Gambar halaman

recovered by the overfeers aforefaid, in their names, before any juflice of the peace of the county of Albany, and when fo recovered fhall be retained by the faid overfeers, to be applied to the fpecial purpofe of conftructing bridges in the faid Colonie, and atter fuch bridges fhall be completed, to improving and amending the faid flreet or highways, in fuch manner as the faid overfeers fhall, from time to time, deem proper.


An ACT to promote Literature.

Pafled 29th April, 1786.

WHERE AS it is agreeable to the principles of natural equity and

juftice, that every author fhould be fecured in receiving the profits that may arise from the fale of his or her works; and fuch fecurity may encourage perfons of learning and genius to publifh their writings, which may do honour to their country and fervice to mankind.

for 14 years.

1. Be it enacted by the people of the fate of New-York, reprefented in senate and affembly, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the fume, That the Authors of books and author of any book or pamphlet, being an inhabitant or pamphlets to have the refident in thefe United States, and his or her heirs and aTale right of printing and publishing them, figns, fhall have the fole liberty of printing, publifhing and vending the fame within this ftate, for the term of fourteen years, to commence from the day of its firit publication in this state; and if any perfon or perfons within the faid term of fourteen years as aforefaid, fhall prefume to print or re-print any fuch book or pamphlet within this ftate, or to import or introduce into this flate for fale, any copies of fuch book or pamphlet, re-printed beyond the limits of this ftate, or fhall knowingly publih, vend, utter or diftribue the fame, without the confent of the proprietor thereof in writing, figned in the prefence of two credible witnefles; every fuch perfon or perfons fhall forfeit and pay to the proprietor of fuch book or pamphlet, double the value of all the copies of fuch book or pamphlet fo re-printed, imported, diflributed, vended or expofed for fale, to be recovered by fuch proprietor in any court of law in this ftate, proper to try the fame. Provided nevertheless, That no author, affignee or protitle of the book to be prietor of any fuch book or pamphlet, fhall be entitled to take the benefit of this act, until he or fhe fhall duly register his or her name, as author, afögnee or proprietor, with the title of fuch book or pamphlet, in the office of the fecretary of this flate, who is hereby empowered and directed to enter the fame on record.

Author's name and


Author, if living at

the expiration of the

14 years, entitled to si tame privilege or 1 years.

II. And be it further enalled by the authority aforefeid, That at the expiration of the faid term of fourteen years, in the cafes above-mentioned, the fole right of printing and difpofing of any fuch book or pamphlet in this ftate, shall return to the author thereof, if then living, and his or her heirs and affigns, for the term of fourteen years more, to commence at the end of the faid first term; and that all and every perion or perfons who fhall re-print, import, vend, utter or diftribute in this flate any copies thereof, without the content of fuch proprietor obtained as aforefaid, during the faid fecond term of fourteen years, fhall be liable to the fame penalties, recoverable in the fame manner as is herein before enacted and provided.

III. And whereas it is equally neceflary for the encouragement of learning, that the inhabitants of this itate be furnished with useful book at reafon

nifh the public with

able prices: Be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That whenever How authors are to any fuch author or proprietor of fuch book or pamphlet, be compelled to fur- fhall neglect to furnifh the public with fufficient editions furhcient editions of thereof, or fhall fell the fame at a price unreasonable, and their works at rea- beyond what may be adjudged a fufficient compenfation for 1onable prices. his or her labour, time, expences and rifque of fale, any one of the judges of the fupreme court of judicature of this ftate, on complaint made thereof to him in writing, is hereby authorised and empowered to fummon fuch author or proprietor, to appear at the next fupreme court of judicature, and the faid court are hereby authorised and empowered to enquire into the juftice of the faid complaint, and if the fame be found true, to take fufficient recognizance and fecurity of fuch author or proprietor, conditioned that he or she fhall, within fuch reasonable time as the faid court fhall direct, publish and offer for fale in this ftate, a fufficient number of co pies of fuch book or pamphlet, at fuch reasonable price as the faid court shall, on due confideration, affix; and if such author or proprietor fhall neglect or refuse to give fuch fecurity as aforefaid, the faid court are hereby authorifed and empowered to give fuch complainant a full and ample licence to re-print and publifh fuch book or pamphlet, in fuch numbers and for fuch telin as the faid court fhall judge juft and reasonable: Provided, Such complainant fhall give fufficient fecurity before the faid court, to afford fuch re-printed edition at such reasonable price as the faid court fhall thereto affix.

