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A. D. BACHE, Superintendent of U. S. Coast Survey.

DAVID M. BALFOUR, Merchant, of Massachusetts.

G. F. SECCHI DE CASALI, Esq., late of Italy, now of New York.
FRANCIS B. CLARK, Esq., Merchant, of Georgia.

Hon. H. A. S. DEARBORN, Mayor of Roxbury, Mass.

J. F. ENTZ, Esq., Accountant, of New York.

R. B. FORBES, Esq., Merchant, of Massachusetts.

JAMES WILLIAM GILBART, F. R. S., of London, England.
CHARLES H. GLOVER, Esq., of the New York Bar.
DAVID R. JACQUES, Esq., of the New York Bar.
JOSEPH JOHNSON, M. D., of South Carolina.


JAMES H. LANMAN, Author of the History of Michigan.
JAMES A. LAWSON, Esq., of Dublin, Ireland.

C. F. M'CAY, Esq., Professor in the University of Georgia.
E. MERIAM, Esq., of New York.

ALANSON NASH, Esq., of the New York Bar.

Hon. BENJAMIN F. PORTER, of Georgia.

GEORGE W. SAVAGE, President of the Eagle Life and Health Insurance Company.

J. W. SCOTT, Esq., of the Ohio Bar.

HENRY GRATTAN SMITH, Esq., of the Memphis (Tenn.) Bar.

Hon. GEORGE TUCKER, Author of "The Progress of the United States in Wealth and Population."

GEORGE A. WARD, A. M., Merchant, of New York.

A. WHITNEY, Esq., of New York.

Hon. J. R. WILLIAMS, of Michigan.

FREEMAN HUNT, the Editor and Proprietor.

To find the exports, imports, trade, &c., of different places in the Index, see the name of the country, State, city, or ports; and for particulars relating to the commerce, &c., &c., of the United Kingdom, see "Great Britain," " England," "British," " English," &c.

The names of the contributors are appended to the titles of the several articles, in the table of contents on the first page of each number, except such as have been prepared or adopted by the Editor.

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Bamford's improved stocking frame.....


345 Bank of France, condition of.............219, 104
England, rates of interest........... 318

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in certain trade........ 102

213 Banks

Act in relation to navigation of East River by


" of U. S. concerning Spanish steam vessels... 218
"regulating Yacht navigation.....

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to prevent imp. of adulterated medicines, etc. 326||
"concerning Mutual Insurance Companies... 330
"to regulate the weight of salt.............. 330
"to provide for incorporation, etc., of telegraph

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condition of................ 406
discounts of................ 407
notes invented by the Chinese......... 319
charters of Pennsylvania.............. 309
dividends, etc., in New York.......... 542
of Rhode Island in 1845, 1846, 1848..... 107
Vermont in 1847.......
..... 109
the State of N. Y., cond'n of, in 1847-8 108
Baltimore, dividends of, in 1847-8..... 108
New York, laws relating to.......... 220
Charleston, condition of.............. 224
Ohio, condition of................... 224
Maine, condition of.................. 316
condition of South-western........... 410
condition of, Western in 1847-8...... 409
condition of New York............... 536
circulation of New York, from 1837-48 194
New York State, list of the........... 310
and banking in Ireland............... 313
and finance of Ohio.........
213 Bankruptcy in Massachusetts.....
346 Barley, product of, in United States........................

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America, N. and S., geographical division of... 625 Belgian commercial regulations.....

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...... 331

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617 Book trade........... 122, 235, 347, 457, 571, 679
617 Book publishing house, a model....
189 Bones, commercial value of.......
302 Bonnets, American, in England................................... 456
..... 131 Boston, annual rep't of Merc. Library Ass'ion of 118
dividends of banks of.................. 106
exp'ts of p'ckage goods from Liverpool to 204
and Maine R. R., rec'pts and expenses of 566
action brought to recover money paid to 298
Mercantile Library Association........ 673
value of property of................ 638
customs revenue of.................... 303
bank dividends, etc....
385 Boot and shoe manufactory.


price of bills on........
Ancient commerce........

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Austria, mineral produce of......... .......... 110 Boots, revolving heels to........

Averages, marine, Spanish law of...






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BALTIMORE banks, dividends of....


