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XVII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That it fhall be lawful for any perfon who fhall heretofore have made any location for bounty lands, or who fhall hereafter make a location for fuch lands, and whofe locations have not been, or hereafter fhall not be allowed of by the faid committioners, or the furveyor-general) to locate on any of the vacant and unappropriated lands, fubject to location for bounty lands, in and by

this act.

XVIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful for the faid commiffioners to grant fuch and fo much of the lands under the water of navigable rivers, as they fhall deem neceffary to promote the commerce of this ftate. Provided always, That no fuch grant fhall be made in pursuance of this act to any perfon whatever, other than the proprietor or proprietors of the adjacent lands. And provided also, That every applicant for fuch grant fhall, previous to his or her application, give notice thereof, by advertisement, to be published in one of the newspapers printed in this flate for fix weeks fucceffively, and fhall caufe a copy of fuch advertisement to be put up at the court-houfe of the county in which the lands lay, fo intended to be applied for, and if there be no courthouse in the county, then at fuch place as the faid commiffioners fhall direct.

unappropriated lands

200 acres.

See 11th feff. ch.

89. fec. 2.

fec. 13.

XIX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaidd, Where improvers of That where any perfon is now in the actual pofflion of to have a grant for any of the faid unappropriated lands, and hath been fo poffeffed, prior to the twenty-fifth day of July, one thousand feven hundred and eighty-two, and hath made improve12th feff. ch, 44. ments thereon, it fhall and may be lawful for the commiflioners aforefaid, to grant to every fuch perfon, in fee fimple, a farm not exceeding two hundred acres, including fuch improvements, upon fuch perfons paying as aforefaid one fhilling an acre for the fame. Provided always, That the perfon fo in poffeflion is the original fettler, or the heir or legal reprefentative of fuch original fettler, or fhall have purchafed fuch improvements from the original fettler, or from his legal reprefentatives, and that fuch original fettler did not go off, or join the then enemies of this ftate Time of application. during the late war. And, Provided alfo, That fuch perFurthertime given, fon fhall make application to the faid commiffioners for fuch 12th grant, within fix months after the paffing of this act. XX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Lands granted to That it fall and may be lawful to and for the faid commithChurch and others. oners, to appropriate a tract of land equal to eight miles fquare,

11th fell. ch.89.fec.1.

in any of the townships to be laid out in purfuance of this act, for the use of colonel Timothy Church, major William Shattuck, and major Henry Evans, and fuch other perfons of the counties of Cumberland and Gloucefler, as frail be deemed by the faid commiffioners to be fuferers in oppofing the govern ment of the pretended flate of Vermont, and to grant the land in fuch townfhip, in fuch proportion to each of fuch fufferers, as to the faid commiffioners fhall feem meet and proper, and to direct letters patent to be prepared accordingly; and having approved of the fame, the governor, or pericn adminiflring the government of this flate for the time being, fhall caufe the great feal of this flate to be affixed thereto.

6th feff. ch. 11.

XXI. And whereas by the act, entitled, An act to prevent grants or locations of the lands therein mentioned, paffed the 25th of July, 1782, a certain traft of land was fet apart for the

feff. ch. 89. fec. 3.

13th feff, ch. 59.

