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Morrison, of Ashtabula County. The platform all people before the law, equal taxation, non-political declared:

1. That the right to make or issue money is a sovereign power to be maintained by the people for the common benefit. The delegation of this right to corporations is a surrender of the central attribute of sovercignty, void of constitutional sanction, conferring upon a subordinate irresponsible power absolute dominion over industry and commerce. All money, whether metallic or paper, should be issued and its volume controlled by the Government, and not by or through banking corporations; and, when so issued, should be a full legal tender for all debts, public and private.

2. That the bonds of the United States should be paid as rapidly as is practicable. To enable the Goternment to meet these obligations, legal-tender currency should be substituted for the notes of the national banks, the national banking system abolished, and the unlimited coinage of silver as well as gold established by law.

3. We demand the equal protection of labor and capital by law.

4. We are opposed to all subsidies by Government. 5. All lines of communication and transportation should be brought under such legislative control as shall secure moderate, fair, and equitable rates for passenger and freight traffic.

6. We condemn the cruel class legislation of the Republican party, which, while professing great gratitude to the soldier, has most unjustly discriminated against him and in favor of the bondholder.

7. All property should bear its just proportion of taxation, and we demand a graduated income-tax. 8. We denounce as most dangerous the efforts, wherever manifest, to restrict the right of suffrage.

9. We are opposed to an increase of the standing army in time of peace, and the insidious scheme to establish an enormous military power under the guise of a militia law.

10. That the practice of railroads of this State in issuing free passes over their lines of roads to the members of the Legislature and all other officers of the State, is vicious and corrupting, and ought not to be sanctioned or tolerated, but should be prohibited by stringent laws.

11. That the practice of turning out faithful officers connected with the supervision and management of the different institutions of the State upon mere party ground, is prejudicial to the best interests of the State, and ought not longer to be sanctioned by any party. 12. Prison convict-labor should be utilized by the State alone.

13. That we favor the submission by the Legislature to a vote of the people of an amendment to the Constitution prohibiting the manufacture, sale, or use of intoxicating drinks as a beverage.

The Democratic State Convention assembled at Columbus, July 13th, and put in the field the following candidates: For Governor, John W. Bookwalter, of Clarke County; for Lientenant-Governor, Edgar M. Johnson, of Hamilton County; for Supreme Judge, Edward F. Bingham, of Franklin County; for AttorneyGeneral, Frank C. Dougherty, of Hardin County; for State Treasurer, Alonzo P. Winslow, of Cuyahoga County; for member of the Board of Public Works, John Crowe, of Defiance County. The platform was as follows:

The Democrats of Ohio, proud of their citizenship in this great State, for the purpose of maintaining the prosperity of the Commonwealth and to promote the welfare and happiness of the whole people, submit the following declaration of principles upon which they ask the suffrages of the people: The equality of

legislation, and a free and pure ballot as the cornerstone of free institutions; opposition to monopolies and subsidies of all kinds; the strictest economy in national, State, and local administrations, that labor may be lightly burdened; the maintenance and advancement of the common-school system.

Resolved, That the abuses of the present contract system in our State Prison, by which the products of criminal labor are brought into competition with the products of honest labor, to the great injury of the latter, are vicious and unwise, and should be corrected.

Resolved, That the course of the last Republican Legislature deserves the condemnation of the people for its incompetency, hypocrisy, its unnecessary and heavy increase in the burdens of taxation, and for the passage of unconstitutional acts, and for its reorganization of the benevolent institutions of the State solely for the purpose and as a medium for the distribution of spoils.

Resolved, That as the humanities are non-partisan, and as the treatment of criminals should be non-political, the management of the charitable punitive institutions of the State should be free from partisan change or appointments..

Resolved, That we are in favor of a civil-service reform whereby offices shall be held to be public trusts to be administered for the public good, not spoils to be enjoyed as the reward of partisan zeal or service.

