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read in theological and ecclesiastical lore; he made the study of Church history, next to the Bible, the principal study of his life. For the last forty years he had been engaged in gathering together materials for a 'History of the Baptists,' but owing to the want of patronage the publication of the work was delayed until 1869, when the first part appeared, entitled, History of the Baptists, based upon the Fundamental Doctrines of their System.' Only four parta have been published. The work promised to be a most valuable history in every respect. It is to be hoped that the large mass of materials gathered by him will not be lost." Dr. Evans was widely known and much respected in Wales.

On Wednesday, March 30th, the Rev. A. Tanner (formerly an Independent minister) was baptized by the Rev. R. P. Macmaster, at Counterslip Chapel, Bristol. Previously to being baptized, the rev. gentleman gave a very earnest, impressive, and appropriate address in explanation of his change of views and practice in reference to the ordinance of baptism. In consequence of this change Mr. Tanner is open to an invitation from a Baptist church with a view to the pastorate; and applications may be made through Mr. Macmaster, Bristol, or direct to Rev. A. Tanner, Portishead, near Bristol.

The vacant Classical and Mathematical tutorship in the Baptist College at Rawdon has been filled up by the appointment of the Rev. William Skae, M.A., of Edinburgh. Mr. Skae has long been honourably known in that city as a most accomplished scholar and a highly successful teacher, as well as an occasional preacher in connection with the Scottish Congregational body. For some years past, as we understand, his studies have been much directed to the points in dispute between the Baptists and the Pædobaptists, and the result has been his deliberate adoption of Baptist principles. He has therefore been baptized by the Rev. Jonathan Watson, and, as above stated, is about to enter into official connection with our denomination in England. Mr. Skae has, we believe, become very favourably known to some of our best scholars by his contributions to "The Scottish Educational Journal," "The Journal of Sacred Literature," and to the new edition of Kitto's Biblical Cyclopædia.


SHIRLEY, HANTS.-On Tuesday evening, March 29th, a most interesting service was held in the Baptist Chapel, Shirley, to celebrate the completion of a new school-room. This room has been erected at the back of the chapel, and is very spacious and commodious, being 30 feet by 30 feet 6 inches, and 14 feet in height, with open roof. There is in this nothing remarkable; but the feature which calls for special observation is the mode by which the work was done. It is a fact that every brick in that building was laid, every piece of timber squared and fitted, and every nail driven, by the freely-given labour of the handicraftsmen forming part of the church and congregation. They felt the want, and they set their hands to the work, and being unable to contribute to the payment of skilled workmen, they did contribute that which they had it in their power to give, their own time and energy and skill. After the labours of the day were over, denying themselves the rest which they often sorely needed, they repaired to the work to which they had consecrated them

selves; and far into the night might be heard th sound of axe and hammer, trowel and plane, a slowly but surely the walls were being reared. An now the work is done from roof to foundation, th building is complete, and the members who fille that room on March 29th, and sat down to a mos comfortable tea, could well appreciate the amoun of self-denying labour which had been bestowe upon it. A meeting was held in the chapel afte the tea, presided over by the Hon. James Price of Yewberry House, and there were also presen the Revs. R. Caven and J. Collins, of Southamp ton; J. B. Burt, of Beaulieu; J. Walters, o Freemantle; and Dr. Perrey, the pastor of the church. After a short address from the Chairman upon the Necessity and Benefits of Religious Edu action, the Treasurer presented his report, from which it appeared that £97 38. 7d. had been raised and £101 178. 1d. expended for materials, leavin a balance of £4 13s. 6d. due to the Treasurer, au about £10 5s. outstanding bills, and further neces sary outlay, being altogether about £15, which h hoped would be raised by that meeting. Th speeches which followed from the rev. gentleme above named were characterized by eulogy of th Christian effort displayed, and earnest appeals t all present to consecrate themselves to the sam holy service. The meeting was brought to a con clusion shortly after nine o'clock, after an addres from Dr. Perrey, full of deep thankfulness for th past, and hopeful trust for the future of the churc over which he presides. We are happy to be abl to record that through the liberality of som friends of the cause present, almost all the mone needed was raised at the meeting.

