Should the Purchaser of this little Work be induced to think favourably of it, from his own experience of its usefulness, the Author respectfully THE ISLE OF MAN, THE ISLAND OF MAURITIUS, THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, NEW SOUTH WALES, VAN DIEMEN'S LAND, AND THE BRITISH POSSESSIONS IN AMERICA; Articles Prohibited to be Imported into, or Exported from, AS WELL AS TABLES OF THE DUTIES Payable on British Goods Exported; the Tonnage Duties, Foreign and Coastwise; Tables of the Drawbacks allowed on the Exportation of Foreign Goods, and of the Bounties and Drawbacks of the Customs and Excise, to be paid and allowed on British Goods Exported. COUNTERVAILING DUTIES BETWEEN ENGLAND AND IRELAND, And Practical Remarks and Information Relative to the Entry of Goods for Duty, or Exportation, or to be Warehoused. TOGETHER WITH COPIOUS EXTRACTS FROM THE WAREHOUSING AND NAVIGATION ACTS, And every Order in Council, Treasury Order, and Minute of the Commissioners of the Customs, bearing upon the Subjects treated of; THE WHOLE FORMING A READY REFERENCE FOR MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT, OFFICERS OF THE REVENUE, MERCHANTS, SHIP-OWNERS, BROKERS AND AGENTS, CAPTAINS OF SHIPS, WAREHOUSE-KEEPERS, WHARFINGERS, PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, AND PUBLISHED BY LONGMAN, REES, ORME, BROWN, GREEN, AND LONGMAN. AND SOLD BY A, H. BAILY AND CO., SMITH, ELDER, and co., EFFINGHAM ADVERTISEMENT. As every Session of Parliament introduces changes in the Commercial System of [Entered at Stationers' Hall.] London: Printed by W. CLOWES and SONS, Stamford-street. |