Resolved, That the Democrats of Ohio, in this year, as in all years, are in favor of the largest individual liberty consistent with public order, and are opposed to legislation merely sumptuary.

Resolved, That the recent discovery of enormous peculations in high Federal places, and the Republican attempt to purchase votes by corruption, should convince the country that the Republican organization is not worthy of public confidence.

Resolved, That the power delegated to the General Government "to regulate commerce among the States," as well as the power reserved to the States to regulate commerce within their own borders, should both be exercised to prevent unjust discrimination and unreasonable charges by our railroads, and to secure a tariff for revenue levied and adjusted in its details with a view to equity in the public burdens and the encouragement of productive industries without creating monopolies; and we favor the appointment of a commission to suggest a method of revision which shall accomplish this result.

A Temperance Reform Convention was held at Loveland, July 20th, and after considerable discussion on the propriety of a separate political organization, placed a ticket in the field as follows: Governor, Abram R. Ludlow, of Springfield; Lieutenant-Governor, Jason McVay, of Columbus; Judge of the Supreme Court, Gideon T. Stewart, of Norwalk; Attorney-General, Levi Mills, of Wilmington; Treasurer, Ferdinand Schumacher, of Akron; Board of Public Works, Abner Davis, of Mercer County. The following platform was adopted:

Whereas, The liquor-traffic is going forward in the State of Ohio with increasing power, devastating our homes, corrupting public morals, and controlling legislation; and,

Whereas, The two great political parties of Ohio have put into their platforms principles which, if carried out, will result in a still greater increase of the liquor-traffic and of its dreadful consequences: therefore,

Resolved, That the time has fully come when temperance men should unite in a political organization whose leading object shall be the suppression of the liquor-traffic, and therefore we are in favor of nominating a State temperance reform ticket.

Resolved, That our ultimate object shall be the constitutional prohibition of the liquor-traffic, the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors, including wine, ale, and beer, and we demand that our next Legislature shall submit to the voters of Ohio such constitutional amendments.

Resolved, That as a measure leading to constitutional prohibition, we are in favor of local option, and demand of our next Legislature the passage of a stringent local-option law.

Resolved, That we do not deem it important to announce definite principles on other political issues, as all these are of minor importance when compared with those great measures which we advocate and propose to secure constitutional prohibition of the liquortraffic.

Resolved, When either of the dominant parties puts in nomination candidates for the General Assembly and county officers distinctly pledged to the principles herein set forth, we will not put opposition candidates in the field; but when they fail to do this we will put in nomination our own tickets, as in the case of State officers, and press their election with energy.

Resolved, That we recommend the organization of county and township organizations as auxiliaries to the Ohio Anti-Liquor Alliance.

Resolved, That we recognize the great moral power of the Women's National Christian Temperance Union,

the success which has crowned its efforts, and we earnestly ask the co-operation of the noble Christian women of our State in our efforts to forward the foregoing objects.

Resolved, That we hereby tender to James A. Garfield, President of the United States, and his family, our profoundest sympathies in his sore affliction, and we, in common with the people of this whole country, and rejoice in the prospect of his speedy recovery, devoutly pray God that he might be spared to this nation to accomplish the great hopes that have been centered in him.

The Prohibition Reform State Convention was held at Columbus, August 4th, and nominated the following State ticket: for Governor, Abram R. Ludlow, of Clarke County; for Lieutenant-Governor, Jason McVay, of Franklin County; for Judge of the Supreme Court, Gideon T. Stewart, of Huron County; for Attorney-General, Henry Camp, of Coshocton County; for State Treasurer, Ferdinand Schumacher, of Summit County; for member of Board of Public Works, Abner Davis, of Mercer County. The candidates are the same as those nominated previously at Loveland, with the exception of Attorney-General. Levi Mills having declined the Loveland nomination, the place was given to Henry Camp. On his declination the committee substituted the name of David W. Gage, of Cuyahoga County. The following platform was adopted:

Resolved, That the Prohibition Reform party of Ohio, in this thirteenth year of its history, with congratulations to the friends of the cause on its present great and rapid progress, repeat and affirm the following principles and measures:

1. The prohibition in the State and national Constitution and laws of the liquor crime, being the manufacture, importation, sale, and supply of intoxicating liquors for use as a beverage.