NORLANDS, NEAR HALIFAX.-On Good Friday March 25th, a Baptist church was formed at thi place. The circumstances connected with the ris of the new interest were somewhat unusual and interesting. The persons now constituting the Baptist church had for some time been in com munion with a Reform Methodist Church in the neighbourhood, but recently, rigid terms of sub scription having been presented as the ground o future fellowship, secession was determined upon An upper room was furnished as the place o meeting pro. tem., and opened for Divine servic about twelve months since by Mr. John Clay, member of the First Baptist Church, Halifax. A this time the question of Christian Baptism en gaged the attention of the new congregation, tw of whom were already baptized. The result c inquiry and deliberation was that the remainde decided for baptism, and applied to the Re Thomas Michael, of Halifax, who accordingly in mersed them on the 25th February, at Pellon Lan Chapel, in the presence of a large congregation On Friday, the 25th March, the following service were held by the Revs. T. Michael, of Halifax, an J. Green, of Hebden Bridge. In the morning, Mr Green discoursed on the Nature and Objects of i Christian Church, and Mr. Michael on the Office of a Bishop and Deacons; after which a statement of doctrine, in the words of Scripture, was read a that which the people generally maintained; and on this basis, Mr. Michael formed them into church. Subsequently to this ceremony deacon were elected, and the morning service concluded with the celebration of the Lord's Supper, many friends from Halifax and Hebden Bridge commun ing with the infant church. An early tea having been provided, a crowded evening meeting was held, the Rev. T. Michael taking the chair; Messrs. C. Fawcett, J. Clay, Ostler, and Magson, of Halifax; Rev. J. Green, and William Clay, of Hebden Bridge; and other friends, addressing the

assembly on the Relations of Church and Congregation.


BLENHEIM CHAPEL, LEEDS.-On Good Friday services in connection with the opening of Blenheim Chapel, Leeds, were held, and attracted numerous gatherings of friends from the neighbourhood. The new buildings consist of a chapel capable of accommodating 600 persons, a school-room in the rear 53 feet by 30 feet, a lecture-room, infants' class-room, and three other class-rooms beneath the school-room, vestries, a tea-room, and various other apartments and conveniences. The sermon on Good Friday morning, by the Rev. H. S. Brown, of Liverpool, was preached to a crowded audience. The collection at the conclusion of the service amounted to over £50. A little before one o'clock about eighty ladies and gentlemen partook of a cold collation, provided in the school-room. addition to some of the gentlemen present at the sermon were the Revs. H. S. Brown, W. Thomas, Dr. Crofts, R. Horsfield, &c. After ample justice had been done to the repast, the pastor, the Rev. Dr. Brewer, gave a short address, and called upon Mr. Arton Binns, the chairman of the building committee, to submit a statement of its proceedings. The total cost of the land, buildings, and furniture is little over £5,000, towards which about £4,500 is already paid or promised, leaving a balance of about £500 to be raised at the opening services and at a bazaar. Speeches were afterwards made by Mr. Holroyd, Mr. Paull (architect), Mr. Thomas, Dr. Crofts, and Mr. Brown. At five o'clock a very numerous company partook of tea. After introductory remarks by the Chairman (Rev. Dr. Brewer), the Rev. J. Makepeace gave an address on The Church of Christ in Relation to Individual Effort;" and the Rev. W. Best, B.A., on "The Church of Christ in Relation to the World."

SOUTH PARADE CHAPEL, LEEDS.-This building, which has been closed since the 1st of February, was again used for Divine service on Sunday, April 10th, when sermons were preached, in the Morning by the Rev. J. Makepeace, of Bradford, and in the evening by the Rev. Robert Newton Young, to large congregations. The alterations made include the re-pewing of the body of the chapel, a better system of lighting, the erection of a new organ, the improvement of the Sundayachool accommodation, and general decoration of the interior and painting of the exterior. The works have been executed under the superintendece of Mr. W. Hill, architect, of Albion Street, at a total cost of £1,078. To meet this the friends connected with the place have subscribed £847, and the sale of the small organ previously used and of the pewing, &c., has realized £79; leaving about £150 to be met by the opening services and further contributions. Towards this amount the sum of £30 was collected on the Sunay named. On Tuesday, April 12th, the new rgan was formally opened, when Mr. Wm. Holt, Leeds, the builder, presided at the instrument, and displayed its powers to great advantage. The elect on of music included many favourite pieces, and was exceedingly well received. The collection the close of the musical performance amounted 16. The services were continued on the ursday evening following, when the Rev. W. Landels, of London, preached an able sermon; ad on Sunday, April 17th, when sermons were preached by the Revs. W. Best, B.A., pastor, and F. R. Conder, M.A.

