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THE defection of the rebel States filled the civilized world with sorrow and surprise. Men, high in the confidence of the American people, whose loyalty was not suspected, Cabinet officers, Senators, Members of Congress, and heads of Departments, threw themselves into the vortex of rebellion, and boldly advocated the overthrow of the Government.

Making the success of the Republican party at the last Presidential election a pretext for their disloyalty, the Southern leaders and press, by articles of the most violent character, induced the belief in the minds of the great mass of the Southern people, that it was the mission of that party to exterminate their peculiar institution, and thereby incited them to acts of treason and rebellion. The loyal men of the nation were called upon to suppress the rebellion, and nobly have they responded. To-day, more than six hundred thousand patriotic men,

are ready to bare their bosoms to the enemies of the Government, willing to sacrifice their lives, if need be, in defense of the glorious heritage bequeathed them by their patriotic forefathers.

Desirous of doing his duty in the suppression of the rebellion, the author tendered his services to the Secretary of War, was appointed First Lieutenant in the Eleventh Infantry, U. S. Army, and promoted to a Captaincy in the Quartermaster's Department.

The duties and responsibilities of that Department are so little understood by those who have no connection with it, its officers are so frequently and shamefully misrepresented, that we, who have had nine months' experience in it, owe it to them, as well as the public, to give that experience at the most arduous and difficult post, the base of military operations in the Department of Western Virginia.





IMMEDIATELY after the passage of the Ordinance of Secession by the Richmond Convention, the rebel leaders in Western Virginia commenced the organization of military companies, as they declared, for home protection. Along the line of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad they were especially active, and by their violent threats, to a great extent, overawed the loyal men.

On the 17th of May, fifteen hundred rebels, commanded by Colonel Porterfield, marched into Fetterman, and on the 23d took possession of Grafton.

During this time, the First Regiment of Virginia Infantry was organizing at Wheeling, composed of volunteers principally from Pennsylvania and Ohio. It was mustered into service by Captain William Craig, A. Q. M., U. S. Army, a most energetic and accomplished officer, who performed the arduous

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