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" ... (1) supplies and services such as overhauling, repairs, and alterations, including the installation of equipment ; and "(2) miscellaneous supplies such as fuel, provisions, spare parts, and general stores. "(b) The Secretary may authorize any United... "
Miscellaneous Bills: Hearing Before the Committee on Armed Services, United ... - Halaman 25
oleh United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services - 1958 - 35 halaman
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Hearings ... on Sundry Legislation Affecting the Naval and ..., Masalah 1-17

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Armed Services - 1959 - 1686 halaman
...prescribes, may authorize any United States naval vessel or activity, to furnish, on a relmburs"able basis without advance of funds, to naval vessels and...authorize any United States naval activity to furnish on a recriprocal basis to foreign vessels or aircraft, without cost where such services are provided by...
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United States Treaties and Other International Agreements, Volume 7

United States - 1956 - 1278 halaman
...condition that such services are available in the naval establishment of the host Government. ARTICLE 2. - Miscellaneous supplies, such as fuel, provisions, spare parts and general stores, will be furnished by each of the Governments to visit ing naval vessels of the Other Govern merit on...
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Miscellaneous Bills: Hearing Before the Committee on Armed Services, United ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services - 1953 - 22 halaman
...furnished on a like basis to United States naval vessels at ports and naval bases of the country concerned. (2) Miscellaneous supplies such as fuel, provisions, spare parts, and general stores likewise on a reimbursable basis without an advance of funds, but only after an agreement conferring...
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Congressional Serial Set

1953 - 572 halaman
...prescribe, is authorized to furnish foreign naval vessels at United States ports and naval bases— (2) miscellaneous supplies such as fuel, provisions, spare parts, and general stores on a reimbursable basis without an advance of funds when a prior agreement conferring reciprocal rights...
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Hearings Before and Special Reports Made by Committee on Armed Services of ...

1953 - 1054 halaman
...furnished on a like basis to United States naval vessels at ports and naval bases of the country concerned; (2) Miscellaneous supplies such as fuel, provisions, spare parts, and general stores likewise on a reimbursable basis without an advance of funds, but only after an agreement conferring...
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Hearings ... on Sundry Legislation Affecting the Naval and ..., Masalah 1-48

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Armed Services - 1604 halaman
...prescribe, is authorized to furnish foreign run al vessels at [Tinted States ports and naval bases— (2) miscellaneous supplies such as fuel, provisions, spare parts, and general stores on a reimbursable basis without an advance of funds when a prior agreement conferring reciprocal rights...
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United States. Congress. House. Committee on Armed Services - 1953 - 1380 halaman
...furnished on a like basis to United States naval vessels at ports and navai bases of the country concerned; (2) miscellaneous supplies such as fuel, provisions, spare parts, and general stores on a reimbursable basis without an advance of funds when a prior agreement conferring reciprocal rights...
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Hearings Before and Special Reports Made by Committee on Armed Services of ...

1594 halaman
...of the United fitate* of America in Congress assembled, That section 7227 of title 10, United States Code, is amended to read as follows : "§ 7227. Foreign...authorize any United States naval activity to furnish ia reciprocal basis to foreign vessels or aircraft, without cost where such servee are provided by...
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United States. Congress. House. Committee on Armed Services - 1959 - 1658 halaman
...assembled. That section 7227 of title 10, United States Code, is amended to read as follows : able basis without advance of funds, to naval vessels and...authorize any United States naval activity to furnish on a recriprocal basis to foreign vessels or aircraft, without cost where such services are provided by...
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