On Good

LEDBROOK, GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Friday the foundation-stone of a new Baptist chapel was laid by Dr. Batten, of Coleford. The proceedings commenced at three o'clock, when

Mr. Watkinson, the pastor, gave out the opening hymn, and the Rev. M. S. Ridley engaged in prayer. Then Dr. Batten laid the stone, and on it he stood and addressed the auditory with a few suitable preliminary remarks-and from the same stone the Rev. J. E. Cracknell, of Cheltenham (suc cessor to the late Rev. J. Smith), gave an excellent address, after which he closed with singing and prayer. Several sums having been laid upon the stone, the friends met to the number of 321 to tea in the assembly-room at the" Anchor Inn." After tea they reassembled, and filled the spacious room, when Dr. Batten, of Coleford, took the chair. After singing and prayer, the Chairman called upon Mr. Watkinson to read the report, which included several items, such as buying the old chapel for £108, the beautiful site for the new chapel and land for cemetery (which is enrolled for the Baptist denomination) for £80, and included funds of the day for upwards of £80. Two kind friends had also promised £50 towards the debt. The report having been read, excellent addresses were delivered by the Revs. P. Prees, Cinderford; M. S. Ridley, Lydney; W. Nicholson, Parkend; J. E. Cracknell, Cheltenham; and by Messrs. W. Rhodes, Cinderford; C. Roberts, Ross. Mr. Tyudal!, of Woodside (after thanks being recorded to Dr. Batten, Mr. Rudge, Mr. Hancorn, and the ladies), concluded the meeting with prayer.

LEIGHTON BUZZARD, BEDS. On Thursday, March 17, the foundation-stone of the new Baptist chapel, Lake Street, Leighton Buzzard, was laid by the Rev. Joshua Russell, of Blackheath. The proceedings commenced with singing and prayer by the Rev. G. H. Davies, of Houghton Regis; after which the Rev. W. D. Elliston, the pastor of the church, briefly stated the circumstances which had led to the erection of a new building for the worship of God in that place. The Rev. Edward Adey gave a brief review of the past history of the church, and gave kind expression to feelings of confidence and esteem towards the present pastor. The Rev. Joshua Russell then proceeded to lay the stone; after which he delivered a most admirable address, and one very appropriate to the occasion. A hymn was then sung, and prayer offered by the Rev. H. C. Leonard, M.A., of Boxmoor; and the company adjourned to tea, when upwards of 150 persons were present. After tea, the Rev. D. Gould, of Dunstable, on behalf of the church, proposed a vote of thanks to the Rev. J. Russell, for his kindness in officiating at the ceremony of the afternoon, and embraced the opportunity of saying some quickening and encouraging words to the church, and of expressing his kind regard towards the minister. The proposed vote was seconded by Mr. Joseph Herington, one of the deacons, and supported by the Rev. Thomas Hands. At half past six o'clock the Rev. W. Chalmers, M.A., of the Scotch Free Church, Marylebone, preached from 2 Tim. ii. 9. The service was opened by the Rev. H. C. Leonard, M.A., of Boxmoor. About £70 was received by the Treasurer during the day, including the proceeds of the tea-meeting.

BATH STREET, GLASGOW.-The annual soirée of this church was held on Tuesday, April 12th, in the Scottish Exhibition Rooms. Mr. Boulding, the pastor, occupied the chair, and was supported by the Rev. Messrs. Alex. Macleod, Medhurst, Glover, Field, Dr. H. Sinclair Patterson, Dr. James Paterson, H. Batchelor, and several officebearers of the church. There was a large attendance of friends from the various churches in: he town. After tea the Chairman gave a short sketch of the progress of the church from its formation two years ago, and reported on the Sabbath

schools, Bible-classes, district meetings, Dorcas Society, and other operations. What had been done, however, he looked upon as only indications of greater things to be accomplished, now that the church had got into working order. A chapelbuilding fund had just been commenced, the result of which he hoped would be, that they would be able to meet, ere long, in a building "simple but beautiful, like the Gospel which will be preached in it." In the course of the evening one of the office-bearers presented Mr. Boulding with "Dr. Smith's Dictionary of the Bible," in three large volumes, together with a purse of sovereigns. One of the volumes bore the following inscription:-"Presented to the Rev. J. W. Boulding, by members of the Bath Street Baptist church and congregation, Glasgow, as a token of respect and appreciation of his ministry." The meeting was afterwards addressed by most of the gentlemen above named.

