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Five Standard, Reliable and Comparatively Inexpensive Volumes, covering in the most successful manner the whole field of

the actual needs of the Public School Teacher:

I.-The Complete Writings of David P. Page, edited by J. M. Greenwood, Superintendent Kansas City Schools, contains a new life with portrait of this great educator, and includes the Theory and Practice of Teaching, thoroughly revised and modernized. The Mutual Duties of Parents and Teachers and the "Schoolmaster"-a Dialogue, to which are added the Legal Status of the Teacher, also Reading Outlines-the latter for reading circles, for reviews and as an aid to individual study.

II.-The Teacher in Literature is a publication of exceptional merit, containing selections from ASCHAM, Moliere, Rousseau, Shenstone, Pestalozzi, Cowper, Goethe, Irving, MITFORD, BRONTE, THACKERAY, DICKENS, and others, who have written on educational subjects, from the reign of Queen Elizabeth to the present time. It is a pleasing presentation of the "schools of literature," and illustrates in an exceedingly practical manner the gradual development of the public school system.

III.-Practical Lessons in Science, by Dr. J. T. Scovell, for ten years professor of Natural Science, Indiana State Normal School, is designed to cultivate observation and perception as it deals with the common everyday facts and phenomena which are the familiar events of our lives. It crystallizes the facts and laws of the various sciences and presents an abundance of easy experiments suited to the ordinary school-room conveniences, making it a work of inestimable value to teachers of all grades.

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IV.-Practical Lessons in Psychology, by Prof. W. O. Krohn, of the University of Illinois, is a book on tact and "common sense in teaching. One of the most important requisites of the teacher is a knowledge of at least the elementary principles of the Science of the Mind. Before he can enter intelligently upon his work, he must know something of his own mental powers and have some idea of how to measure the intellectual needs and capabilities of the children under his charge. In no other publication is this subject so comprehensively, so interestingly and so instructively treated.

V.-The Manual of Useful Information, with an Introduction by F. A. Fitzpatrick, Superin tendent Omaha City Schools contains more than 100,000 facts, figures and fancies drawn from every land and language, and carefully classified for the ready reference of the student, the teacher and the home circle. It is a compendium of the most important facts of general interest, and so arranged as to supply the teacher with more food for reflection, more subjects for discussion, more curious and helpful suggestions, and more general exercise material than was ever before published in such convenient and practical form.

These Five Volumes are handsomely printed on heavy paper and elegantly bound in uniform style. Price for the Library complete, $6.50. For further information, address the Publishers.

THE WERNER COMPANY, 160-174 Adams Street, CHICAGO.


THE teacher, more than the member of any other profession, is expected to answer any question that may be propounded by the outside world. This requirement, added to the special technical knowledge needed to successfully impart instruction to the young, puts upon him a heavy burden.

The "Manual of Useful Information" places in the hands of the teacher a mass of information apparently indispensable to any well-informed man, and in such a shape as to be usable. The classification is admirable and of itself possesses great value. The terse, excellent English in which the information is clothed, adds a charm to the book.

In this age the attention of the best thought in education is directed to the unification of studies, relating each to the other in such a way as to unite the entire topics of school-life into a harmonious, complete whole.

One of the greatest difficulties in the way of accomplishing this work of unification has been the meager educational advantages available for the majority of teachers. The necessity which impels many to plunge into the practice of a profession before they have finished their studies, prevents the acquisition of power that would readily know the way to knowledge. Teachers have not known enough of the world, of history, of language, of literature, of the things which go to constitute that acquisition which the educated world calls culture.

Culture may be defined: "To know the best that has been said and done" in all time in such a way as to make the inheritance our own. To the majority of mankind information is a prerequisite of culture.


The information contained in this little Manual is the woof and warp of the more perfect fabric which is to be worked out from these foundations. The material presented has been most carefully selected with a view to assisting teachers to help themselves, and thus to pave the way toward helping their pupils.

In teaching history how useful it will be to the pupils to place on the blackboard day by day some selected topic from "Facts About Our Country."

The items of information contained in the chapter on "Time and Its Landmarks" are related to almost every day's work in geography and history.

The chapter on "Language; Its Use and Misuse," by calling attention to definite, specific points, will illustrate and intensify the generalizations of grammar, and enable the teacher to concentrate his efforts from time to time upon defects which might otherwise escape his attention.


The table of Synonyms and Antonyms" cannot fail to be of immense value to any student or teacher of English. Pointing the way toward the obtaining of a large and plastic vocabulary, its study must surely tend in the direction of a nice appreciation and correct use of language.

Is it desirous to enliven the dreary monotony of a recitation in arithmetic, the chapter on "Mystic Numbers" will furnish both amusement and instruction.

Indeed, with this little volume the teacher may look out upon the world through each and all of twenty-two windows, gathering at a glance the rays of light which are reflected from the elevations which are illuminated and able, in a way, from the radiated light to get a glimpse of the valleys between the heights. Equally valuable to the student or teacher, it is believed that a judicious use in the recitation of the information that may be found within these pages will increase the interest of the pupils and lead to better comprehension of the topics studied.



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