2. The abolition of executive and legislative patronage, and the election of President and Vice-President, United States Senators, postmasters, and all civil officers, so far as practicable, by direct vote of the people.

3. The universal and enforced education of the youth of the State and nation.

bling in gold, stocks, agricultural products, and all forms of money and property.

5. The prohibition of corporation grants, Crédit Mobilier and ring speculations with public lands, and the substitution of homesteads for the people to be secured to actual settlers there, and to be encouraged and preserved throughout the nation. 6. The protection by law of laborers against the oppressions of unjust capital, and a lien on the property and earnings of corporations for the wages.

7. The equal rights and civil equality of the people, including the right of suffrage, irrespective of race, sex, or color.

8. The reduction of salaries of public officers in a just ratio to the decline of wages and market prices; the reduction of taxes; the abolition of all sinecures and unnecessary offices, of subsidies and Star Route swindles; the frequent and rigid investigation into the whole system of Government contracts and the accounts of public officers, and the prompt payment of the public debt by retrenchment and reform in the Government expenses.

The election took place October 11th, and resulted in a complete Republican victory, the whole of the Republican State ticket being elected by majorities over all the other candidates combined, and large majorities secured in both branches of the Legislature. The following shows the votes on each candidate:


Charles Foster, Republican..
John Bookwalter, Democrat.
A. R. Ludlow, Prohibitionist.
John Seitz, Greenback.

R. G. Richards, Republican..
Edgar M. Johnson, Democrat..
Jason McVay, Prohibitionist..
Charles Jenkins, Greenback

FOR JUDGE OF SUPREME COURT. Nicholas Longworth, Republican.. Edward F. Bingham, Democrat.. Gideon T. Stewart, Prohibitionist. Joseph Watson, Greenback.. Scattering...


G. K. Nash, Republican...
F. C. Dougherty, Democrat..
David W. Gage, Prohibitionist..
G. N. Tuttle, Greenback.


Joseph Turney, Republican,.

A. P. Winslow, Deinocrat..













16,090 6,495 71








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The Republicans elected 22 Senators and 70 Representatives, and the Democrats 11 Senators and 35 Representatives, thus giving the Republicans an exact two-thirds vote in each branch of the Legislature.

The following table gives the population of Ohio by counties, as finally returned by the census of 1880, and as compared with the cor

4. The prohibition of speculative and other gam- responding figures for 1870:

[blocks in formation]

OPIUM-TRAFFIC IN INDIA AND CHINA. There have been indications during the year of a renewed effort on the part of the authorities of China to suppress or at least to circumscribe the traffic in opium, with a view to restricting its consumption in that empire. At the same time the agitation has been continued in England in favor of the policy of discouraging the exportation of the drug from India. The difficulties in the way of this movement arise from the fact that both the Indian Government and China derive no inconsiderable part of their revenue from this trade, and indulgence in the opium-habit among the Chinese has become so prevalent as to suggest an almost universal resistance to measures calculated to interfere with it. Originally the product of the opium poppy, which was cultivated most successfully in Asiatic Turkey and Persia, was used exclusively as an article of medicine. There are evidences of the practice of opium eating and smoking among the Persian magnates of some centuries ago, and the example seems to have been imitated by some of the Hindoo princes of Rajpootana, and a few of the later emperors of the Ming dynasty in China; but the habit was not at all common until within a comparatively recent period. During the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries the total supply in the East was very small, and derived chiefly from Asiatic Turkey and Persia. A small quantity of an inferior grade was produced in the Chinese province of Yunnan, which was either consumed locally or sent abroad for medicinal purposes. The Portuguese were the first to introduce Indian opium into China, which they did in small quantities through their possessions of Goa and Macao. The amount up to the year 1767 did not exceed 200 chests annually. The use to which it was put is not