CORTON, WILTS.-The annual meeting of the Baptist church and congregation here, held every Good Friday, was more than usually interesting this year, in consequence of its being made the occasion of the re-opening of the chapel on the completion of internal alterations and repairs. In the afternoon a sermon was preached by the Rev. J. Penny, of Clifton; and in the evening, after tea, a public meeting was held. The chapel was well filled on each occasion. The chair at the evening meeting was occupied by Mr. T. Hardwick, of Warminster; and addresses were delivered by the Revs. J. Penny and W. C. Jones; and by Messrs. J. V. Toone, the pastor of the church, Hardwick, Stent, and Llewellyn, of Warminster. From the financial statement made by Mr. Toone, it appeared that the total expenditure had amounted to about £73, of which, through the kind assistance of friends in the neighbouring towns and the efforts of the congregation, only some 13 remained unpaid. The alterations consist of the redistribution of the seats, the rearrangement of the gallery so as to admit more light into the body of the chapel, lowering the pulpit, making good defective portions of the floor, and the substitution of elegant pendant lamps for the old mode of lighting by candles, besides some other minor matters. The chapel is considerably improved both as to appearance and comfort.

STAFFORD. The foundation-stone of the new Baptist chapel in this town was laid on Easter Monday. At half-past ten the ceremony was commenced by the Rev. W. H. Cornish, the pastor of the church. The Rev. W. Jackson, of Bilston, read the 84th Psalm, and conducted the devotional part of the services; after which J. H. Hopkins, Esq., of Birmingham, adjusted the stone into its proper place, and delivered a very interesting and appropriate address. The Rev. S. B. Brown, B.A., of Salford, and Mr. J. Brown, the senior deacon, also delivered congratulatory addresses. The doxology was then sung; and the friends retired to the school-room, in which luncheon had been provided; after which Mr. Hopkins and Mr. Brown again addressed the meeting. At five o'clock the tables were spread for tea. The room was soon crowded in every part. After tea Mr. J. Brown was called on to preside. Valuable and interesting addresses were delivered by the Revs. G. W. White (Wesleyan New Connexion), Davis, of Smethwick (Independent); W. Jackson, of Bilston; W. H. Cornish; and Messrs. Rudge, E. Lovett, and J. T. Evans. A vote of thanks was then given by the church and congregation in the most enthusiastic terms to a lady who has generously assisted in sustaining the church from its

commencement, and has rendered valuable aid b a large contribution.

HIGHGATE.-On Thursday, April 7th, some in teresting services were held at the Baptist Chape Highgate, in connection with the settlement of th Rev. John H. Barnard, of the Metropolita Tabernacle College. In the morning, the Rev. H. Spurgeon preached to a crowded audience fro Ezekiel xxxvi. 9, and in the afternoon addresse the friends assembled for dinner at the Highga Working Men's Institute. At the recognitio service, held in the chapel at six o'clock, the Re J. Corbin, of Hornsey, made the usual inquiri of the church and pastor respectively as to th reasons which had led to their present connection Thomas Bousfield, Esq. (one of the deacon replied on behalf of the church, and then the Re J. H. Barnard gave a simple and affecting accou of the steps by which he had been led to person dedication to the Gospel work, to the Metropolita Tabernacle College, and eventually to Highgat The Rev. George Rogers addressed some admi able counsels to the pastor, and the Rev. Josia Viney offered some excellent and judicious advic to the church. The other parts of the servic were conducted by the Rev. Samuel Manning, th Rev. S. S. Hatch (the former pastor of the church Mr. Gracey, and the Rev. William Brock, ju The services were well attended, and were to followed during the ensuing week by meetings f special prayer.

