Legislative Branch of the Government-Congressional Districts. Presidents under the Federal Constitution-Vice-Presidents-Chief-Jus- PAGE Order of Territories.... Area of the United States. The States of the Union... The Individual States of the Union.... Immigration.... New Naturalization Law. Presidential Vote.... Educational.. Religious Statistics.. The Census-Census of the United States, taken in 1880. Population of all the Cities of the United States..... Order of the States, in point of Population, at several periods. Population of States by Races-Comparative Increase of Population.. 37 43 44 45 47 47 48 48 49 50 52 54 57 THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT. DES PRINCIPAL DEPARTMENTS, OFFICERS OF THE CABINET, THE ARMY AND NAVI, AND THEIR SUBORDINATES-DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS-OUR MINISTERS AND CONSULS TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES, AND THEIRS TO THIS COUNTRY. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. PRESIDENT. CHESTER A. ARTHUR, of New York. Term expires March 4, 1885. The President is chosen by Electors, who are elected by the People, each State having as many as it has Senators and Representatives in Congress. He holds office four years; is Commander-inChief of the Army and Navy of the United States; has power to grant pardons and reprieves for offenses against the United States; makes treaties, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate; nominates, and, with the consent of the Senate, appoints, all Cabinet, Diplomatic, Judicial and Executive officers; has power to convene Congress, or the Senate only; communicates with Congress by message at every session; receives all Foreign Ministers; takes care that the laws are faithfully executed, and the public business transacted. Salary $50,000 a year. ACTING VICE-PRESIDENT AND PRESIDENT OF SENATE. DAVID DAVIS, of Illinois. Term expires March 4, 1885. Is chosen by the Electors at the same time, and in the same manner as the President; is President of the Senate, and has the casting vote therein. In case of the death, resignation, disability or removal of the President, his powers and duties devolve upon the Vice-President for the residue of his term. In cases of vacancy, where the Vice-President succeeds to the Presidential office, the President of the Senate becomes ex-officio Vice-President. Salary $8,000 a year. THE STATE DEPARTMENT. Preserves the public archives, records, laws, documents and treaties, and supervises their publication; conducts all business and correspondence arising out of Foreign Relations; makes out and records passports, commissions, etc. Department Officers. Secretary of State- FREDERICK T. FRELINGHUYSEN, of New Jersey Salary. .$8,000 .3,500 ..3,500 .3,500 NAMES. James Russell Lowell Mortimer M. Jackson... Edgar Stanton.... S. P. Young L. E. Dyer.. A. Wilkins.. Levi P. Morton. R. R. Hitt. Henry Vignaud. George Walker.. John M. Glover. Horace Taylor.. Hannibal Hamlin Dwight T. Reed. Alfred N. Duffie. Henry C. Hall. John M. Francis. Henry W. Diman. William Stuve..... James O Putnam.. John Wilson James R. Weaver. James Birney. William B. Wells. David Eckstein.. J. P. Wickersham Henry B. Ryder. John L. Stevens.. E. L. Oppenheim. Aaron A. Sargent H. Sidney Everett. Chapman Coleman. Mark S. Brewer. Ferdinand Vogeler. John H. Steuart. Wilson King... John M. Wilson.. G. Henry Horstman. Jos. S. Potter.... Edward M. Smith. William W. Phelps. John F. Delaplaine. James Riley Weaver. A. W. Thayer.. M. J. Cramer... J. E. Montgomery. George P. Marsh George W. Wurtz.. Louis Richmond John F. Hazleton.. B. Odell Duncan. Lew Wallace.. G. Harris eap. A. A. Garguilio. Frank S. De Haas.. Eugene Schuyler.. John T. Edgar.. George P. Pomeroy. J. Meredith Read, F. A. Matthews.. Henry Highland Garnet... Wm. H. Hathorne.. William W. Robinson.. John A. Bingham.. Durham W. Stevens. David Thompson. I. H. Haws T. B. Van Buren.. W. P. Mangum.. Japan. do do J. C. S. Colby... do do do do Chester Holcombe Joseph J. Henderson.. Charles P. Lincoln.. Wm. A. Conahe.. Rollin M. Daggett. Minister. James Scott... Hayti... San Domingo. John M. Langston Paul Jones.. Minister Res. & C. G. Port au Prince. 7,500 1,500 Mexico.. do do do do do Cen. Am. States. Philip H. Morgan.. Daniel S. Richardson.... Augustus J, Cassard. E. H. Rogers. Minister. Mexico.. 12,000 Consul.. Consul-General. Consul. 1,800 Tampico... 1,500 M xico. 2,000 Matamoras 2,000 Consul. Vera Cruz.. 3,000 Minister. Guatemala. 7,500 |