PAPER MONEY OF THE UNITED STATES. The amount of Legal Tender notes, Demand Notes, Fractional Currency, and National Bank Notes outstanding on August 31, 1865, and annually thereafter, from January 1, 1866, to January 1, 1879, and the amounts outstanding November 1, 1878, are shown by the following table, together with the currency price of gold and the gold price of currency at each date, prepared by the Comptroller of the Currency: $432,757,604 $402,955 $26,344,742 $176,213,955 $635,719,266 $144 25 $09 32 144 50 69 20 133 00 75 18 133 25 75 04 135 00 74 07 120 00 83 33 110 75 90 29 91 32 89 28 110 25 90 70 92,801 40,767.877 328,465,431 726,826,109 109 50 358,557,907 84,387 45,722,061 344,582,812 748,947,167 112 00 378,401,702, 79,637 48,544,792 350,848,236 777,874,367 382,000,000 72,317 46,390,598 354,128,250 782,591,165 371,827,220 69,642 44,147,072 346,479,756 762,523,690 366,055,084 65,462 26,348,206 321,595,606 714,064,358 349,943,776 63,532 17,764,109 321,672,505 689,443,922 346,681,016 62,065 16,211,193 322,460,715 685,414,989 346,681,016 62,035 16,108,155 319,652,121 682,503,327 846,681,016 61,865 15,710,960 887,181,418 699,684,759 846,681,016) 60,975) 7,214,954 844,505,427 696,462,375 346,681,016 60,645 7,181,978 846,456,547 700,830,486 346.681,016 59,875 7,065,878 | 361,014,786 | 714,821,555 | 100,00 | 100,00 From the organization of the U. S. Government to the 30th day of June, 1861, that day being the close of the fiscal year, the U. S. Government had called into its Treasury from the people the follow ing sums from the following sources: The following sums have been paid out as interest on Bonds for the past 16 years for the fiscal years ending: Denmark. Crown... Gold... Ecuador Peso. Silver. Egypt... Pound, 100 Piasters. Gold... France.. Franc... Gold & Silv'r Great Britain Pound Sterling.. Greece.. Drachma. German Empire Mark Japan.. Yen. Gold... Gold... India.. Italy Lira. Liberia.. Dollar. Mexico.. Dollar. Netherlands.. Florin. Norway. Crown.. Peru... Sol. Silver Portugal. Russia... Sandwich Isl'ds. Gold.. Spain Sweden Switzerland. Crown.. Franc. Tripoli Turkey U.S. of Colombia Peso... Gold... Gold.... Silver Venezuela..... Bolivar.. Gold... 0.26.8 10 and 20 Crowns. 0.82.3 Peso. 4 97.4 5, 10, 25 and 50 Piasters. 0.19.2 5, 10 and 20 Francs. 4 86.65 Half Sovereign and Sovereign. Gold&Silv'r 0.19.3 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 Drachmas. 0.23.8 5, 10 and 20 Marks. 0.88.8 1, 2, 5, 10 and 20 Yen. Rupee of 16 Annas.. Silver.. 0.39.4 Gold&Salv'r 0.19.35, 10, 20, 50 and 100 Lire. Silver. Milreis of 1,000 reis. Gold... Rouble of 100 Copecs Silver.. Peseta of100Centm's Gold & Silv'r Mahbub of 20 piast'rs Silver 0.89:4 Peso or Dollar, 5, 10, 25 & 50 Centaoo 0.82.3 Sol. 1.08.0 2, 5, and 10 Milreis. 0.65.8 Quarter, Half and One Rouble. 0.19.3 5, 10. 20, 50 and 100 Pesetas. 0.26.8 10 and 20 Crowns. 0.19.3 5, 10 and 20 Francs. 0.74.3 04.4 25, 50, 190, 250 and 500 Piasters. 0.82.3 Peso. [Gold&Silv'r | 79.315, 10, 20, 50 and 100 Bolivar. STATEMENT showing the Quantity of CRUDE PETROLEUM PRODUCED, and the Quantity and Value of PETROLEUM PRODUCTS EXPORTED from the United States during each of the Fiscal Years from 1864 to 1880. inclusive. EXPORTS. YEAR ENDED PRODUCTION. Mineral, crude (including all Total. gard to gravity). Gallons. Gallons. Dollars. -Gallons. Dollars. 1864. 104,105,778 9,980,654 3,864,187 23,210,369 10,782,689 1865. 101,846,010 12,293,897 6,868,513 25,496,849 16,563,413 1866. 132,959,400 1867. 16,057,943 6,015,921 50,987,341 24,830,887 150,859,800 7,344,248 1,864,001 70,255,481 24,407,642 1868. 151,775,778 10,029,659 1,564,933 79,456,888 21,810,676 1869. 169,955,436 13,425,566 2,994,404 100,636,684 31,127,433 1870. 185,262,672 IC,403,314 2,237,292 113,735,294 32,668,960 1871. 233,468,550 9,859,038 1,971,847 149,892,691 36,894,810 1872 245,384,874 13,559,768 2,307,III 145,171,583 34,058,390 1873.. 304,178,406 18,439,407 3,010,050 187,815,187 42,050,756 1874. 469,927,122 17,776,419 2,099,696 247,806,483 41,245,815 1875. 423,520,776 14,718,114 1,406,018 221,955,308 30,078,568 1876. 370,571,964 20,520,397 2,220,268 243,660,152 32,915,786 1877. 454,560,582 26,819,202 3,756,729 309,198,914 61,789,438 1878.. 619,007,004 26,936,727 2,694,018 338,841,303 46,574,974 1879. 710,539,452 25,874,488 2,180,413 378,310,010 40,305,249 1880... 1881 635,256,393 28,297,997 1,927,207 420,699,599 36,218,625 39,984,844 3,065,464 397,505,602 40,315,609 TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENTS. Territories. Capitals. GOVERNORS. Arizona... Alaska. Prescott..... Gen. J. C. Frémont. Dakota. Idaho.... Indian.... Yankton... Nehemiah G.Ordway. Boise City... John B. Neil. Territories. Montana Capitals. Helena. GOVERNORS. The Governors of the organized Territories receive a salary of $2,600 each. BANKS AND BANKING IN THE U. S. NATIONAL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES. Number of banks organized and in operation, with their capital, bonds on deposit, and circulation issued, redeemed and outstanding on November 1, 1880. Number of Siate banks and trust companies, private bankers, and savings banks, with the average amount of their capital, deposits, and investments in United States bonds, for the six months ending May 31, 1880. Pacific States and Ter's... 996 113,970,577 318,783,228 24,498,604 2,802 76,121,961 182,667,235 |