BETHEL CHAPEL, CARDIFF.-The friends of t above chapel held a tea-meeting on Easter Mond for the purpose of opening a new harmonium a of getting rid of the remainder of a floating de on the premises. Some 300 to 400 friends 8 down to tea in the school-room, which was dec rated for the occasion. At the public meeti held in the chapel the chair was occupied by J. Billups, Esq. Mr. G. L. Stowe, one of t deacons, made a financial statement, from whic it appeared that the chapel and premises we built about five years ago at a cost of £3,60 towards which £1,100 had been received from t sale of the old chapel: donations, collections, & £2,090; total, £3,190; leaving a debt upon t minister's house of £300, and a sum of £110 d to the Baptist Building Fund in London. A dresses were then delivered by the Rev. Bailey, on "Congregational Worship," and byt Rev. N. Thomas, on the "Present Claims of C diff on the Exercise of Godly Zeal." The Rev. Howe, pastor, made some pleasing remarks on t kindness and hospitality of Christian friends w had contributed to the funds of the chapel. T meeting, which was of a pleasing, profitable cl racter, concluded about ten o'clock.

GOODSHAW, LANCASHIRE.-Services in e nection with the laying of the foundation-stone a new Baptist chapel in this place were held Good Friday. In the afternoon a large concour of persons assembled, when the stone was laid H. Kelsall, Esq., of Rochdale, to whom a sil trowel was presented. The Rev. J. Jefferson, Southport (formerly minister in the old chap offered the dedicatory prayer; after which t Rev. B. Evans, D.D., of Scarborough, delivered interesting and appropriate address. Tea provided in the Assembly Room, Crawshaw-hoot and in the evening a public meeting was held this place, presided over by L. Whitaker, ju Esq., of Haslingden, and addressed by the Re B. Evans, D.D., J. Jefferson, C. Williams (Acerin ton), R. Evans and J. Stroyan (Burnley), P. Pro and W. J. Stuart (Haslingden). The chapel is accommodate 750 persons, and will have side a end galleries. The cost, exclusive of land, heati

architect's commission, &c., will be about £2,200. Considerable interest was felt in the services, and at the close it was announced that about £160 had been added to the building fund by the day's proceedings.

BANBURY, OXON.-On Good Friday a "farewell tea-meeting" was held at Bridge Street Chapel, Banbury, to take leave of the Rev. W. T. Henderson, who has accepted the pastorate of the church at Devonshire Square Chapel, London. Nearly 300 persons sat down to tea, the room being tastefully decorated with evergreens, choice flowers, and mottoes suited to the occasion. After tea, a meeting was held, under the presidency of Mr. W.Cubitt, the senior deacon. Fifteen neighbouring ministers, of various denominations, were present, and addressed the meeting in terms of the strongest affection for Mr. Henderson, and expressed their deep regret that he was about to remove from their midst, with their best wishes for his happiness and success in his new field of labour. In the course of the evening the Chairman presented, in the name of the church and congregation, a handsome timepiece, with a suitable inscription, to Mr. Henderson, a valuable tea and coffee service and cruet-stand to Mrs. Henderson, as a testimonal of the esteem in which they were held, after a residence and ministry of fourteen years. Mr. Henderson feelingly responded. The meeting throughout was characterized by a hightoned Christian feeling.

CANTERBURY.-The new Baptist chapel in this city was opened for public worship on Thursday, March 17th. The preachers on the occasion were the Hon. and Rev. B. W. Noel, M.A., and the Rev. J. A. Spurgeon. The building was erected by Mr. H. Wilson, of Canterbury, from plans, &c., furnished by Messrs. Searle, Son, & Yelf, of Bloomsbury Place, and has won the admiration of all who have seen it. In addition to the chapel which is nearly sixty feet by forty-there is a noble school and lecture-hall, vestries, class-rooms, and every other convenience for public worship and the instruction of children. The fineness of the day brought crowds of people to the service from nearly all parts of East Kent. In the morning the place was filled in every part, and in the evening many were unable to gain admission. Dinner, tea, and supper were provided at moderate charges. A large number of ministers came to manifest their sympathy with the Rev. C. Kirtland and his friends. On the following Sunday the Rev. C. Kirtland commenced his ministry in the new place to large congregations. The collections at the opening services, including £12 as the profit of the dinner, &c., amounted to £162 13s. 10d.

HARBORNE, NEAR BIRMINGHAM.-The want of proper chapel and school accommodation has long been felt by the Baptist friends in this populous and rising suburb, and on Easter Monday the foundation-stone of a new school-room was laid by Mr. John Phillips, an old and respected superintendent of the school. The Revs. Thomas M'Lean pastor of the church), C. Vince, and J. J. Brown took part in the service. Although the weather The most unpropitious there was a fair attendance. At five o'clock a public tea was held in the old chapel, which was crowded. After tea the meetg was addressed by the Revs. Thomas M'Lean, W. L. Giles, C. Vince, J. J. Brown, and others. The thoir performed several appropriate pieces of music. There were some additional sums promised to the building fund, which has already reached to half the contemplated outlay, and altogether the day's proceedings were most encouraging. The schoolroom is to be finished in about two months, when I will be opened as a place of worship during the

building of the new chapel, which will be on the same site as the old one, and which, it is hoped, will be begun in June next.


