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[4-230] [Petition relative to making a new Town of the West Part, 1736.]

To his Excellency Jonathan Belcher Esq' Governour and Commander in Chief in and over his Majesties province of New Hamp' to the Honourable his Majesties Council of the s province, and the Representatives in gen" Assembly convened at Portsm° in the sd province, this 8th day of March an: Domini 1736/7

The Petition of Joseph Wadley Ezekiel Dow John Batchelder and Jonathan Prescut John Wear most humbly Sheweth

That at the Sessions of the gen" Assembly of this province in the month of May-A: D: 1735. Your Petitioners with Sundry others to the Number of about Sixty who were Inhabitants of the West part of Hampton Falls parish did prefer a Petition to Your Excellency and the Honourable Assembly praying that they might be Set of a Seperate Parish by themselves, which Petition was acted upon at the last Sessions of the assembly after a full hearing of the sa Parish by their Attornies, on the one part and Your Petitioners and their other Companions on the other part and there it was ordered by Your Excellency and the Honourable Assembly that a Committee Should be appointed to goe upon the Spot and make enquiry into the affair, to Survey the whole parish and to See whether it was big enough for Two, and if they found it was big enough for Two then to prefix a Line and to make a return to the gen" Assembly on the third day of their Sessions, and your Petitioners further Shew that Soon after the passing of that order both the Petition and order are Consumed to ashes in the burning of the Secretaries house in whose keeping they were, and that notwithstanding they were So consumed and destroyed yet the Committee who were appointed have proceeded and acted thereon, and it being now the time appointed for them to make their return thereof, they are accordingly attending for that end, your Petitioners therefore pray that your Excellency and the Honourable Assembly will please to accept thereof and to confirm the Same, so your Petitioners Shall ever pray &c

Jonathan Prescut
John Weare

Joseph wadleigh
Ezekiel Dow

John Bachelder

[4-231] [Committee appointed to fix Division Line, ana Report of said Committee, 1736.]

Prov of New Hamps' Aprill 24-1736

In the House of Representatives

The Inhabitants of the West end of Hampton was heard on

theire Petition for a Precinct, according to the day Limitted Last Sessions and the parrish of Hampton falls was present by their Selectmen and both parties heard

And voted that there be a Committee

Entred on the Back of the Petition viz

The within Petition was Read & the Petitioners and the select men of Hampton falls parish was heard thereon by their Councill

The House having Considered thereon

Voted Capt Edward Hall and m' Samuell Palmer be a Committee of this House to Joyne with Such as the Honble the Councill Shall appoint, to Go and view Hampton falls parish, and See if at present its Reasonable there be a new precinct Set off,

and if in their Judgment it oft So to be, Then to view the precinct and Consider what district may be Set off to them having regard to the Quaintity & Quallity of the Land, and to make return to the next Gen" assembly on the third day of their Sitting and Each party pay half the Charges of Said Committee

James Jeffry Cle' assm

the same day a Messa Came down that the Board had Concurr'd with the above Vote and that Theodore Atkinson & Joseph Sherburn Esq' were appointed a Committee by the Board to Joyne the Committe of the House on the affaire of Hampton falls

Copy out of the Journall of the House of Representatives

Attest James Jeffry Cle' assTM

According to the within Vote we whose names are under written have been at Hampton falls Parrish & do report thereon that we apprehend that the best Place for a Dividing Line in case the Governm Should think Proper to Divide the Sa Parrish is to begin at Stone Bridge & run West & by North half a mile & from thence on a Streight Line till it Crosses Horse hill road forty rods below or to the Eastward of Jona Browns House & so on a Streight continued Line till it Intersects the Dividing Line between Salisbury & Hampton & from the beginning of the first S Half mile above Stone Bridge the S Line to Extend on the Same Course as from Salisbury Line to Exeter Line

Septemb' 2d 1736

Joseph Sherburn
Theodore Atkinson
Edward Hall
Samuel Palmer


[Action of Legislature.]

Mar. 29th 1737. In the House of Representatives The Petitioners of the within Petition was heard (the opposite parties not appearing) & voted: That the prayer of the Petition be granted, and the Petitioners be set of a Distinct Parish according to the Bound prefixt In the Returne Committe; and that they have Liberty to Bring in theire Bill accordingly

In Council March 30: 1737

Read and Concurred

James Jeffry Cl' Assm

Same day assented to J. Belcher.

Richd waldron Sec

[An act passed, April 1, 1737, incorporating the territory asked for into a "distinct parish by the name of Kensington." The following September another act was passed slightly changing the bounds.-ED.]