ufe of fuch of the inhabitants of this ftate as had ferved in the army of the United States: And whereas from fundry circumftances which have intervened fince the paffing of the faid act, the lands fo intended to be granted would be of little ufe to the faid inhabitants having fo ferved: Therefore, Lands fet apart for Be it enacted by the authority aforefaid, That the faid comthe army. See 11th miffioners fhall be, and they are hereby authorised to direct 12th feff. ch. 44. and the furveyor-general to lay out the following tract of land, to wit: Beginning at a certain point in the north bounds of Jeffup's purchase, thirty miles diftant from the north-eaft corner of two certain tracts of land granted to Philip Skeene, by letters patent, bearing date the fixth day of July, one thousand feven hundred and feventy-one, and running thence north to the north bounds of the ftate, thence easterly along the fame twenty miles; thence fouth to the north bounds of Jeflup's purchafe aforefaid, continued eafterly thence to the place of beginning: All which tract of To be laid out in land fhall, on a map thereof to be made by the furveyorgeneral, be laid out into townships of ten miles fquare; and each township fhall, on the faid map, be numbered; and the commiffioners fhall thereupon, from time to time, devife fuch regulations for laying out lots of fuch dimenfions as they fhall think proper, for fatisfying out of the faid tract of land, fuch claims of all fuch perfons who are or fhall be entitled to grants of lands by virtue of the tenth, eleventh and fourteenth claufes of the act, entitled, An act for granting certain lands promifed to be given as bounty lands by laws of this ftate, and for other purpofes therein mentioned, or fuch of them as are ftill unfatisfied, as to the faid commiffioners fhall appear beft calculated to enable the perfons holding fuch rights, to participate as equally as may be in the advantages derived from locating the faid lands to which they fhall be refpectively entitled. Provided, That all perfons claiming fuch rights, and who have not already exhibited their claims, fhall exhibit their respective claims to the faid commiffioners, on or before the first day of January next, or fhall be precluded from the fame.



XXII. And be it further enacted by the authori y aforefaid, Canadian refugees That it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid commiffioners, to appropriate a tract of land in or adjoining to the land fet apart in and by this act, for the ufe of perfons entitled to grants for military fervices, not exceeding in quantity fix thousand acres, to be divided between fuch refugees, who, during the late war, or fince, have come from Canada, and who, in the opinion of the faid commiffioners, may be entitled to the bounty of this fate, or of the United States, and who are not provided for by any law of this ftate.

XXIII. And be it further enacled by the authority aforefid, That on the lands to be granted by this act, or any former act, there fhall be an actual fettlement made for every fix hundred and forty acres which may be granted to any perfon or perfons, within feven years from the first day of January next after the date of the patent, by which fuch lands fhall be granted, and on failure of fuch fettlement, the unfettled lands fhall revert to the people of this ftate; any thing in this act to the contrary notwithstanding.

en claimantsnotfhing

XXIV. And be it further enaid by the authority aforesaid, Clai as to be void That where equitable claims have heretofore been allowed out letters patent. of by the commiflioners appointed by former acts, and the claimant or claimants have not fued out letters patent, the claim or claims of fuch claimant or claimants fhall be null and void, unleis he, fhe or they fhall, within fixty days next after the paffing of this act, or if fuch claim fhall here

after be allowed in purfuance of any law of this fate, within fixty days after the allowance thereof, pay the purchase-money, at the rate of one filling per acre, into the treafury of this ftate; and fhall, within forty days next after the expiration of the faid fixty days, fue out letters patent therefore, and pay all the charges accrued on fuch claim or claims.


XXV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful for the faid commiflioners to direct letters patent to be prepared and granted in manner aforefaid, to grant to James Deane, his Ielts and affigns, in fee fimple, the following tract of land, to wit: Beginning at a certain place where the weft line of the patent of Coxborough crolls the fiream or brook, formed by the junction of the streams or brooks called Kanaghtarageara and Kanyonfkotta, it being one of the branches of the Orifkany cree!: or river, running thence north twenty-four degrees and thirty minutes weft, forty chains; thence fouth fixty-five degrees and thirty minutes well, one hundred and fixty chains; thence fouth twenty-four degrees and thirty minutes eaft, one hundred and fixty chains; thence north fixty-five degrees and thirty minutes eaft, one hundred and fixty chains; thence on a direct line to the place of beginning: And to Abraham Wemple, his heirs and affigns, in fee fimple, fix hundred and forty acres, in a fquare, next adjoining to, and on the fouth fide of the tract to be granted to James Deane aforefaid: To Samuel Kirkland, the quantity of fix hundred and forty acres, in a fquare, to be bounded on the tract to be granted to the faid James Deane, and on the tract to be granted to the faid Abraham Wemple : One moiety whereof, in fee fimple, to the faid Samuel Kirkland, and the other moiety to the faid Samuel Kirkland, in truft for any minister of the goipel, who may hereafter, for the time then being, be employed by the Oneida Indians, to preach the gofpel among them.