SHARON, LETTERSTONE, Services in connection with the formation of a Baptist church in the above place, and with the ordination of Mr. David Rees, from Pontypool College, to be its pastor, were held on the 21st and 22nd of March. On Monday, at two o'clock, the Rev. T. Williams, of Llangloffan, performed the ceremony of forming the church, and gave a short but pointed address on the Nature, &c., of the Church of Christ. At six o'clock the Rev. D. Phillips, of Groesgoch, and the Rev. W. Lewis, of Moriah, Dowlais, preached. On Tuesday, at ten o'clock, the Rev. T. Williams, of Llangloffan, ordained the young minister. The Rev. W. Lewis, of Dowlais (the former minister of Mr. Rees), delivered the charge, and the Rev. W. Reynolds preached to the church. At two o'clock the Rev. T. E. Thomas, of Trehale, and the Rev. W. Reynolds, preached; at six o'clock the Rev. T. Williams, of Llangloffan, and the Rev. W. Lewis, of Dowlais, preached. The services from beginning to end were well attended. Mr. Rees has commenced his ministry with good prospects.

HOUGHTON REGIS, BEDS.-The new Baptist chapel at Houghton Regis was opened on Thursday, April 7th. In the morning the Rev. W. Robinson, of Cambridge, preached from Gen. xxii. 12. The subject discussed was Divine Foreknowledge in Reference to the Development of Human Character. In the afternoon the Rev. C. Bailhache delivered a discourse upon Psalm cxviii. 25, in which he distinguished between a True and a False Prosperity. In the evening the Rev. J. H. Hinton took for his text Heb. vi. 20, "Whither the Forerunner hath for us entered, even Jesus." The congregation was a crowded one; and the singing of the last hymn testified to the deep impression produced by the sermon. The Revs. D. Gould, H. Leonard, M.A., and T. Hands, took part in the services. Dinner and tea were provided in the school-room, to the latter of which a large number sat down. The sum of £45 was collected.

CEMETERY ROAD, SHEFFIELD. On Easter Monday, March 29th, a social tea-meeting was held to inaugurate the Tract and Christian Instruction Society, recently formed in connection with the Cemetery Road Baptist congregation. This society has been in existence only a few months, but during that time several thousand persons have been visited, about forty children brought to the Sabbath-school, and permanent additions, as is hoped, made to the congregations. The meeting was a very cheering one, being well attended, and elicited much sympathy. Several friends, one a perfect stranger to the congregation, were induced, by hearing of the operations of the society, to become subscribers to its funds. The Rev. H. Ashbery, president of the society, presided; and addresses were delivered by the Rev. B. Grant, B.A., Mr. Stimpson, of Cavendish College, and other gentlemen.

ASCOTT, OXON.-A very interesting meeting was held in the Baptist chapel here on the occasion of presenting a testimonial to the Rev. W. R. Irvine, who has laboured with much success for upwards of eight years. The proceedings commenced with a tea-meeting, which was attended by a large and respectable company. After tea, J. F. Maddox, Esq., who presided, presented Mr. Irvine, on behalf of the subscribers, with an elegant writingdesk. He spoke of the respect and esteem in which Mr. Irvine is held, Mr. Charles Cox also

presented Mr. Irvine with a handsome Bible on
behalf of the working men.
A valuable tea and
coffee service was also presented to Mrs. Irvine.
Mr. Irvine suitably acknowledged all these
gratifying testimonials.

CHELTENHAM.-A public recognition service on the settlement of the Rev. J. E. Cracknell as pastor of the Baptist church, Cambray, Cheltenham, was held on Monday, April 4th. The Rev. Thomas Haynes took the chair, and congratulated the church on their progress, and their unanimity in the choice of the present pastor as successor to the late respected Rev. James Smith. Addresses were also delivered by the Rev. Messrs. M'Pherson, of the Scotch Church; Dr. Brown, E. B. Smith (Wesleyan), W. G. Lewis, J. Sargent, and the new pastor. A resolution of thanks to the Chairman for his presidency on the occasion, and for his sympathy and help during the illness of the late pastor, was carried unanimously. The prospects of the church are highly encouraging.


