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meeting shall be on the first Monday in November in every year; with a power reserved to each state to recall its delegates, or any of them, at any time within the year, and to send others in their stead for the remainder of the year. Each state shall support its own delegates in a meeting of the states, and while they act as members of the council of state hereinafter mentioned.


In determining questions each state shall have one



The United States assembled shall have the sole and exclusive right and power of determining on peace and war, except in the cases mentioned in the eleventh article: Of establishing rules for deciding, in all cases, what captures on land or water shall be legal: In what manner prizes taken by land or naval forces in the service of the United States shall be divided or appropriated: Granting letters of marque and reprisal in times of peace: Appointing courts for the trial of piracies and felonies committed on the high seas: Establishing courts for receiving and determining finally appeals in all cases of captures: Sending and receiving ambassadors: Entering into treaties and alliances : Deciding all disputes and differences now subsisting, or that hereafter may arise, between two or more states, concerning boundaries, jurisdictions, or any other

cause whatever Coining money and regulating the value thereof: Fixing the standard of weights and measures throughout the United States: Regulating the trade and managing all affairs with the Indians, not members of any of the states: Establishing and regulating postoffices from one state to another, throughout all the United States; and exacting such postage on the papers passing through the same as may be quisite to defray the expenses of said office: Appointing general officers of the land forces in the service of the United States: Commissioning such other officers of the said forces as shall be appointed by virtue of the eighth article: Appointing all the officers of the naval forces in the service of the United States: Making rules for the government and regulation of the said land and naval forces, and directing their operations.

The United States in Congress assembled shall have authority to appoint a council of state, and such committees and civil officers as may be necessary for managing the general affairs of the United States under their direction, while assembled, and their recess under that of the council of state: To appoint one of their number to preside; and a suitable person for secretary; and to adjourn to any time within the year, and to any place within the United States: To agree upon and fix the necessary sums and expenses: To borrow money, or emit bills on the credit of the United States: To build and equip a navy: To agree upon the number of land forces; and to make requisitions from each state for its quota in proportion to the number of white inhabitants in such state; which requisitions shall be binding; and thereupon the legislature

of each state shall appoint the regimental officers, raise the men, and arm and equip them in a soldierlike manner; and the officers and men so armed and equipped shall march to the place appointed, and within the time agreed on, by the United States assembled.

But if the United States in Congress assembled shall, on consideration of circumstances, judge proper that any state or states should not raise men, or should raise a smaller number than the quota or quotas of such state or states, and that any other state or states should raise a greater number of men than the quota or quotas thereof, such extra numbers shall be raised, officered, armed and equipped, in the same manner as the quota or quotas of such state or states, unless the legislature of such state or states respectively shall judge that such extra numbers cannot be safely spared out of the same, in which case they shall raise, officer, arm and equip as many of such extra numbers as they judge can be safely spared. And the officers and men, so armed and equipped, shall march to the place appointed, and within the time agreed on by the United States assembled.

The United States in Congress assembled shall never engage in a war; nor grant letters of marque and reprisal in time of peace; nor enter into any treaties or alliances, except for peace; nor coin money, nor regulate the value thereof; nor agree upon nor fix the sums and expenses necessary for the defence and welfare of the United States, or any of them; nor emit bills; nor borrow money on the credit of the United States; nor appropriate money; nor agree upon the

; nor

number of vessels of war to be built or purchased, or the number of land or sea forces to be raised appoint a commander in chief of the army or navyunless nine states assent to the same: nor shall a question on any other point, except for adjourning from day to day, be determined, unless by the votes of a majority of the United States.

No person shall be capable of being a delegate for more than three years in any term of six years.

No person holding any office under the United States, for which he, or another for his benefit, receives any salary, fees or emolument of any kind, shall be capable of being a delegate.

The assembly of the United States to publish the journal of their proceedings monthly, except such parts thereof relating to treaties, alliances, or military operations, as in their judgment require secrecy; the yeas and nays of the delegates of each state on any question to be entered on the journal when it is desired by any delegate; and the delegates of a state, or any of them, at his or their request, to be furnished with a transcript of the said journal, except such parts as are above excepted, to lay before the legislatures of the several states.


The council of state shall consist of one delegate from each state, to be named annually by the delegates of each state, and where they cannot agree, by the United States assembled.

This council shall have power to receive and open all letters directed to the United States, and to return proper answers; but not to make any engagements that shall be binding on the United States; to correspond with the legislature of every state, and all persons acting under the authority of the United States, or of the said legislatures; to apply to such legislatures, or to the officers in the several states, who are intrusted with the executive powers of government, for occasional aid whenever and wherever necessary; to give council to the commanding officers, and to direct military operations by sea and land, not changing any objects or expeditions determined on by the United States assembled, unless an alteration of circumstances which shall come to the knowledge of the council after the recess of the states shall make such change absolutely necessary; to attend to the defence and preservation of forts and strong posts; to procure intelligence of the condition and designs of the enemy; to expedite the execution of such measures as may be resolved on by the United States assembled, in pursuance of the powers hereby given to them; to draw upon the treasurers for such sums as may be appropriated by the United States assembled, and for the payment of such contracts as the said council may make in pursuance of the powers hereby given to them; to superintend and control or suspend all officers, civil and military, acting under the authority of the United States. In case of the death or removal of any officer within the appointment of the United States assembled, to employ a person to fulfil the duties of such office, until the assembly of the states

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