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(Enclosure 4.)-List of Cases Adjudged in the Courts of Mixed Commission at Sierra Leone, between the 1st January, 1826, and 1st January, 1827.

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WM. SMITH, Registrar.

No. 8.-His Majesty's Commissioners to Joseph Planta, Jun, Esq. (Received 9th March.)


Sierra Leone, 15th January, 1827. In compliance with the Instructions contained in your Despatch, ander date of the 31st of October, 1826, we have communicated to Messrs. Magnus and Bidwell, that Mr. Canning has been pleased to direct us to promote them, the former to the situation of First Clerk to the British Commissioners, with a Salary of £ 500 a Year, and the latter to that of Second Clerk, with a Salary of £350. We have also acquainted them with Mr. Canning's intentions, in regard to a retired Pension, after 12 Years' actual service at their Post.

We shall pay strict attention to Mr. Canning's wishes, conveyed in the other part of your Despatch, relative to Vacancies by death, or absence, of either, or both, of the Clerks to His Majesty's Commissioners. We have the honour to be, &c.

Joseph Planta, Jun. Esq.


No. 9.-His Majesty's Commissioners to Mr. Secretary Canning. (Received 9th March.)


Sierra Leone, 17th January, 1827. We have the honour to transmit herewith a Copy of the Registry of Slaves emancipated by the Courts of Mixed Commission established in this Colony, for the prevention of illicit Traffick in Slaves, during the period from the 5th day of July, 1826, to the 5th day of January, 1827.

You will observe, Sir, by this Document, that 939 Slaves have been emancipated in that period, that 934 were registered, and that 5 died between the time of emancipation and that of registration. We have the honour to be, &c.

The Right Hon. George Canning.


(Enclosure.)—Register of Slaves emancipated. 5th July, 1826, to 5th January, 1827. (Abstract.)

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No. 10.-His Majesty's Commissioners to Joseph Planta, Jun. Esq (Received 9th March.)


Sierra Leone, 17th January, 1827. ON reference to the Correspondence of the past Year, we find that the List of Cases adjudged in the Courts of Mixed Commission, from the 1st January, 1825, to the 1st January, 1826, was not forwarded with the Abstracts of that Year's proceedings. We take the liberty of correcting that omission, by transmitting the same herewith. We have the honour to be, &c.

Joseph Planta, Jun. Esq.


(Enclosure.)-List of Cases adjudged in the Courts of Mixed Commission at Sierra Leone, between the 1st January, 1825, and 1st January, 1826.

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No. 11.-J. Reffell, Esq. to Jos. Planta, Jun. Esq.-(Rec. 4th April.) (Extract.) Sierra Leone, 27th January, 1827.

I HAD the satisfaction of receiving, on the 22d instant, your Despatch of the 25th November, 1826, in which you acquaint me that Mr. Secretary Canning has received my Letter of the 12th August, and that he will recommend me for the Situation of Registrar to the Mixed Commission Courts established here, which Situation is become vacant by the Appointment of Mr. William Smith to be His Majesty's Commissioner of Arbitration in that Court.

Availing myself, Sir, of the first opportunity which has since offered for the transmission of Letters to England, may I now most respectfully request that you will be pleased to represent to Mr. Canning, the deep sense of gratitude I feel for the kind consideration he has been graciously pleased to honour me with, and which, as it will ever be indelibly engraven on my mind, will, I hope, so govern me in the performance of my duties in the Commission, as best to shew the sincerity of these professions.

. In reference to the mention of Salary attached to this Situation, I beg leave to state, that it is my intention to request permission to resign the Offices I am, at present, holding in the Civil Service of this Colony, from the conviction that they will greatly interfere to prevent the due discharge of my duties as Registrar to the Commissions, and that I therefore trust Mr. Canning will be disposed to allow me the enjoyment of the full Salary of that Appointment, which will then be the only one of emolument I shall hold under His Majesty's Government.

I beg that you will permit me, Sir, to add, that I feel most grateful to you for the kind manner in which you have been pleased to convey Mr. Canning's directions.

Joseph Planta, Jun. Esq.


No. 12. His Majesty's Commissioners to Mr. Secretary Canning.


(Received 14th April.)

Sierra Leone, 19th February, 1827, WE have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch of the 25th November, 1826, acquainting us that Mr. Hamilton's Despatch, (marked General) of the 28th of August, had been referred for the opinion of His Majesty's Law Officer, who had reported that the Treaties, the Commission, and the Provisions of the Act of Parliament for carrying the same into effect, furnish the only safe guide for the exercise of jurisdiction by the Members of the Mixed Commissions. We have the honour to be, &c.

The Right Hon. George Canning.


No. 13.-His Majesty's Commissioners to Mr. Secretary Canning. (Received 14th April.)


Sierra Leone, 19th February, 1827. WE have had the honour to receive your Despatch of the 29th of November, 1826, approving of the Decision of His Majesty's Commissioners in the Case of the Spanish Schooner Nicanor, and acquainting us, that, by a Communication from the Admiralty, it appears, that it would be contrary to the Regulations of His Majesty's Naval Service, to consider the Tenders as in any way distinct from the Ships to which they belong. And that the Lords of the Admiralty have given Orders that the respective Officers commanding the Tenders should each be furnished with the signed Instructions required by the Treaties for the repression of the Slave-trade. We have, &c.

The Right Hon. George Canning.



No. 14.-His Majesty's Commissioners to J. Planta, Jun. Esq.
(Received 14th April.)

Sierra Leone, 19th February, 1827. We have received your Letter of the 25th November, 1826, addressed to the late Mr. Hamilton, acquainting him that Mr. Canning would have pleasure in recommending him for the Appointment of His Majesty's Commissary Judge in the Mixed Court at Sierra Leone, and establishing general Rules as a principle upon which Pensions may be granted for Services rendered in the Situations of Commissary Judge, Commissioner of Arbitration, and of Registrar, under the Mixed Com mission, the Duplicate of which Letter has, in compliance with M. Secretary Canning's desire, been lodged in the Archives of the Court. We have the honour to be, &c.

Joseph Planta, Jun. Esq.


No. 15.-His Majesty's Commissioners to Mr. Secretary Canning. (Received 14th April.)


Sierra Leone, 21st February, 1827 We have the honour to enclose herewith, Copy of a Letter whicl has been addressed to us by Mr. Magnus, First Clerk to His Majesty's Commissioners in this Colony.

In most respectfully requesting your favourable consideration to Mr. Magnus's application, we deem it a duty we owe to that Gentleman to state, that the zeal, attention, and abilities, he has displayed in the execution of his duties, during the period we have had the honour of officiating as His Majesty's Commissioners, have been as important to the Service, as creditable to himself, and that we feel satisfied, from the application of this Gentleman to publick business, that the duties of

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