IV. And be it further enucled by the authority aforefaid, Penalty for printing That any perfon or perfons who fhall procure and print and publifhing manufcripts without con- any unpublished manufcript, without the confent and apfent of the author. probation of the author or proprietor thereof firt had and obtained, if fuch author or proprietor be living, and refident in, or inhabi tant of thefe United States, fhall be liable to pay to the faid author or propri etor, his or her damages for fuch injury, to be recovered with cofts, by action brought on this act in any court of record. Provided always, That nothing in this act fhall extend to effect, prejudice or confirm the rights which any perfon may have to the printing or publifhing of any book or pamphlet, at common law, in cafes not mentioned in this act; or to authorise any perfon or perfons to print or publish any book, pamphlet or paper that may be profane, treasonable, defamatory, or injurious to government, morals or religion. Provided alfo, That this act fhall not extend or be conftrued to extend in favour, or for the benefit of any author or perfon refiding in, or inhabitant of any other of the United States, until the ftate in which fuch perfon redes or dwells, fhall have paffed fimilar laws in favour of the authors of fuch new publications, and their heirs and afligns.

chutch at Flat-Bufh,

part of their real ef


V. And be it further enacted by the authority of refaid, Trufees of the Dutch That the truftees of the reformed proteflant Dutch church authymited to convey of Flat-Bush, in the county of King's, fhall be, and they are tate for Neeting an hereby authorised to grant, bargain and fell, in fee fimple, fuch part or parts of their real estate within the faid county, to fuch perfon or perfons, and for fuch price or prices, as they may think proper, for the exprefs purpose of erecting an academy in the faid county, Provided, That the quantity which the faid truflees fhall grant and convey by virtue of this aft, fhall not exceed fix acres.


#7th feff. ch. 64. An ACT further to amend an Act, entitled,

An All for the feedy Sale of the confcated ad forfened Lftates within this State, and for other Furojes therein mentioned.

Paffed ift May, 1786.

[It was conceived to be unneceffary to print any other than the following claufes of this act, the rest being either expired, repealed, obfolete or private.]

II. AND WHEREAS it is fuggefted to the legislature, ted in here are of

fiderable tracts of land, and other real eftate vefted in the people of this itate, by the conviction or attainder of divers perfons which have not yet been discovered by the commiflioners of forfeitures; Be it further enalled by the authority forefaid, That when any perfon or perfons fhall, after the pating of this act, difcover to the commiffioner or commiffioners of forfeitures for any district of this flate, any lands or other real estate vefled in the people of this flate, by the attainder or conviction of any perfon or perfons whomfoever, it fhall be lawful for fuch perfon or perfons who fhall make the discovery of any real eftate as aforefaid, to locate the fame in truft for the widow (if fuch attainted or convicted perfon be dead) and children, or children's children, if any fuch there be, or otherwife for the next of kindred of fuch attainted or convicted perfon, to be divided and difhibuted by the perfon or perfons making fuch location, in the fame manner, and with the like refictions and limitations, as if fuch attainted or convicted perfon was dead inteftate, and as if fuch lands or other real efate were perfonal eftate, according to the law for the diftribution of the perfonal eflate of perfons dying inteflate. Provided always, That in cafe fuch attainted or convicted perfon be at the time of fuch location, in full life, the wife of fuch attainted or convicted perfon fhall have no fhare in the diftribution to be made as aforesaid, but iuch diftribution fhall be made in the same manner as if fuch wife was alfo dead. And the commiffioners of forfeitures of the diftrict where fuch lands or real estate fhall be fituated, are hereby authorised and directed to have the fame appraited at the value thereof in gold or filver, by apprailers to be appointed in the mode prefcribed in and by an act, entitled, $4th feff. ch. 7. An act to liquidate and fettle the accounts of the troops of this ftate, in the fervice of the United States, patied the fourth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand feven hundred and eighty. And upon the payment of fuch fum at which fuch lands fhall be appraised, in any public fecurities receivable for forfeited efiates, to male, feal and deliver a conveyance for the fame, to fuch perfon or perfons, ar d his or their heirs, in manner and fou as is prefcribed in and by the act aforefaid, upon the truft nevertheless herein before expreffed; for the better execution whereof, the perfon or perfons to whom fuch conveyance may be made, his, her or their heirs, fhall have full power and authority to fell the lands and other real efate, to him, her cr them refpeétively conveyed, in fuch manner as to him, her or them fall appear moft for the advantage of the perfons entitled to diflribution as aforefald. Provided alfo, That none of the conveyances to be given as aforesaid, fhall operate as a warranty from the people of this flate, for the real estate or effates fo to be conveyed.