XXVI. And be a further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That the commiffioners and the fecretary fhall refpectively be entitled to the following fees, for the fervices performed or to be performed by them refpectively, by virtue of the acts, or any of them herein after in part repealed, or to be performed by virtue of this act, and to be paid by the perfon or perfons in whofe favor any letters patent fhall iffue; that is to fay, To the governor for his attendance on figning and affixing the great feal to letters patent, the fum of three pounds four fhillings for a whole township; the fum of two pounds eight fhillings for three quarters of a township; the fum of one pound twelve fillings for half or one quarter of a townfhip, and the fum of fixteen fhillings for any les quantity. And the others of the faid commiffioners jointly, exclufive of the fecretary, fhall be entitled to take and receive a fum equal to one half of the fees allowed to be taken by the governor by virtue of this act, on the iffuing of each patent, to be divided between them, in fuch proportion as to a majority of them fhall feem proper: To the fecretary for preparing the letters patent, recording and keeping the minutes of the faid commiffioners, the like fees as allowed to the governor by virtue of this act.

XXVII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the faid furveyor-general to receive and take the fees herein afer mentioned, for all fervices performed in the office of furveyor-general, previous to the first day of May, one thousand seven hundrei und eighty-five, for the benefit of the faid furvey or-general and his predeceffor in office, to wit: For filing every certificate, transfer, endorfement or location, at and after the rate of one fhilling for each and every of them fo filed; for his warrant of furvey; for entering a copy thereof; for

entering the return of furvey; for his certificate to the faid commiffioners for copy of any certificate, transfer, endorfement or location; for copy of any caveat, and for every other writing which may be required of him, at and after the rate of two fhillings for every one hundred and twenty-eight words.

XXVIII. And whereas it is deemed expedient that the faid furveyor-general should have a fixed falary in lieu of all other fees which may arife in his office, for fervices performed fubfequent to the faid fift of May, 1785, or hereafter to be performed; Therefore, Be it enacted by the authority aforefaid, That the falary of the furveyor-general for the time being, fhall be at and after the rate of four hundred pounds per annum, to commence from the first day of May, one thoufand feven hundred and eighty-five, for and during the term of three years; and that the faid furveyor-general fall receive the like fees as mentioned in the next preceding claufe of this act, for all and every paper by him to be filed, or copies to be given out of his office, and fhall account for the monies arifing from the fees directed to be by him received in pursuance of this act, or which he may have heretofore received, or may hereafter receive for fervices by him performed after the first day of May laft aforefaid, once in every year, to the auditor of this flate, and thall pay the fame to the treafurer of this ftate.

XXIX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefa'd, That all letters patent hereafter to be granted, fhall be in fuch words and forms as the faid commiffioners fhall direct, and shall contain an exception and refervation to the people of this flate, of all gold and filver mines, and fall veft the lands in fee fimple.


fec. 2.

XXX. And be it further enachd ly the authority, Allowances by the That the following allowances fhall, by the furveyor-enThis fection repeal eral, be made to perfons employed by him, to carry into ed, toth test. ch. 193. effect the duties enjoined him by this act, to wit; For a deputy-furveyor, a fum not exceeding twenty fillings per day, and two fhillings for a horfe to carry the baggage of himself and the perfons employed with him: That each deputy fo employed fhall be allowed two chain-bearers, two markers, one flag-carrier, and a man to attend the baggage-horfe; to each of which there fhall be allowed a fum not exceeding fix fhillings per day; and that the faid deputies, chain-bearers, agcarrier, markers and attendant, fhall furnish themielves with provifions, and the neceffary implements, at their own expence.

pasale for lunds.

