simple rumours, would permit me to use my authority: these rumours, however, have against them the certainty, that there is an armed force in the Seas on the Coast of Africa, North of the Line, which, by its activity, does not permit that, in the adjacent Ports, the illicit Traffick in Slaves should be carried on. It appeares to me, moreover, that no Speculator would propose to himself so great a risk as is that of fortune and credit, in order to obtain such uncertain profits, as have been just shown by the recent capture of Vessels, which, as their Owners affirm, had resorted there for the purpose of carrying on a licit commerce in gold and ivory. However, immediately on sufficient proofs being presented to me, with which I can proceed against the transgressors of the Articles of the Treaty, concluded between His Majesty The Emperor of Brazil and His Britannick Majesty, you may be assured that I will not wait for the least representation on your part, in order to fulfil what is incumbent on me. God preserve you, W. Pennell, Esq MANOEL IGN. DA C. MENESES. No.64.-Mr. Consul Pennell to Mr. Sec. Canning.-(Rec. August 30.) (Extract.) Bahia, 9th June, 1827: I HAVE the honour to enclose a List of the Vessels which have arrived from, and sailed for, Africa, from this Port, from the 1st of April to this date. Of the last 4 Vessels arrived here with Slaves, 3 are from the North, (with 1306 Slaves) and 1 from the South, of the Line, (with 128 Slaves.) I found this assertion on common report, accredited and uncontradicted. I observe the departure of 2 Vessels unusually small, 1 of 13 (the accuracy of which is doubtful) and the other of 14 tons, for the Coast of Guinea; these, I am told, are not to bring Slaves, but to facilitate the operations of other Slave-vessels, for the purpose of better eluding the increased vigilance which has lately been exercised by our Squadron. The Right Hon. George Canning. WM. PENNELL. (Enclosure 1.)-List of Vessels arrived at Bahia, from Africa, from 1st of April to 9th June, 1827; taken from the Register kept at the Arsenal. (Enclosure 2.)-List of Vessels sailed from Bahia for Africa, from 1st April to 9th June, 1827; taken from the Register kept at the Arsenal, I HAVE the honour to inform you, that the Brazilian Brig Felicidade arrived here on the 9th ultimo, from Lisbon, where it appears she was measured 144 tons. She has cleared out, and is now ready for sea, for Cabinda, with liberty to touch at Lisbon. She has been re-measured here, and has obtained a Passport (No. 18, dated June 9, 1827) to import 505 Slaves, making her admeasurement for the Slave-trade 202 tons. I am informed that she was built for the Slave-trade in France, by orders from hence, and that this is her first Voyage. The Right Hon. George Canning. WM. PENNELL. No. 66.-Mr. Consul Pennell to Mr. Secretary Canning. (Extract.) (Received August 30.) Bahia, 4th July, 1827. THE Brig Henriquetta sailed hence for Africa on the 12th May last, after information had been received here that our Cruizers had captured, on the Coast of Guinea, all Brazilian Slave-vessels with or without Slaves on board, founded on new Orders" recently received from the English Government; in consequence, this Vessel sailed with Instructions not to anchor, and with other precautions, to elude the dangers created by these "new Orders," and she arrived here on the 30th ultimo, (being an absence of only 49 days) with a Cargo of 544 Slaves, having been only a few days in what is called by the Trade, dangerous Latitudes. I enclose a Memorandum of the unproved, but undoubted illicit Voyages of this Vessel since March, 1825. It is estimated that the profit on these 6 Voyages amounts to about £80,000; and that her last Voyage alone more than compensates for the loss of 3 Vessels, which have been recently captured, belonging to the same Owner. The Right Hon. George Canning. WM. PENNELL. (Enclosure.)-Memorandum of the Voyages of the Brig Henriquetta from the Coast of Africa, taken from a Register kept at the Arsenal at Bahia. No. 67.-Mr. Consul Pennell to the Earl of Dudley. (Extract.) Bahia, 4th October, 1827. I HAVE had the honour to receive your Lordship's Despatch of 28th of June last, with Instructions to communicate to His Majesty's Envoy at Rio de Janeiro, direct, every occurrence respecting illegal Slave-trade, transmitting Copies of such Communications to your Lordship, for the information of His Majesty's Government. I shall not fail to observe this Instruction. The Right Hon. Viscount Dudley. WM. PENNELL. No. 68.-Mr. Consul Hesketh to Mr. Secretary Canning. (Extract.) (Received March 11.) Maranham, 10th January, 1827. IN reference to my Despatch of this Series, dated October 28, 1826, I regret to state, that the reasonable expectations I then formed of the ultimate Condemnation of the Brazilian Slave-vessel at Para, the Pedro Primeiro, have not been realized. By the last Advices from that Port, dated the 21st ultimo, it appears that, notwithstanding the undeniable illegality of the said Vessel's Voyage from Africa, and the subsequent lawless Proceedings on the Brazilian Coast, the Authorities at Para have accepted a Bond for the Vessel, and allowed her to sail on the 17th ultimo from Para, bound ostensibly to Ceara, but, in all probability, again to the Northern Coast of Africa. Part of the Negroes who were landed from her at Jury are still there, and the others have been by degrees smuggled into this Port on board of Coasters. The Schooner Carolina sailed from hence for the Cape de Verd Islands on the 15th ultimo, and will be, no doubt, again employed in the illicit Slave-trade. This Schooner, when put up at auction, after Condemnation, was, by the most irregular proceedings, secured to the original Owners for the small sum of 575,000 Milreas, that is, about a sixth of her value, or of the price she would have fetched if fairly sold. The Communication between this Port and Rio de Janeiro being now more dilatory and uncertain than ever, I beg leave to transmit a Statement of the Importation of Slaves into Maranham during the Year ending 31st of December, 1826; by it is shewn, that only 3 Vessels arrived from Africa, and that the Negroes landed from them would all have been emancipated, if the operation of the Laws had not been impeded, because they were all from prohibited Ports. The Negroes by these 3 Vessels amounted to 481, and therefore there is only left a lawful Import, coastways, of 130 Slaves during the Year. The Right Hon. George Canning. ROBERT HESKETH, |