8,198,062 2,665,260

known, but it is believed to have been indulged in to some degree as a luxury by the mandarins of Canton. It was after this that the taste for the drug was revealed in a marked degree among the official classes in China. After 1767 the traffic rapidly increased to about 1,000 chests annually, and the profit which accrued from it, notwithstanding heavy import duties, induced the British East India Company to enter into competition with the Portuguese in supplying the Chinese markets. Its first venture was made in 1773, and was followed by another on a larger scale three years later. By this time the traffic had been made contraband by imperial edicts, and two vessels were left at anchor in Larks Bay, to the south of Macao, to serve as depots through which it could be carried on. At this time, it is said, the drug, which cost 500 rupees a chest at Calcutta, was sold in China at a profit of about 100 per cent. The trade increased until in 1794 the importation of Indian opium through English agents had risen to 1,500 chests.

It was about the end of the last century that the practice of indulging in opium had made such progress as to be regarded as a national evil, and to evoke vigorous efforts to suppress the trade in what was officially called "the flowing poison." In the year 1800 Hea King, who had recently succeeded his grandfather, the illustrious Keen Lung, issued a formal proclamation, not only forbidding the importation of the drug, but absolutely prohibiting its cultivation in Yunnan. This was followed by severe edicts against all who cultivated, imported, or consumed opium; but the mandarins of Canton, for whom the trade was a prolific source of revenue, continued to connive at it, and it went on increasing. In 1827 it had risen

to 10,000 chests annually, and ten years later amounted to more than 40,000. This progress had been made under all the difficulties, inconveniences, and dangers of carrying on a purely contraband traffic. More vigorous efforts for its suppression led to the so-called "Opium War" with England in 1840, which ended with the treaty of Nanking in 1842. This and the subsequent treaty of Peking presented the first recognized basis of traffic between the English and Chinese, and gave opium a place among the legal imports into China, thereby removing the obstacles to the development of the traffic. The importation from India had reached 70,000 chests in 1856, and is now computed at about 90,000. Meantime the cultivation of the poppy-seed had continued in Yunnan, and extended to the neighboring province of Sech


Even after the treaties which followed the "Opium War," the Emperor of China refused to recognize the traffic as a legitimate source of national revenue. He said: "It is true that I can not prevent the introduction of the flowing poison; gain-seeking and corrupt men will, for profit and sensuality, defeat my wishes; but nothing will induce me to derive a revenue from the vice and misery of my people." This sentiment controlled the avowed policy of the Government until after the second foreign war, which closed with the treaties of Tien-tsin and Peking in 1858, after which a party gained the ascendant which took a practical view of utilizing the inevitable traffic as a source of revenue. The new tariff issued at that time recognized opium as a legal import, and subjected it to a tax of 30 taels per picul, or about £10 sterling per chest. It was also made subject to transit dues after being removed from the port.

Not only has imported opium become a fruit ful source of revenue to China, but it is a very important article of taxation and profit for the British Indian Government. The poppy is grown and the drug manufactured chiefly in two special districts, the valley of the Ganges, about Patna and Benares, and a fertile tableland in Central India, which corresponds to the old kingdom of Malwah and is for the most part still under the rule of native princes, foremost among whom are Scindia and Holkar. The cultivation of the poppy in the Malwah district is free, but a duty of £65 per chest is raised on it as it passes through British territory. In Bengal, on the other hand, the production of opium is a government monopoly. Outside of these two districts, with the exception of Rajpootana and a few places in the Punjab, the cultivation of the poppy is prohibited in India. The manufacture of the opium of commerce from the juice of the poppy grown in British territory is performed at Patna and Ghazepoor, while that from the product of the Malwah district is made at Indore and Gwalior. In 1878-79 the total product was 91,200 chests, of which the export value was £12,993,985, and it was officially com

