Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the U. S. (Continued.) Name. Bamuel Chase. Bushrod Washington. Alfred Moore William Johnston Brockholst Livingston Stanley Matthews.. APPORTIONMENT OF REPRESENTATIVES. NEW APPORTIONMENT BILL. Be it enacted, &c., That after the 3d of March, 1883, the House of Representatives shall be composed of 825 members, to be apportioned among the several States as follows: Louisiana. 10 Maryland. 11 New York...... 34 Tennessee 5 North Carolina. 9 Texas... 10 11 21 1 1 Rhode Island... 2 Vermont. 2 10 4 9 6 Nebraska....... 8 Pennsylvania.. 28 6 New Hampshire 2 Georgis..... SEO. 2. That whenever a new State is admitted to the Union, the Representative or Represerta Ives assigned to it shall be in addition to the number, 325. SEC. 3. That in each State entitled under this apportionment, the number to which such State may be entitled in the Forty-eighth and each subsequent Congress, shall be elected by districts composed of contiguous territory, and containing as nearly as practicable an equal number of inhabitants, and equal in number to the Re resentatives to which such State may be entitled in Congress, no one district electing more than one Representative; provided, that unless the Legislature of such State shall otherwise provide, before the election of such Representatives shall take place as provided by law, where no change shall be hereby made in the representation of a State, the Representatives thereof to the Forty-eighth Congress shall be elected therein as now provided by law. If the number as hereby provided for shall be larger than it was before this change, then the additional Representative or Representatives allowed to said State, under this apportionment may be elected by the State at large, and the other Represe tatives to which the State is entitled by the districts as now prescribed by law in said State, and if the number hereby provided for shall in any State be less than it was before the change hereby made, then the whole number to such State hereby provided for shall be elected at large, unless the Legislatures of said States have provided or shall otherwise provide before the time fixed by law for the next election of Representatives therein. Expense of maintaining the government, not including the interest on the bonds, for each year from 1861 to 1880: 1880.... 161,619,933 58 1 169,090,062 25 assessed and true Valuation of Properly in the United States in 1870; Taxes of each State and 1 and Amount of Farm Products in 1870. State Debts; Capital Invested in and Product of Manufactures in 1870; Value of Farms Amount of Fractional Currency estimated as lost or destroyed..... 73,862,600 00 $439,219,369 00 6,536 00 8,375,934 00 $1,983,552,894 00 11,764,123 00 $1,995,347,017 00 Total Cash in Treasury, at date....... Debt less Cash in the Treasury, December 1, 1375 1,778,285,840 00 .1,742,729,369 00 $64,623,512 00 646,235 00 Bonds to Pacific Railway Companies, Interest payable in Lawful Money. Principal outstanding....... Interest accrued and not yet paid.. Interest paid by the United States. Interest repaid by Transportation of Mails, etc. 53,405,977 00 14,841,657 00 655,199 CO 37,909,121 00 THE PUBLIC DEBT-MARCH 1, 1882. THE LOANS MADE BY GOVERNMENT NOT YET REDEEMED. 1.--Debt bearing Interest in Coin. Navy Pension Fund.. 3 $14,000,000 PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANIES LOANS. Conditional-Half interest now and all the principal and interest eventually to be paid by Companies Central Pacific. Kansas Pacific. Union Pacific Central Branch of Union Pacific. Western Pacific.. Sioux City and Pacific.. Totals.. $210,000 00 25,885,120 699966 6,303,000 27,236,512 1,600,000 1646,235 00 58,405,977 00 1,970,560 1,628,320 $64,623,512 1,615,587 00 53,405,977 00 There had been also to March 1, 1282, $14,841,657 of interest paid by transportation of mails, &c. These loans are to run 30 years from date of their issue. 3.-Debt on which the Interest has ceased since maturity. Principal. Interest. Total. Called Bonds not yet Surrendered, March 1, 1882.... $10,037,925 $611,127) 4.-Debt bearing no Interest. TITLE OF DEBT. Principal. Remarks. Old Demand and Legal Tender Notes $346,740.891 00 Certificates of Deposit.. 11,550,000 00 Fractional Currency than half of this is probably 7,065,878 12{destroyed by fire or otherwise. Coin and Silver Certificates. 73,862,600 00 * In the summer of 1881, all the 5 and 6 per cent. Bonds due at that time were made payable at the pleasure of the Government at 3 per cent., or paid at maturity. The Bonds returned to the holders at 31⁄2 per cent., amounted to $560,957,400. Forty millions of these have since been called, and the amount of 3% per cents. outstanding March 1, 1882, $1,530,977,800, PUBLIC DEBT AT ITS MAXIMUM-CURRENCY AT ITS COIN VALUE. The public debt reached its maximum on August 31, 1865, when it amounted to Of these obligatioms $684,138,959 were a legal-tender in the payment of all debts, public and private, except customs, duties and interest on the public debt, The amount of legal-tender notes, demand notes, fractional currency, and national currency, and national bank notes, outstanding on August 31, 1865, and annually thereafter, from January 1, 1866, to January 1, 1878, and the amounts outstanding Mar. 1, 1882, are shown by the following table, together with the currency price of gold, and the gold price of currency, at each date: Aug. 31, 1865 $432,757,604 $402,965 $26,344,742 $176,213,955 $635,719,266 $144 25 $69 32 425,839,319 380,276,160 356,000,000 1, 1869 355,892,975 221,682 28,732,812 299,846,206 709,076,860 133 00 159,127 31,597,583 299,747,569 687,504,279 133 25 128,098 34,215,715 299,629,322 689,866,110 135 00 356,000,000 113,098 39,762,664 299,904,029 695,779,791 120 00 75 18 75 64 74 07 83 33 65,462 26,348,206 321,595,606 714,064,358 107 00 93 46 17,764,109 321,672,505 689,443,922 102 87 97 21 Κοτ. 1, 1878 346,681,016 16,211,193 322,460,715 685,414,989 100 25 99 75 ] ec. 1, 1881 59,960 March 1, 1882 | 346,681,016 | 59,875 346,681,016 7.098.129 861.220.00 715,054,108 | 100 00 7,065,878 361,014,786 714,821,555 100 00 100 00 100 00 |