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honors are Wonted To Endulge Prop" in the Like Circumstan-
ces & Your Memorialist Shall Ever pray-

Jan 24 1763.

Tho Sumner

[The foregoing petition was granted by a regrant of the
township by the name of Gilsum, July 13, 1763.—Ed.]

Portsmo July 13, 1768—

Sampson Stoddard
Jon Blanchard

[The foregoing was granted. See introduction.-ED.]


[Relative to Gen. James Reed, 1775.]

To the respectable Body of Delegates Assembled in Provin-
cial Congress at Exeter in New Hampshire-The Petition of a
Considerable number of the Inhabitants of Said Province.

Humbly Sheweth-That your Petitioners are Strongly at-
tached to the true Interest, welfare and safety of this their native
Country, and are willing to Exert themselves to the utmost in

the Defence of their Just and Constitutional rights and Priviledges and imagine that any man or Bodies of men who endeavor to wrest them from us ought to be anathematized—

It is real anxiety and concern for our Distressed Country, which causes us thus to trouble you at this time, Your Petitioners apprehend (not that we would Presume to Dictate) that all Persons who have in any measure or Degree Discovered themselves inimical to those Persons, (who have from the first rise of the Controversy Betwixt Great Brittain and the Colonies, approved themselves to their Fellow Countrymen true and Disinterested Patriots, or those who have Derided and Set at nought the Proceedings and resolutions of the united Wisdom of the Colonies in the Late Continental Congress) ought not to Sustain any Office, Either Civil or military in this Critical conjuncture of affairs-Upon a review of these Sentiments, we were not a Little Surprised to here that James Reed Esq of Fitzwilliam was not only in nomination but Actually Appointed a Commander of a Regiment in the Army to be raised for Defending those rights and Immunities which, by some past Conduct we have reason to think were not very highly Esteemed by him; it is truely painfull for us, thus to Impeach the Character of a reputed Gentleman, much more that, of one who otherwise is really so; yet we imagine the Exigency of our affairs will in a Great Measure, if not altogether, attone for Such a Measure of Proceedure, We Earnestly Desire that neither he or any other Person (who have not Approved, themselves Steady and real Friends to the Great and Glorious Cause in which we are Engaged) Should be Promoted Either in the Civil or Military Lists, Gentlemen Your Influence in this matter will Oblige Thousands besides Your Humble Servants

[blocks in formation]


[Relative to a Wire Factory, 1776.]

To the Honorable Council and house of Representitves of the Colony of New Hampshire.

The Petetion of Joel Kilbourn of Gillsum in said Colony Humbly Sheweth Whereas Your Petetionor being Desirous to Carry on the Business of Makeing Wire and having found by Experience that he can make any Size of iron Wire to Good Perfection yet not being able to Set up the Works unless said

Wire is Sold at much Grater Price than usal-Therefore Humbly Desires Your Honours to take the matter into Consideration and if in Your Wisdom You think Proper to Encourage Said Manafacture by Allowing Your Petitioner a Sum that may Enable him to Set up s works he will Engage to Sell Said Wire as Cheap as Possable he Being Desireous to Serve the publick in the Best Manner he is able for Which Great Liberality towards him and the Public your Petetioner as in Duty bound Shall Ever pray

Gillsum May 24th 1776

Joel Kilburne

We the Subscribers being Desireous that the Manufacture of makeing Wire may be Set up and being Acquainted with the ingenuity and fidelity of the Petetioner by his Desire have Set our Names here to

Ephraim Dorman

Stephen Griswold
Ebenezer Dewey Ju
Pelatiah Pease

Signers in Keen
Tho Baker
John Houghton
Achilles Mansfield
Rob Gillmor

[blocks in formation]

Joseph Blake

Josiah Richardson

William woods.

James Hunt
Benja Hall
Silas Cook



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[4-103] [Relative to Collection of Taxes, 1782.]

Cheshire ss June 7th 1782

Then Personally appeared James Roe Constable for the Town of Gilsum for the Year 1780 and to whom a Warrant was directed and delivered for Collecting the Quota of Continental Money for said Town of Gilsum, assessed upon said Town agreeable to an Act passed the Gen' Assembly of the State of New Hampshire March 15th 1780, for calling in the sd States quota or Proportion of the Bills of Credit emitted by the Continental Congress, and after being Carefully examined and cautioned to testify the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth made Oath, that the enclosed Continental Currency counted by, and told by me amounting in the whole to seven hundred and twelve dollars and four shillings was taken and received, the same Identical Money upon the Rate to me delivered, and upon så Warrant, before the twenty seventh day of June 1781 and is part of the said Roes collection on said Warrant and none of said Money was received after the said twenty seventh day of June Tho Baker Just Peac


[Return of Ratable Polls, 1784.]

Surry 23 March 1784

To Nath' S Prentice Esq'-Representative for Alstead Surry & Marlow

Sir from the principle Inhabitants of Gilsom the Town Class with Surry we are certified that there is Sixty Eight Male polls paying Each One a poll Tax for himself within there Town which you may venture to certify to the Gen' Court at your Option Lem" Holmes Town Clark Surry


The legal Voters of the town of Gilsum that are quallefied acording to law to vote for representation are 71

Dated at Gilsum

March 26th 1784

Levi Bliss


Ebenezer Church Men


[Petition for a New Town.]

Cheshire ss State of New Hampshire

To the Town of Packerfield in said county the Petetion of us the Subscribers Humbly Sheweth—

That Whereas your humble petetioners Living in the most Remote Corners of the Several Towns viz the Northeast Corner of Keen the Southeast Corner of Gillsom and the South west Corner of Stoddard many of us living Six or Seven miles from publick Worship and the roads being exceding bad and by reason of many inconveniences we labour under on that Accountwe therefore humbly pray that the Town of Packerfield would take our Circumstances into Consideration and insert an Article in the Warrant or Notification of your next Annual meeting to Se if it be the minds of the Town to Set off Some part of your Town viz from the Northwest Corner East Two Miles and South two Miles and half that so with the Corners of the Above mentioned adjoining Towns we should be able to form a Distinct Town-which Request if Granted we your Humble petetioners as in Duty Bound Shall ever pray

To the Hon Select men of the Town of Packerfield

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[blocks in formation]

Voted to aloue the within Protision

Provided that the other Parts Jenly and Severly Jone togather

[blocks in formation]

This may Certify the Honourable General Court of the State of Newhampshire Next to be holden at Charlestown That at A Legal town Meeting of the inhabitants of Gilsum holden in said. town the first Day of December Last the third article in the Warrant for Said Meeting Being to Se if the town would take any method to oppose the East Part of the town Being Set off Passed in the Negative it Being the Last time that any Article has Been inserted in any Warrant for That purpose―

A true Coppy


Attest Timothy Dewey T. Clerk

Gilsum December 1st 1786

This may Certify the Honourable general Court of this State that the town of Gilsum Have Been Servd with a Coppy of the petition and order of Court thereon with Regard to Being incorporated into a Distinct town when Connected with a part of stoddard keene and packersfield agreeable to a petition sent to the honourable Court the Last sessions

Jonathan Adams Select
Ebenezer Bill Jmen

[The south-east corner of the town was set off, and, with portions of Stoddard, Nelson, and Keene, incorporated into the town of Sullivan by an act passed Sept. 27, 1787.-ED.]

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