puted that the state derived from it a net profit of nearly £8,000,000, about one half of which came from the Bengal monopoly. Perhaps a million pounds in value of the product was destined for Burmah and the Malay settlements, but nearly eleven million pounds' worth was sold to the Chinese. The difficulty of reinstating the policy of prohibiting or materially restricting the opium-traffic is manifestly rendered very great by its importance for revenue purposes to both the Chinese and British Indian Governments. So far as it depends on negotiations with Great Britain, the difficulty is further magnified by the fact that that nation does not share, to any appreciable degree, the evil consequences it is desired to check, while its share of the financial benefit is very great. To strike opium from the sources of revenue for the Indian Government would necessitate a difficult readjustment of the finances of India. Another obstacle which the Chinese Government is likely to encounter is to be found in the remarkable increase in the home production of opium in the provinces of Yunnan and Sechuen, and the almost universal prevalence which the habit of opium-smoking has attained in a large part of the empire. While it is evident, from recent utterances of the minister Li Hung Chang, that negotiations are likely to be opened with a view to restricting the importation, there is little prospect of immediate success, either in the effort to suppress the traffic from abroad or that within the empire, or to circumscribe the use of the drug which is regarded as so pernicious, so long as such powerful interests and such wide-spread popular tastes are arrayed against the policy, and the means of enforcing it are so inadequate in consequence of the character and attitude of a large part of the official and influential classes in China.

OREGON. The Oregon State Woman Suffrage Association met in Portland on the 8th of February. The following resolutions were adopted:

Whereas, The social relations between men and women are mutual, their individual needs equal, and their conjugal interests identical; and,

Whereas, Man, by virtue of the law-making power, as expressed through the ballot, has supreme advanin providing for his individual needs, and in controltage over woman in reaching exalted social positions, ling the individual interests of mutual conjugal relations; and,

Whereas, This advantage of one over the other is

both unwise and unjust, and not to be continued;


Whereas, The era of physical force is rapidly giving way to the era of intellectual and moral influence between men and men: therefore, abolished wherever it exists between men and women. 2. That the ballot is the key to men's advantage over women; and women, who are by nature equal with men, ought by right of law to be equally free and independent with men in all things pertaining to their domestic, civil, and political rights.

Resolved, 1. That this same era of force should be

3. That what the ballot has done for man, native or foreign-born, it is equally capable of doing for woman, and we demand it for her as a means of self

improvement, social advantage, and moral power, as well as political equality.

4. That the present phase of the woman movement does not arise from domestic grievances, but from governmental injustice.

5. That woman suffrage is a question of human right, in exact accordance with the fundamental principles of a republican form of government.

6. That we demand the ballot as a practical application of those principles of liberty and justice which are taught in every district school-among girls as well as boys.

7. That the present phase of the woman movement is practical, and it is woman's duty to assume the responsibilities of citizenship whenever possible.

8. That the Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint picked men and women in every county as committees upon political action, whose duty shall be to attend primary meetings and nominating conventions, and secure woman-suffrage planks and resolutions in party platforms.

9. That it is the sense of this convention that universal suffrage is both a civil and a natural right, and as such it recognizes neither sex nor previous condition of servitude.

10. That as universal suffrage is a civil as well as natural right, it carries with it the duties and obligations of citizenship.

11. That it is the sense of this convention that God made it a law of this universe that justice is the highest expediency.

12. That we heartily concur in the recent act of the State Legislature in granting equal property rights to


13. That we thank the Legislature of 1880 for its just and generous act in passing a resolution for so amending the State Constitution that it may be legally possible for the next Legislature to submit the proposition for a constitutional woman-suffrage amendment to the vote of the people in 1884.

14. That we will use all honorable means to elect men to the Legislature of 1882 who are pledged to sustain the woman's suffrage resolution passed by the Legislature of 1880.

