, and so remote from the centre of the Respective Towns to which they belong, and the places of their holding Town and other publick Meetings that renders it very inconvenient and allmost_imposable for them to attend especially on the sabbath or Lords day. That the Territory of land here after discribed, being about four Miles square is so situated, and the laying of the rhodes through the same such, that makes it convenient for them to be a district or Town of themselves, and will Not hurt or injure the respective towns from which they may be taken off. Your petitioners therefore humbly pray Your Honers to take their case into Your wise consideration and Grant them relief, by allowing them an incorporation with Town privileges agreeably to the following limits and boundaries, viz begining at the Northwest corner of lot N° 50, of the village lots so called, in the line between said Lebanon and Hanover from thence runing south 23° west by the westerly line of said Village lots untill it comes to Masquama River, then turning and runing up said River and crossing the same to the southwest corner of Lot N° 26 on the southerly side of said River from thence southerly a strate line to the southwest corner of lot N° 9 on

the Northerly side of Enfield Rhode (so called) Thence south 72 degrees east by said Enfield Rhode to the east line of Lebanon called the Freeman line, and to continue the same course in said Enfield one Mile and a half thence turning off and runing North 36° E. parilel with the Town line until it comes to said River thence up the River to the Bridge standing on said River in Canaan from thence North 36° East so far as one Mile and a quarter from Enfield North line thence turning off and Runing North 64° west through part of Canaan and into said town of Hanover to the Northeast corner of Lot No. 13 and by the Northerly line thereof and by the Northerly line of three lots, No 3 untill it comes to lot No. 17 thence turning off by said lot No 17, 18 and 19 and so continue the same cours to the line between Lebanon and Hanover thence by said line to the Bounds began at which tract or territory of land as above discribed, Your Petitioners pray May be by Your Honers incorporated into a district or town by name of and the inhabitants thereof invested with all the powers priviledges and immunitys that other towns or districts under the like circumstances within the State have and injoye, or in some other way grant Your petitioners relief in the premises as Your Honers in Your wisdom shall Judge Most convenient and Your petitioners in duty bound will ever

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[The petitioners did not succeed in their efforts to obtain the incorporation of a new town.—ED.]


[Samuel Bailey for a Ferry, 1785.]

State of New Hampsh

To the Honble Senate & house of Representatives in General Court Convend at Portsmouth on ye first wensday of June 1785

The Petition of Samuel Bailey of Lebanon humbly sheweth

that your petitioner hath purchas'd afarm adjoining Conecticut River where there has been a ferry kept for several years likewise your petitioner has purchased the boats that has been Improved at s Ferry wherefore your petitioner humbly prayeth that your Hon" may take his Čase under your wise consideration and grant to your Petitioner the Exclusive Right of a ferry from the mouth of white River to ye mouth of Mascame River being about one mile & an half to him and his Heirs and assigns and your Petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray Sam" Bailey

[In H. of Rep., Feb. 10, 1786, the foregoing petition was granted.-ED.]

[6-40] [Relative to the Charter of the Town, 1786.]

State of Newhampre

To the Honourable the Senate, & house of Representatives Convened at Concord, the first Wednesday in June 1786

The Petition of the proprietors of Lebanon humbly sheweth, that in the year 1765-after the Charter, & Records of said Proprietors, ware Transposed, from Mansfield, (in the then Colony of Connecticut,) to said Lebanon, the said Charter, was kept by Lieut Levi Hyde, in a Chest, fill with Clothes, into which Chest some mice Got in, unperceived, & Doubtless ware lockt in, as two of them ware found Dead, in said Chest, some time after, & we suppose that in the time of their Confinement, they happened to find the way to said Charter, which was folded together; and did Eat, and Deface it: Considerably: yet not so as to Destroy it, as may appear on view thereof, and as there was an Exact Entry made of said Charter in the Records of said proprietors, (which we have sent by Rob' Colburn Our Agent, to Satisfie your Honours of the truth of facts,) we humbly Conceive that your Honours will find no Reasonable Objection, against Your Honours Granting the Request of your petitioners; which is, that your Honours would please to Order the Secretary of said State to make an Entry of said Charter, in the Records of said State and as we Trust; that Justice & Equity, is the Grand and invariable Bases, of your Honours, Determinations, in all matters, and things that Relate to the State in General, as well as Single Communities; We the more Chearfully Crave your Honours Compliance with our Request; And as in Duty bound; Shall Ever pray

Dated in said Lebanon This 10th Day of June, 1786

Jn° Wheatley Propts ClerkBy order of, & in behalf of s proptra


[Relative to Town Boundaries, 1786.]

