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Mr. FRANCIS. It does not at all. That was something the Comptroller General raised, and the Comptroller just raised that question because there is a general authorization, Public Law 11, I believe passed in 1955, which authorizes the services to use their general appropriations to send their boys to any of the Olympic games. Under that authority they can continue to pay the same allowances to these boys and transportation so they can actively participate.

Senator STENNIS. I believe this is in the Lake Tahoe country. It is a wonderful place. I went through there. I did not have time to tarry, but I was very much interested, tremendously impressed with the layout there. That is all, Mr. Chairman.

Chairman RUSSELL. Senator Barrett?

Senator BARRETT. Yes, Mr. Chairman. You say that men from the services would compete in the Olympics?

Mr. FRANCIS. Yes, sir.

Senator BARRETT. Now, this particular arrangement as covered by this bill, is this the first time that we have entered into this kind of a deal in this country?

Mr. FRANCIS. I believe that when we had the Olympic games many years ago, in late 1932, I believe this is the second time, but this is the first time on this scale.

Senator BARRETT. Tell me, will this area be open to the public during this 30-year period of the lease?

Mr. FRANCIS. Yes, sir. That is in the Government lease, it will have to be used as a State park open to the public.

Senator BARRETT. How much of this is the State of California and how much the State of Nevada, I mean, how much are they contributing to this enterprise?

Mr. FRANCIS. Nevada has already committed $200,000 directly and will probably contribute more.

California is spending $43 million on roads and have committed another $8 million which they are expending directly, so they are paying the bulk of the cost.

Senator BARRETT. And I presume that if this facility is established there, it will be used in connection with winter sports, I assume, from now on out?

Mr. FRANCIS. Yes, sir.

Senator BARRETT. Will there be also an opportunity available for the services for any training purposes that they want to use it for?

Mr. FRANCIS. Well, Senator, I doubt that we have the legal right. Perhaps we do, but I doubt it, unless it is in the lease. I doubt whether we have the legal right to use it for military maneuvers.

Senator BARRETT. Is that terrain adaptable for that purpose? Mr. FRANCIS. It might be, although actually the Army at the moment and for the next 2 or 3 years is planning to do most of that type of training in Alaska; but some of this terrain would be adaptable.

Senator BARRETT. That would be my recollection of that area, and I assume that this area would be quite suitable for that purpose.

In other words, the investment, the capital there, the expenditure of $3,400,000 is going to be in the nature of a permanent facility that the States of California and Nevada will obtain and it will be open and available to the services if they wanted it; is that your understanding?

Mr. FRANCIS. That is right. This basic lease to the State is, of course, part of the policy that has been followed in many of these areas where the Federal Government owns so much, they lease the property to the States, and the usual provision is in there requiring that it be kept open as a public park.

Senator BARRETT. Mr. Secretary, I realize that this is a little bit out of your field, but Senator Bible and myself are on the Interior Committee and we authorize tremendous expenditures for public purposes such as parks, recreation facilities, reserves in the forests, and so on. I assume that this certainly could come within that category; and it would be suitable for the services. That is all I have to say. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.

Chairman RUSSELL. If there are no further questions, we would like to hear you, Senator Bible, if you care to add anything.


Senator BIBLE. Thank you very much, Senator, and members of the committee. I think that the Secretary, Mr. Francis, has covered the main points before the committee and has answered the questions of the members of the committee very well, in my opinion.

I simply want to add my word of endorsement as cosponsor of this particular Senate bill.

It does seem to me that this is an area here where Federal assistance is justified. As has been pointed out by the Secretary this is authorizing legislation to enable personnel of the armed services who are skilled in this winter work, which is a specialized type of work, coldweather work, to further their training in that field.

The Army has indicated its willingness to use ski troops in this area. The Navy, of course, as Mr. Francis has pointed out, wants to carry on some of its snow-compacting tests. I think that that in itself is justification for participation in this.

I might add that this is one of the great winter sport areas of the United States. My interest was directed to this particular area. am very familiar with it. It is near Lake Tahoe, a lake on the boundary line and this particular area is in California.

My attention was first directed to it when the American Olympic Committee selected Squaw Valley as the place to hold the 1960 Olympics, and when they went to put in their bid at the International Olympic Committee for the United States, the choice was backed up by a Senate resolution approved on June 13, 1955, resolving that the Senate and the House of Representatives join with the United States Olympic Association in inviting the International Olympic Committee to hold the next Olympic games in the United States, in Squaw Valley, Calif., in 1960.

It seems to me that this is a great opportunity for a great deal of good to be accomplished, to come from this joint relationship and international goodwill and understanding between the people of different countries.

After that resolution they went forward and Squaw Valley of California was proposed and was successful and it was selected.

As has been pointed out already, the State of California has already appropriated $8 million in commitments to carry forward the winter Olympics of 1960.

My own State of Nevada appropriated $200,000, I believe that was indicated, and they are willing to contribute at least that much more. These States will become gateways to thousands of visitors from all over the world and they are fully aware, that is the States are, of the responsible role that they play-and the sums that I mention are those sums that go directly to the Olympic committee.

In addition to that, there has been considerable priority given in some of the forest services to open up the area to make it the greatest Olympics of all time and we sincerely believe that they will be.

This is not just a one-shot proposition. There will be preliminary events that take place in 1959 and after 1960 this will become a vast State park in California under the terms of the 30-year lease.

It will add one more showplace in the scenic grandeur of America. So for all of these considerations, we feel that the legislation, Mr. Chairman, and members of the committee, is worthwhile and is completely justified and we hope that favorable action will be given, which will give confidence to the many people who are working hard to make the Olympics of 1960 an outstanding international event. Chairman RUSSELL. Senator Bush, do you desire to ask Assistant Secretary Francis any questions?