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exports of, from 1843 to 1845........... 321
statistical view of commerce of......... 322


Brazil, coins and currency of.....

438 Christmas Island, description of.......


Breadstuffs, import into Great Britain of....... 405 Chronology cotton goods from 1252 to 1846, 171–173

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exports of, from Cronstadt....... 203 Cinnabar mines..................
export from U. 8. of, in 1847-8.... 423 Cincinnati, population of.....
process for preserving...

Bremen, price of bills on..........................................
British coin and bullion............

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664 Cities, Atlantic and interior...
189, 302 Clapp, life of the Hon. Asa.....
565 Clasp coupling joint, a new............ ·

born subjects, rights of children and grand-
child'n of, to inh'tance of land in Great

N. American Colon's, Baltimore exp'ts to 197
duty on magnesia

regulations of ship-tores..

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iron and steel trade.....





....... 453



........ 396


Clerks, merchants, comfort of London......... 120
Clock, improvement in the.....



76 Coal, production of anthracite, from 1820 to 1847 293
"region, Lackawanna and Wyoming..
"mines, the Blackstone....
• 649
"fields in England and Wales............. 561
...... 677
"Taylor's work on, statistics of........... 122
555 Coals exported from England from 1842 to 1847 548
665 Coast Survey, discoveries of..................
666 Cochineals, value of different.....................


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cotton trade, statistics and history of.... 275 Coin, copper, of the U. States...........................
produce and manufacture, exports of.... 546
Broadcloth factories in America.............. 341 Coinage of the British mints in 1847...................
and bullion, statistics of, England........ 564
Brooklyn, morocco dressing in..... ....... 341
66 of the Dutch mint.....

Brooms manufactured from white ash......... 341 Coins and currency of Norway....

Buckwheat, product of, in the U. States....... 484
Brunswick, collection district of...

Brushes manufactured from quills..

Business, true man of.......

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Indiana, Wabash, and Erie............. 437 Commercial cities and towns of the U, States
ship, from Atlantic to Pacific............ 676
Canals, opening and closing of New York...... 657
Cape Cod branch railroad...

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Chilian ports, Baltimore exports of produce to.. 199 Connecticut, condition of banks of..
China Sea, newly discovered reef in the....... 429
vessels built in, in 1847.


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shoals in the...................... 432 Contracts made on Sunday void......... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .....
Chinese currency.......................................................... 319 Copake or Ancram iron works..

Copper mines on Lake Superior...... ......... 450] Deal Island, Kent's Group.....

ore, British sales of...



coin of the United States.............. 109 Debt of the United States in 1848...
665 66
of the Spanish government to England.... 564
mine, process of work'g a Lake Superior 559 Decision to owners and lessees of wharves.....
region, singular discovery in.......... 340 Delaware, vessels built in, in 1847......
Cords, British export of............ 170 Detroit, vessels ent. and cleared port of, in 1847. 24
Corinth, its situation favorable to commerce.... 249 Dictionaries, commercial....

Corn, product of, in U. States........
Corporations, moral and religious duties of.....
Cotton planters and factors, a suit of................


484 Dimities, British export of........





75 District of Columbia, vessels built in, in 1847... 95
78 Discoveries of U. S. coast survey.............. 430

consumed in the German Zollverein..... 86 Discount tables, Aiken's.....
duck, manufacture of.......


114 Dividends of Philadelphia Banks in 1847-48.... 106
64 of Boston Banks in 1845-1848........ 106

trade, statistics and history of the British 167
goods, British manufacture of.......... 167
export of........ ..167, 171

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of New York Banks in 1847-48..... 107
of the Baltimore Banks in 1847-48... 108

receipts and exports of, at New Orleans. 645 Docks, St. Catharine, London.....
cultivation of, in India............
666 Doings of the U. S. Patent Office in 1847....... 110
171 Dollars and cents........
599 Drafts and bills, days of grace on....
599 Drafts at sight...

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exports of English manufactures of.....
American exports, value and price of...
United States crop of......