Bow.-Services in connection with the settlement of the Rev. J. H. Blake (late of Sandhurst) as pastor of the church meeting here, were held on Thursday, March 31st. The Rev. W. A. Blake, of Shouldham Street, opened the meeting with prayer; the Rev. C. Woollacott gave an address "Protestant Nonconformity; the Rev. J. A. Spurgeon on "Christian Love; the Rev. W. Stott on "The Duty of the Church to the World." The Rev. G. W. Fishbourne and other ministers took part in the service. The Rev. W. P. Balfern presided, and gave suitable advice to the church. On the following Wednesday evening a sermon was preached by the Rev. F. Tucker, B.A.

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PETERBOROUGH.-Anniversary services were held in connection with the General Baptist Chapel, Westgate, Peterborough, on April 10th and 11th, when sermons were preached with much acceptance by the Revs. B. O. Bendall, of Stamford, and F. Tucker, B.A., of London. On the 11th a tea meeting was held, when more than 200 persons were present. The amount raised, clear of all expenses, was £20 16s. 1d. This sum will be applied to the formation of a fund for the providling of increased accommodation for the congregation and school connected with the above chapel.

MINISTERIAL CHANGES.-The Rev. Francis W intends retiring from the ministerial duties Kingsgate Chapel, Holborn, as soon as arran ments are made by the church to elect his s cessor.-The Rev, Richard Bayly, late of Newa has accepted a unanimous invitation to succeed Rev. Dr. Evans, in the pastorate of the Bap church, Scarborough.-The Rev. J. Lewis resigned the pastorate of the church at Truro, a will leave at the beginning of May.-The Rev. Sella Martin has been obliged, on account of health, to resign the pastorate of the church Bromley-by-Bow. He is about to return America in the hope of being able to labo for the elevation of the coloured fre men. Mr. Joseph Joy, of the Metropolit Tabernacle College, has accepted an invi tion to become the pastor of the church Hatfield, Herts.-The Rev. Fitzherbert Bug late of Preston, has received and accepted a v cordial and unanimous invitation to the pastor of the New Union Church, Stretford, Manchest -The Rev. W. T. Henderson, of Banbury, received and accepted a very cordial invitati from the church worshipping at Devonshire Squa Chapel, London, to become their pastor, a entered upon his new sphere the second Sunday! April.-The Rev. J. Arnold, of Mr. Spurgeon College, London, has accepted the unanimous vitation of the church and congregation connect with the Baptist chapel, Westgate, Rotherham become their pastor.-Mr. John Jackson, of 1 Spurgeon's College, having supplied the pulpit Sevenoaks, Kent, for six months, has accepted unanimous invitation to the pastorate.-The R C. Smith, of Langley, Essex, has accepted an vitation to the pastorate of the church at H leigh, Suffolk.-The Rev. William Leach, late Northampton, has accepted the pastorate of church meeting at the Plumstead Tabernacle twelve months.-The Rev. G. Whitehead (late Shotley Bridge) has accepted the unanimous in tation of the Mission Committee of Union Chap (Rev. A. Maclaren's), Manchester, to take cha of the new cause now opening out under th auspices in West Gorton, a rising suburb of t city. He intends commencing his labours there the first Sunday in May.

Editorial Postscript.


WE wish, with the permission of our readers, to call their special attention to advertisement, which will be found elsewhere, of the new issue of THE BAPTIST REPORT This periodical, which has been published for so many years by Mr. Winke, of Leices has passed this year into the hands of the present publishers. It is their desire to m it a first-class monthly publication, which shall occupy a place between "The Churc and "The Baptist Magazine." So far the Editor has been much gratified by the rec tion it has obtained. The Editor of "The Christian World" describes it as model of what a family denominational Magazine should be." Another Editor says "if the Baptist denomination are worthy of themselves, THE REPORTER will have a ci lation of not less than 20,000 monthly." Speaking for ourselves, we can scarcely hope t the Magazine will reach so large a circulation this year; but at least we should like i obtain a circulation of half the number mentioned before the end of 1864. Will readers of THE CHURCH kindly help in this effort? The list of Contents will show variety and the interest of the articles. A specimen copy will be sent to any reade THE CHURCH on application to the Publishers.

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