The Colliery Manager's Handbook: A Comprehensive Treatise on the Laying-out and Working of Collieries Designed as a Book of Reference for Colliery Managers and for the Use of Coal-mining Students Preparing for First-class CertificatesCrosby Lockwood and Son, 1891 - 578 halaman |
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airway allow angles arrangement attached Barnsley boiler bore-hole bottom brattice cage Cannock Wood carbonic acid centre chain chocks coal measures Coal Seam Colliery cubic feet cubic foot cylinder depth distance downcast drill driven drum engine explosion face fathoms feet of air feet per minute fire-damp fireclay fixed flue foot friction furnace hole horizontal horse-power inches in diameter incline iron joint lamp Lancashire boiler length lever lift load Longwall lower means method motion pass Permian pillars pipe piston placed plates pressure props pulley pump quantity of air revolutions per minute riveted road roadway rock rods roof rope round safety-lamps screw shale shown in Fig side sprags square inch stall steam steel strata stroke surface taken temperature thick timber tons tube tubs underground valve velocity ventilation vertical water-gauge weight whilst winding wire wire rope yards دو
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Halaman 26 - Museum of Science and Art. THE MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND ART. Edited by DIONYSIUS LARDNER, DCL, formerly Professor of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy in University College, London. With upwards of 1 200 Engravings on Wood.
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