[4-232] [Petition for a Change of Dates of the Fairs, 1738.]

To Jonathan Belcher Esq' Capt Genaral Govournour and Cumander In Cheaf In and Over his Majeste Province of y° Masachusetts Bay In Newengland And thes His Majestes Province of Newhampshier

The Most Humble Petition of us the Subscribers Selectmen for ye Parrish of Hampton falls in Behalf of sd Parish Most Humbly Sheweth That altho with humble Thankfullness we Acknowledg your Exelencyes and Hon" Goodness and favour done unto us in Granting unto us & our Successors for Ever to Hould And Keep Two Fairs in a Year the first to begin upon the Last Tusday in Apriel And the other to begin the Last Tusday in October Yearly Which Grant was made ye 24th day of Oct A. D. 1734

Yett Since it So happens that our first Fair proves to be in the midest of our planting Seasond-Viz, that in Apriel And that in October proves to be too Late upon Account of what we have to Despose of Cheafly As Grass fead Cattle Sheep &cWhich to Geather with many Other Reasonds too tedeious to Trouble your Exelencies and Hon" with

We Your Most Humble Petitionours most Humbly Pray That Your Exelencie And this Honble Councel wold pleas to alter our Fairs for the feuture

That for the Time to Come the Fairs here may begin upon the Second tusday in June and Continue two days

Also That for ye time to Come our fall Fair begin upon the third Tusday in September Anualy and for ever & continue two days And that a Clark be also Appointed to attend sd Fair According to what may be Coustomary or Necessary for ye Good of the publick And what Others Mesurs to prevent Disorders eviel Deeds and all breaches of Law As You In Your Great wisdom may See meet

And As in Deuty Bound Shall ever pray

And we Humbly Pray that Mr John Brown may be aloued to prefer this our Petition And to Make Answars if Need Require

Hampton falls November 7: 1738

[blocks in formation]

[4-233] [Petition for the granting of a Township, 1749.] To his Excellency Benning Wentworth Esq' Governour and Commander in Chief in and Over his Majestys Province of New Hamps in New-England, And the Honble his Majestys Councill for Said Province

Humbly Shew Your Petitioners Inhabitants of the Parish of Hampton falls in Said Province That Your Petitioners being Informed that Your Excellency now proposes to make Grants of Tracts of Land Sutable for Townships, And we having most of us families for whose Settlement we are Concern'd to Provide, so that a Grant of Land would be Very Serviceable to us, And many of us having hitherto had no Share in Grants which heretofore have been made And being Desirous to Share with others in Such Grants as may now be made, We pray that we may have a Grant of a tract of Land Sutable for a Township in Some Convenient Place, And as the Season of the Year will not Admitt us now to look Out a Place and take a Plan thereof, We pray that we may have the Liberty when the Season of the Year will allow thereof to Look out some Sutable place without the Grants which are already made, And take a Plan thereof And may have the Same Granted to us And Your Petitioners shall Ever Pray &c

Hampton falls Feb 19, 1749

Nath' Weare

Jonathan Fifield
Jonathan Green
Richard Nason

Meshech Weare
Josiah Bachelder
Joseph Perkins
Joseph Whipple

Stephen Healey
Jeremiah Brown
Sam" Prescut
Joseph Bachelder

[blocks in formation]

[4-234] [Petition of Quakers relative to Service in the Army,


Province of New Hampshire

To Benning Wentworth Governour and Commander in Cheif in and over said Province the Council and assembly of said Province. In General assembly February 3, 1761.—

The Petition of John Brown and Elijah Brown of Hampton falls in the Province aforesaid Husbandmen. Being members of the Friendly Society Called Quakers

That in the war Some time about four Years Since the Petition then living togather on their farm in Common and undivided and Elijah Being a minor under the age of Twenty one Years, he was Impressed to go into the war which he Refused to obey as being against his Relegion upon which Refusal Nathan Green a Clerk of a Company to which they said we did Belong Came with a Warrant from the Cheif officer of said Regiment and took a Yoke of good four Year old Steers and Sold them and hired a man to go in the Room of Elijah, the said Steers then being also undivided. But this Grevance would not have been Repeeted had not Something farther been laid upon the Petitioner By an act of the Goverment Called the Quaker act, past the Last Year which they apprehend you have before you to Refer you to it, by which act they are apprehensive that the Court laid a Burden on Some of the Quakers that was never intended by the Court. and Especially on the Petitioners, for after a man being hired out of their Joint Substance they are Tax't by means of the Act aforesaid upwards of fifty pounds old Tenor Each to pay for their part of the people that was Called the Quaker proportion the Last years War Which the Petitioner

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