XXXI. Adbe it further enacted by the authority aftrefall, Species of monies That gold and filver, and every peces of bills of credit or See thief. ch. 89, public fecurities now receivable, or which fhall hereafter be made receivable in payment for forfeited cflates,shall and may be received in all payments to be made in pursuance of this act, at the rates they are respectively receivable for fotfered eftates.

fec. 10.

others permitted to

XXXII. ind be it further enacted by the authority afrefiid, Gorge Klock and That it fhall and may be lawful to and for George Kk ck, locate 40,000 acres. and Jacob G. Klock, now or late of the county of Montgomery; Hendrick Remfen, now or late of the city of New-York; and John Van Sice, now or late of the county of Albany, or their respective legal reprefentatives, jointly, to locate the quantity of fortyeight thousand acres of land, out of any of the ungranted, unappropriated or unlocated lands in the county of Montgomery, part and parcel of the lands alledged to have been conveyed unto them by a certain deed, bearing

date the twenty-eighth day of May, one thoufand feven hundred and fixe ty-fix, and now remaining of record in the office of the fecretary of this flate. Provided always, That fuch location fhall be in one entire piece or parcel, if fo much can be fo located, and if not, then to locate the greatest poffible quantity of fuch land in one piece, and the refidue in one or more pieces, each to contain not less than eight thoufand acres. And, provided alfo, That fuch location or locations be made within fixty days next after the day of paffing of this act; and that the faid George Klock, Jacob G. Klock, Hendrick Remfen and John Van Sice, or their legal reprefentatives, fhall caufe the lands fo by them to be located, to be furveyed in manner directed by this act, and being fo furveyed, fhall produce the furveyor-general's cer tificate, to be granted in manner herein before directed, with a receipt endorfed thereon by the treasurer of this itate, fpecifying, that the fum of one fhilling per acre for every acre mentioned in fuch certificate has been paid; then the faid commiffioners fhall caufe letters patent to be prepared for granting the faid lands, and having approved thereof, the governor shall affix the great feal of this ftate thereto.

XXXIII. And whereas Baron Frederick William Steuben, late a majorgeneral in the army of the United States, has rendered very effential fervice to this flate, as one of the United States, by introducing a regular difcipline in the army, and a fpirit of oeconomy in the interior adminitration of the regiments; and this legiflature being willing to afford a public tellimony of the juft fenfe they entertain of his lervices; Therfore, Be it enacted by the authority aforefaid, That the faid commiflioners fhall, and they are hereby 16,000 acres of land authoried to direct letters patent to be prepared for grantgiven to major-gen- ing to the faid Baron Frederick William Steuben, in fee fimple, one quarter of a township, equal to fixteen thousand acres of land, part of any township which he may chufe, out of the townfhips to be laid out in any of the tracts of land directed to be laid out in purfuance of this act, except in the bounds of the faid lands purchafed of the Oneida Indians, without fee or reward, or paying any confideration for the lands fo to be granted to him; and having approved of fuch letters patent, his excellency the governor fhall affix the great feal of this flate thereto.

eral Steuben.


XXXIV. And whereas by the firteenth fetion of the act, entitled, An act for granting certain lands promifed to be given as bounty lands by laws of this flate, and for other purposes therein mentioned, the furveyor-general was directed to make a fubdivifion of the lands fet apart for the Canadian and Nova-Scotia refugees, into lots of two hundred and fifty acres each. And whereas the laying out of fuch lots to the Canadian and Nova-Scotia refugees as aforefaid, may not in all cafes tend to promote a speedy feelement of the faid lands; for remedy whereof, Be it further enacted by the authority Commisioners aforefaid, That whenever it shall appear to the commifionfis vice lots of Ca- ers of the land-office, that a deviation therefrom will be ta rearees, as may beneficial to this flate, by promoting a more fpeedy and efto them ferm proper. fe&cual fettlement of the faid lands, it fhall and may be lawful for the faid comni fioners to direct a fubdivifion of fuch lots, in manner and form as to them fall feem proper, at the expence of thofe interested in fuch fubdivifions. Provided always, That nothing in this act contained, fall be conftrued to affect, or in any wife annul the proceedings heretofore had by the commiflioners in favour of the Canadian or Nova-Scotia refugees, fo far as refpects the quantity of lands already fet apart for them.

nadian and Nova-Sco

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