To the Honble the Senate & House of Representatives of the State of New Hampshire convened at Concord the first Wednesday of June AD 1786

The Petition of Elisha Payne of Lebanon in the County of Grafton Esq agent for the Proprietors of the Township of Lebanon aforesaid, & Jesse Johnson of Hampstead in the County of Rockingham Esq' agent for the township of Enfield in said County of Grafton-Humbly shews that the Proprietors of Lebanon & Enfield aforesaid for the amicable settlement of divers suits & controversies have appointed your Petitioners as their Agents to request your Honors to empower & authorize three persons, hereafter to be named by your Petitioners, to be a Committee with full power & authority to settle & establish the boundaries & lines between the Towns aforesaid—And that if any person or persons who have purchased lands of any of the proprietors of Enfield should fall within the limits of the Township of Lebanon the said proprietors of Lebanon shall relinquish all right to such lands to such purchaser or purchasers upon their paying the value of said Lands estimating the same as wild unimproved Lands-& so vice versa if any person or persons who purchased lands of the proprietors of Lebanon should fall within the limits of Enfield.

And your Petitioners as in duty bound shall ever pray
Concord 16th June 1786

Elisha Payne

Jesse Johnson

[In H. of Rep., June 16, 1786, the foregoing petitioners were granted "leave to bring in a bill." leave to bring in a bill." The following is the committee's report:-ED.]

[6-42] [Report of Committee on Boundaries, 1786.]

State of New Hampe Grafton ss

Whareas we the Subscribers Being Oppinted a Committee by the Honor General Assembly of said State to Establish the Boundaris between the towns of Lebanon and Enfield have meet acordingly upon said towns and after Due Examination of the Bounds and Lins of sd towns of Lebanon and infield, Porceeded as foloweth firstly begain at a white Pine tree marked on the Easterly Bank of Conacutt River which is Caled the agreement tree between sa Lebanon and Plainfield and thence mesured easterly on the line Between s Lebanon and Plainfield

six milds to a Stake and Stone Comonly Known by the name of Sumners Bound then Examined the Lins and Records Shewen us Between sa Lebanon and Enfield and find a Bound Standing at the Northeasterly Corner of sa Lebanon Comonnly Known by the name of the Birch tree but s tree being fell Down a Stake and Stons Eracted in the place whare said Birch tree stood; and we Do Establish the first said Stake and Stons Coled Sumnors Bound to be a Bound between sd Lebanon and infield on the Southerly Side of s towns, and the said Birch tree (now Stake and Stons) to be the northerly Bounds between sd Lebanon and infield and Do order that a Strat Line be Drawen between s Sumnors Bond and said Birch tree or Stake standing in the place of said Birch to be the Deviding Line between said Lebanon and said infield, and have Recommended to said Committee to settle with all Pursons who are on Land in ether of sd towns which shall fall out of the town which he settled in the best way which thay Can acording to ower orders from så Gen" assembly

which is Humbly Submited

October y 23: 1786

Charles Johnston
Jeremiah Page

Moses Chase



[Certificate of Nails made, 1791.]

This certifies that Daniel Robinson of Lebanon in the County of Grafton and State of New Hampshire has made or caused to be made three hundred thousand of wrought ten penny nails between the eighth day of Feb Anno Domini 1789 and the twentieth day of Jan' current

In Witness whereof the Selectmen of sd Lebanon hereunto set their hands & Seals & the nearest justice of the peace countersigns this 28th day of Jan' Anno Domini 1791

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Feb 1791 Received an Order on the Treasurer for fifteen


Jon Freeman

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