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35 and 65 in the Government naturally remain beca work in the manner of living in the District for employees, or whether it is simply that their salarie that they are not able to afford to quit the service, re unable to save sufficiently.

CHAIRMAN. Have you any figures as to the relative an es of women in the Government employ and those in f private institutions and places?

SETHERIDGE. I am not able to give you figures on th ver, the bulletin No. 94, which was published in 1907, ar the last authoritative figures that we have on the civil gh another is to be published in the fall which will b s up to date, shows that 55 per cent of all the employe et in the departments receiving less than $720 per ann


e CHAIRMAN. Less than $720?


CHAIRMAN. That takes in the charwomen, too, does it ss ETHERIDGE. I presume it includes them.

CHAIRMAN. Probably almost entirely; among the cle ew who get less than $720?

SS ETHERIDGE. As to the average in the clerical grad now. However, in the Bureau of Engraving and Print m wrong I will ask to be corrected on this point, becau bsolutely certain, and in the money-counting division sury of the United States, there are many women who we more than $600, and to whom $720 represents a prom e CHAIRMAN. I think that condition in the Treasury stands by itself, from some personal investigation I ha some time ago, and it is one that ought to be correcte au of Engraving and Printing also stands by itself, a v, but the women that you included in the less than ely charwomen, who work only a small portion of the da ss ETHERIDGE. Yes, sir. If I might be allowed a perso ze in this record.

Indian Office, where I am engaged in law te division at a salary of $1,400. I am motion, but haven't received all, as I think, That is only by way of a personal statestion as to salaries which women are reservice.

state, for your encouragement. that I ears at 50 cents a day. I didn't work for

Ten per cent of the civil-service employees and over have. it is interesting to note, a n any other age class in the Government apensation is $1,194, or, roughly, $1,200. dividual cases somewhat larger compensaon that it represents an average which is average salary of those from 75 to 79 is . Of course, when we realize that these at those ages for which we are told people we also realize that it represents an inin the service, who are deprived of posite of compensation in order that these old all of whom are incapable on account of ill receive the salaries; so the injustice is nuated clerks who are kept on working, ly in name, but also to the younger clerks rse, to the Government itself, in that it is am inclined to think that the immediate rvice superannuates under the Keating bil! f money to the Government, as it contemment.

obliged to you.

eth, Chief Clerk of the Treasury Departht, Mr. Wilmeth.

the reti more wo are now

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etirement and hire a new force sufficient to do the work than is now done for the larger amount of mone ow paying. That means, Mr. Chairman, that the d sing money, that there is something wrong with th


nator WOLCOTT. Right there, you say you could take ant of money that it costs now for the clerical force of Department and provide a more efficient force and at carry a retirement compensation

. WILMETH (interposing). That is not exactly my ad a lump fund representing the salaries that are paid ated employees we could take that lump fund, retir ees on what we would consider an equitable rate of pay employees from the fund, who would do a similar a x to the work that is now being done.

enator WOLCOTT. That is to say, you would have what he old superannuated employees come down on a less sa amount saved out of their salaries you would use to em al help; is that the idea?

r. WILMETH. No, sir; that is still not quite my po litor for the War Department told you a while ago as to received by some of the older employees in his office. 7 has been in the Treasury Department, and I think in artments, gradually to scale down the older employees e reached their limit. That is always done reluctantly y. I mean to say, to take the amount of pay or sal wn by the superannuated employees and make a lump f t we would be able to hire new employees from the fur ir places, and retire the old employees on what we would equitable basis of retirement.

Senator WOLCOTT. Which would be at a rate less than the eiving?

Mr. WILMETH. Yes; to be sure. The Treasury Departm ing for a huge amount to do this. The old employees

id you have?

say 10 per cent.

n an increase of 10 per cent? How many - war?

taken on in the neighborhood of a thou

about 10 per cent? slightly in excess of that.

include the Bureau of Engraving and


in favor of the Government taking the

t better for the Government to take the reason I spoke about a while ago.

k you-some one was telling me, I do not day or two, that where governments had ned for some time, that the retired pay ent of the entire pay of the service. Have an you get figures on that?

come prepared with them. I can put

be very glad if you would. Of course, ng on these things, to see just where we

hearings we should get all the facts poswhat the cost is going to be.

be very glad to make it.

be very glad if you would. I do not know


made the statement a while ago that
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ly pensioning its aged employees.
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(The printed

DEAR S your com

employees showing t actual sa

nood eisenere, and nas spent all oг his тe and the s usefulness in the department, it would be a manifest njustice to put him out.

nator WOLCOTT. So it would.

. WILMETH. Many of these older people, too, are veto e CHAIRMAN. Are you in favor of a flat rate of retire oyees in the service after a certain length of time, or a g m?

. WILMETII. I have not given it enough thought to a gently, but my own thought is there should be an arbi lished, and I think the simplest thing would be to m However, I am not committed to that. I am simp my own idea.

he CHAIRMAN. What have you to say about the retir en as well as men? Should they be retired on the same at the same salary-the same retired pay?

r. WILMETH. Well, I have not given any thought to th see, in justice, why that should not be done. I think it sl ne CHAIRMAN. I agree with you on that.

r. WILMETH. The entrance pay is the same and the I les are the same, and they are promoted for the same do the same work. Why should they not be treated th matter of retirement? I think without doubt that should he CHAIRMAN. Is there anything else?

Ir. WILMETH. I believe I have nothing further to say. he CHAIRMAN. When you get a copy of the hearing I ld put in such figures as you desire.


The matter referred to above is included in a letter, whi nted in full, as follows:)

TREASURY DEPARTM Washington, August

EAR SENATOR MCKELLAR: Referring to my testimony some time r committee on the subject of the retirement of superannuated loyees, you will recall your request that I furnish you with a wing the percentage of the cost of a retirement plan as compare al salary of the employees. My investigation on this subjec

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