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English exports from East India of...... 599 Drugs and medicines, importation of adulterated 326
stocks of, on hand........................ 600 Dutch, coinage of the, mint ..
consumption in Great Britain of........ 600 Duties, reduction of in Mexican ports.......... 212
British exports of, to the U. S.......... 600 Duty on magnesia in England...
American consumption of.....


continental consumption of............ 600


........ 649

value of export of, from 1803 to 1848.... 191 E. and West India, English imp'ts of cotton from 599
factory, cost of the machinery of a...... 227 Eckle's Steam Gauge...

production of, in Texas......

wool, first brought to Liverpool....... 344
crops of, in South-western States....... 308
wool, Great Britain export and import of 280 Electric decomposition of metals................
manufactures and yarn exported from G.


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culture and trade, effects of............ 344 Egypt, commerce of ancient..

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Britain from 1697 to 1830............ 279 Emigration, British.......

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exports of cotton manufactures........ 599
imports of cotton from East India..... 599
loans contracted by, since 1793.. 225
American provisions in.............. 345
price of wheat in...
306, 405

notes of interest of the bank of........ 318
voyages of vessels from Honolulu to... 430
new duties on spirits in.............
trade of N. American colonies with... 421
exports to North American colonies.. 421
import of breadstuffs into.................... 405
condition of the banks of............ 406
coal fields in.......




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exports from N. Orleans of...


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Cuba, exports of sugar and molasses from...... 548
Current chart, Maury's..........

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coals, cinders, etc., exported from..... 549



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importation of cattle in.............. 650

railroad dividends in................ 556

668 Erie Railroad, progress of New York and...... 436
"Canal, tolls collected on the............. 638
Espichel, lantern on cape..........


112 Europe, commercial cities of......614, 375, 265, 161
Damasks, British exports of........................................... 170 Everglades, draining of the Florida..
223 Exchange, bills of.................................................................................. 404

Days of grace on drafts and bills..

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draining the everglades of............
vessels wrecked on coast and reef of


489 HAMBURGH, rate of bills on..........302, 189
441 Hanover, Baltimore exports to

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treaty of U. S. with kingdom of...... 411
Harwich harbor lights......

427 Hartlepool,, port of...................

... 429

from Philadelphia from 1790 to 1847. 200 Hay, product of, in United States............. 488
exports from New Orleans of....

inspections in Richmond of....


Health insurance and benefit societies.......... 601
546 Hemp, export of Manilla to U. S. 1838 to 1847. 424
product of, in United States............ 489
ropes, experiment with................ 665

prices of, in New York for last 25 years.. 547
import of, into Great Britain.....



import and export of, at Liverpool....... 640 Henry, A. & S., description of the house of....63, 67
France, condition of Bank of...
..219, 104 Heugh, light on.................

fisheries of, from 1842 to 1846.......... 201 Hides, process of hardening...

imports into, in 1847-8....

lights on the coast of.........
revenue of, in 1847-8..

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specie in Bank of....

[ocr errors][merged small]

Francs, value of, in New York..

Fraudulent trust, (law case,).

... 562

301 Hist. and prin. of ancient commerce.. 131, 355, 447
............. 539 Holland, Baltimore export of produce to........ 196
new monetary organization of........ 312
Hollesley bay, wreck in...............
....... 554
Honduras mahogany trade.............................................. 121
Honolulu, voyages of vessels from U. S. to..... 430
commerce of, in 1847..
............... 543

Frauds, statutes of, in Tennessee.....

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Funds, Savings, among charitable associations.. 173


GENOA and its commerce..

exports of.....

navigation of....


535 INDIA, customs regulations of....
66 cultivation of cotton in....
rubber door-springs...
Indiana, Wabash and Erie Canal.....


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381 Insolvent assignment, (law case,)..
382 Insurance, caution in wording applications for.. 185

mutual, companies of New York.... 330
law of sickness applied to health.... 601

Georgia gold region.....


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German prose writers......


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maritime, Spanish law of.....


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usurious, suits to recover back........
76 "
and discount tables, Aiken's...
68 Ireland, statistics of the railroads of..
of mines in......
banks and banking in....
taxation of.......







112 Iron, wear of cast, rails.....


แ workers, song of the..

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แ produce of, in Russia...

Grand Haven (Mich.) imp. and exp. of, in 1847. 26

Granada, New, treaty of commerce, etc., be-

tween U. S. and..


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"and steel trade, British..

"foreign railroad....

method of welding..

works of Wheeling, Virginia.....
64 method of refining and puddling..
works, Copake or Ancram...

"cheapness of railroad...

"manufactory at Poughkeepsie....................




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