Senator BUSH. No, sir, thank you.

Chairman RUSSELL. Senator Kefauver?

Senator KEFAUVER. Mr. Chairman, has it been stated what will be done with the stadium after the games?

Chairman RUSSELL. The land belongs to the Forest Service.
Senator KEFAUVER. I understand that.

Chairman RUSSELL. The State of California will have it under a long-term lease and there will be a State park operated by the State of California after the Olympics.

Senator KEFAUVER. I have no questions.

Chairman RUSSELL. Senator Stennis?

Senator STENNIS. Did you say that $43 million was being spent by the State of California for roads?

Senator BIBLE. That is my understanding of approximately the correct figure.

Senator STENNIS. For this program?

Senator BIBLE. On this particular on the roads alone, let us differentiate I am sure that this is correct, that $8 million is going directly to the Olympics.

Senator BARRETT. Is the State of California and the State of Nevada putting up any money for this facility or is this $3,400,000 the total cost?

Mr. FRANCIS. The Federal Government is putting up the total cost of the arena.

Chairman RUSSELL. I might say that the State of California is building dormitories and things of that kind in connection with it. Is that not right, Mr. King?

Mr. KING. Yes.

Senator BARRETT. They are putting in some money?

Mr. FRANCIS. Oh, yes, some $8 million has been committed in construction.

Senator BARRETT. In addition to the road?

Mr. FRANCIS. That is right. There is an Olympic village that the State is paying for and this $8 million is directly expended by the State of California over and above the road cost and they have done, of course, quite a bit of construction.

Senator BARRETT. Will it become the property of the United States?

Mr. FRANCIS. Eventually, after this 30-year lease runs out.

Chairman RUSSELL. Well, I think that we can reasonably assume that the State of California will operate a great State park for winter sports there for some time, until the end of the lease, at least.

From my own viewpoint the only reason I am willing to support this bill, which is really a substantial assistance to a State park that under ordinary circumstances ought to be financed by State funds, is the fact that they are having the Olympics out there. This, I think, justifies our taking some action on this.

Are there any further questions?

Senator BUSH. Has the Government in any prior years when the Olympics have been held, made any contributions of this nature? Chairman RUSSELL. No, sir. I think this is the first time we have something of this nature.

Are there any further questions?

(No response.)

Chairman RUSSELL. That was from my information, Senator; you gentlemen are better informed.

Mr. FRANCIS. I believe that is correct. I believe that in 1949 they did pass an authorization bill for the Pan-American games but it never cleared the Appropriations Committee.

Chairman RUSSELL. We have other arena authorizations but never any appropriations; one at Cleveland and other places.

Mr. KING. I may add that public housing funds were used in 1932 in Los Angeles for the purpose of the Olympic games-I do not know the background, but that is an indication that something of that nature has been done.

Chairman RUSSELL. If that was done through public housing funds, of course, after the expiration of the games, whatever construction there was reverted to ordinary public housing purposes?

Mr. KING. That is right.

Chairman RUSSELL. Which is somewhat different from this because there is no reversion of facilities.

Are there any further questions?

(No response.)

Chairman RUSSELL. I want to say for the record that Senator Knowland has been very anxious to appear this morning on behalf of this bill and was deterred in other work.

Senator BUSH. Is he in favor of it?

Chairman RUSSELL. I rather assume that he might be inclined to support it, Senator Bush; he is one of the authors, and I might say that he did a great job for his State; I never saw the kind of bill like this which came here that had every department of Government coming in and recommending it.

At any rate, Senator Knowland will submit a statement later to the committee.

[blocks in formation]

DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: As a cosponsor of S. 3262 I am writing to urge favorable consideration of this legislation by your committee.

As you know, this legislation would authorize certain activities by the Armed Forces in support of VIII Olympic Winter Games and authorize the Secretary of Defense to furnish funds to the organizing committee, VIII Olympic Winter Games, Squaw Valley, to construct a sports arena. The proposed legislation would enable the Department of Defense to support the conduct of the 1960 winter games. Such support is required because of the inherent difficulties in staging these winter games in such mountainous areas.

Since this country was selected to be the host nation for these winter games, it is important to our position overseas that adequate facilities for these athletic contests be provided.

The proposed legislation is part of the Department of Defense's legislative program for 1958, and it has received the approval of the Bureau of the Budget. At the same time the Comptroller General of the United States has indicated that his office has no objection to the bill.

Sincerely yours,


(Subsequently, in executive session, the committee voted to report the bill favorably, with amendments, as covered by S. Rept 1342).

H. R. 6744

Chairman RUSSELL. The next bill for consideration is H. R. 6744. (H. R. 6744 is as follows:)

[H. R. 6744, 85th Cong., 1st sess.]

AN ACT To amend Public Law 472, Eighty-first Congress, as amended, relative to the attendance of professional personnel of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics in graduate schools

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 6 of Public Law 472, Eighty-first Congress, as amended by Public Law 352, Eighty-third Congress, is amended to read "The total of the sums expended each year pursuant to this Act shall not exceed two percent of the total salaries paid to NACA professional employees during the fiscal year."

Passed the House of Representatives May 20, 1957.


Chairman RUSSELL. H. R. 6744 is a proposal by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. The purpose of this bill is increase a limitation on the amount the NACA may spend in continuing the salaries of its scientific and porfessional personnel while they attend graduate schools.

The limitation is now $100,000 per year. It was raised to this amount in the 83d Congress after having been first established at $50,000 per year in 1950.

The bill before us would permit expenditures for this purpose in an amount not to exceed 2 perecnt of the total salaries paid to NACA porfessional employees during the fiscal year.

The witness on this bill is Dr. Hugh L. Dryden, Director, of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.

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