The Oregon State Temperance Alliance met in Portland on the 16th of February. The following are the resolutions adopted:

Resolved, That the Oregon State Temperance Alliance takes this the earliest opportunity afforded of expressing its profound disappointment and regret at the course the Legislature of this State pursued in refusing to pass a civil damage act for this State, or any act whatever to check the growth of the terrible Scourge intemperance.

Resolved, That we renew our pledges never to cease our work and labors until the organic law of the State of Oregon is so amended as to for ever banish all kinds and classes of intoxicating liquors from the State; and to the end that this object may be attained, we favor submitting to the voters of the State at as early a day as possible, an amendment to the Constitution providing for the entire prohibition of the manufacture, importation, sale, or giving away as a beverage any intoxicating liquor whatever.

Resolved, That as an efficient means to the accomplishment of all the ends had in view by this alliance, we look to and rely upon the assistance of the Chris tian Church and Christian people, as well as the united and hearty co-operation of all other organizations of the State whose object is to reclaim and reform the inebriate, and build up a strong and healthy temperance sentiment among the people.

Resolved, That we invite all lovers of temperance and sobriety, of all political parties, and all branches of the Christian Church, to join in the grand work of redeeming our State and nation from the curse of

strong drink.

Whereas, The liquor interest in Oregon is organized and consolidated as a political force, demanding and

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receiving consideration from the political parties: therefore,

Resolved, That while in the judgment of this Alliance no separate political party should be formed, yet we should be consolidated in political action.

Resolved, That a balance-of-power party should be now formed, whose members shall be pledged to concerted action not to vote for any but temperance men. Resolved, That a committee of twelve men be appointed to outline and organize this work.

Resolved, That we will unite our efforts, and we call upon all the friends of temperance in Oregon to unite with us in petitioning the next Legislature at Salem (1882) to enact a stringent civil damage law at that time.

held in the same city, on the 30th of July, it At a meeting of the Executive Committee, was determined to circulate petitions and take other measures to induce the Legislature at its next regular session to adopt the following constitutional amendment:

ARTICLE I, SECTION 1. That the manufacture, sale, or the giving away, or the offering to sell or give away, of any or all kinds of spirituous, vinous, malt, or any other intoxicating liquor, within the State of Oregon, is prohibited, except for medicinal, scientific, or mechanical purposes.

SEC. 2. The Legislative Assembly shall enforce this article by appropriate legislation forthwith after the adoption of said amendment.

and flour from Portland, for the last four calenThe exports to foreign countries of wheat dar years, have been as follow:



1878.. 1879.

1,885,556 2.414,716

1880. 1881..

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]





$1,976,772 2,789.115 161,141 1,762,515 1,845,537 180,663 4,076,503 3,765,232 874,480 1,484,311

503. From Astoria there were exported durThe value of all-exports in 1881 was $5,324,ing the year 474,336 centals of wheat, valued at $739,170; 49,652 barrels of flour, valued at $248,752; and 342,149 cans of salmon, valued at $1,736,993. The total value of wheat and flour exported from the two ports was $6,312,425; and of all articles, $8,124,368. The imports to Portland amounted to $639,316; and to Astoria, $220,218; total, $859,534. The entire shipments from the Columbia River for the year amounted in value to fully $14,000,000. Adding to foreign exports shipments to San Francisco, consisting of wheat, flour, wool, salmon, and other products, the value of which at a moderate estimate would be $6,000,000, we have the total above indicated. Salmon alone shipped to San Francisco reached a total of 222,000 cases, valued at $1,100,000. Wheat shipments to that city were about 400,000 centals, valued at $600,000; and flour shipments, 320,000 sacks, valued at about $400,000. Of wool, 27,762 bales were shipped, having a value of about $1,400,000. Oats, flaxseed, potatoes, hides, hops, etc., would make up another half million of value.

The Willamette Valley yields an average of 150,000 tons of wheat in excess of the demands for seed and home consumption. There has been little gain for four or five years, owing to

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