V. And be it further enceled by the authority, That if ary perfon who frall become a purchafer of any confifcated eflate, frail neglect or refule when demanded, to depofit one third of the purchase-money, in the manner prefcribed in and by the act, entitled, An act for the speedy fale of the confifcated and forfeited cftates within this fate, and for other purpos

therein mentioned; the commiffioner or commiffioners who fhall make fuch fale, fhall and may, within twenty days thereafter, again expofe fuch confifcated efiate to fale at public vendue; and if upon fuch fecond fale, fuch confifcated eftate fhall not be fold for a fum equal to the fun which such purchafer offered on the firit fale thereof, the commifiioner or commiflioners fhall and may recover in his or their own name or names, 'of fuch first purchaser, in an action of debt in any court of record in this flate, the fum which the fum contracted for on fuch fecond fale, fhall be less than the fum offered at the first fale thereof, with cofts; and in every fuch action the defendant fhall be held to bail in double the fum demanded.

VII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That it fhall be, and is hereby made the duty of the committioners of forfeitures, in every advertisement of the fale of lands and tenements by them to be made, to infert a description of the feveral certificates made receivable by this act, in payment for the laid lands and tenements.

X. And be u further enacted by the au herity aforesaid, That in all cafes of purchaies made of any forfeited eitates, in puriuance of any of the laws directing the tale of forfeited eitates, in which any purchafer of fuch eftates fhall be evicted by due courfe of law, in the manner mentioned in the first enacting claufe of the act, entitled, An act for the ipeedy fale of the confifcated and torfeited eftates within this ftate, and for other purpofes therein mentioned, fuch purchaler fhall have the like remedy for obtaining a compentation for the value of improvements by him or her made, on fuch eflate fo by him or her purchased, and from which he or she shall be fo evicted, as is directed in and by the said firit enacting claufe of the faid act.

toth fef. ch. 49. Xill. And whereas by an act, entitied, ‡ An act to amend an act, entitled, An act for the speedy fale of the confiscated and forfeited eftates within this flate, and for other purpoles therein mentioned, it is enacted, That in all fales of forfeited citates to be made by the commillioners of forreitures, to any perfon or perfons whatifocver, after the paffing of that act, fuch perfon or perions fo purchafing, fhall immediately pay to the faid committioner or commifi oners, one third part of the faid furchafe-money, and the remaining fum duc, within nine months from the time of fuch fale. And whereas it is conceived that the time given for the payment of the faid two third parts of the purchase-money is too long; Therefore, be it further cmcted by the authority ofore and, "That every perfon who fhall hereafter purchase any forfeited ellate or cilates, fhall immediately pay to the commiftoner or commiffeners making fuch fale, one third Fart of the purchafe-money, and the remaining fum in four months from the time of fuch fale. And the commiflcners of forfeitures are hereby required to take the fecurity directed by the laid act to be given for the fame accordingly.

XIV. And be it further enaticd by the authority aforefaid, That in all cafes where any perfon hath, or hereafter fhall purchase any lands, tenements or hereditaments, forfeited to the people of this fiate, and any fuch lands, tenements or hereditaments hath been, or fall be recovered against fuch purchafer, his heirs or afligns, by due courfe of law, then, and in every fuch cafe, it fhall be lawful for the perfon againfi w bem fuch recovery is or frall be had, to locate any other forfeited eflate to the amount of the fum paid to the people of this flate, for the lands, terements or hereditaments fo recovered, according to the directions preced in and by an act, entitled, An act to liquidate and fettle the accounts of the troops of this fate, in the fervice

of the United States, paffed the fourth of October, one thousand feven hundred and eighty. And the commiflioners of forfeitures for the diflrict where fuch location fhall be made, are hereby authorifed and required to have the fame appraited, at the value thereof in gold and filver, in the manner prefcribed in and by the faid laft mentioned act, and to convey to fuch perfon or perfons, and his, her or their heirs, fo much of the faid lands fo located, as, according to much appraisement, shall amount to the fum fo paid for the land to recovered. Provided always, That every perfon making fuch loca tion, fhall, at the time of making the fame, produce and depofit with the commiffioner of forfeitures, the deed from the commiffioners of forfeitures for the land fo recovered, and a certificate from the attorney-general of this flate for the time being, that fuch recovery was had for want of title in the people of this flate. And provided alfo, That it fhall and may be lawful for any fuch perfon, against whom any fuch recovery hath been or fhall be had as aforefald, at his election, inftead of locating as aforefaid, to receive a certificate from the treaturer of this ftate for the fum paid for the lands fo recovered. And the treasurer of this flate for the time being, is hereby authorised and required, upon producing and depofiting with him the original deed from the commitlioners of forfeitures, for the land fo recovered, and fuch certifi cate from the attorney-general as aforefaid, to give fuch perfon a certificate or certificates for the fium fo paid as aforefaid, which fhall be of like value and effect as the certificate or certificates paid for the land fo recovered. Provided always, That if any fuch appraisement fhall exceed the amount of the principal and intereft of fuch certificate or certificates, the furplus fhall be paid in gold or filver, before any conveyance be given for any lands fo located.

XXIV. And whereas doubts have arifen refpecting the title of the people of this flate, to a certain house and lot in Wall-street, in the city of NewYork, now poffefled by Ann White, the widow of Thomas White, late of the city of New-York, deceased, an attainted perfon: And whereas the faid house and lot has been located by Charles M'Knight, of the city of NewYork, Phyfician; Le it therefore enacted by the authority ajorefaid, That the Like relief fhall be extended to the faid Charles M'Knight, as is by this act extended to Abraham Bloodgood; and the commiffioners of forfeitures for the fouthern difrict are hereby required to ftay the fale of the faid house and lot, until the further order of this legiflature.

XXIX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That all negro flaves become the property of the people of this flate, by the attainder or conviction of any perfon whomfoever, and now in poffeffion of the commilflowers of forfeitures, be, and they are hereby manumitted.

XXX. And be it further cnulled by the authority aforesaid, That the commiffioners of forfeitures for the feveral diftricts be, and they hereby are required to provide for the comfortable fubfiftence of all fuch flaves fo forfeited in their respective diflricts, as by age or infirmity are become unable to gain a fubfiflence, at the expence of the people of this ftate.

XXXI. And whereas there are fuppofed to be fundry mortgages on the forfeited eftates of Philip Skeene and Andrew Skeene, at Skeenfborough, the amount whereof cannot be ascertained, as the records of the county of Washington, late county of Charlotte, have hitherto not been found, but are fupposed to be in Canada. And whereas his excellency the governor is requeled to purfue measures for the recovery of the faid records: Therefore, be it on adled by the authority aforesaid, That the commiffioner of for

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