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her Aunt Emma.

There were three little girls now who required to be taught: would Nannie come back to them and undertake their education? Nannie did not hesitate for a moment between a large salary on the one hand and her little cousins' clinging arms on the other. She gratefully packed her trunk, and returned to her uncle's house, wearing her widow's weeds, quieter and graver than it could. ever have seemed possible she could become; and with a great gulf fixed, of mistakes and tears, between her and the careless past when she had been "one of the children." She never knew how much she had dreaded striking out for herself until the necessity for it was removed. It is a curious illustration of the way that the wind is invariably tempered to the shorn lamb, that to such gentle little women as Nannie Wilford life always discovers a work to be done by the fireside of home, kept bright by just such active little hands.

So her grand home and her liveried servants and her carriage and horses passed away like a dream, and Eleanor her step-daughter reigned in her stead. You may be sure she reigned right royally too. Myrtle Bank became a centre. Mrs. Dodd had it all her own way now. She had never been able to turn her father round her finger, but she found no difficulty whatever in successfully accomplishing this feat with her husband. I think that upon the whole he was reconciled to his lot. His social position had been steadily improving since his marriage; he was making money, mainly through judicious use of what his wife had brought him. Upon the whole, he was willing to let Eleanor have her own way.

He had had his misgivings about taking advantage of a legal quibble and consenting to take Myrtle Bank at all; but Eleanor had fought his scruples manfully.

"You must be aware that you are acting in direct opposition to your father's wishes," he told her.

"I am aware of no such thing. I am carrying out the terms of his own last will and testament."

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No, not his last. To my mind his unsigned will is the one that is binding upon you; that expresses his final wishes."

"Then why didn't he sign it?"

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Why will you stop breathing one of these days?"

"I declare it is a shame! I believe you would a great deal rather see that stupid little chit of a wife of his mistress of Myrtle Bank than your own wife."

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'Upon the whole I believe that I would."

"Oh well-she is precisely the kind of artful, designing, catty woman that men always are foolish about. I have always thought you had a fancy for her."

"Oh no, my dear," Mr. Dodd expostulated. "You know very well that I have never admired any one but you." Thus the only result of his efforts at reasoning with his wife was a descent into personalities. Eleanor was firmly convinced of her rights, and during all the rest of her life she held firm possession of the throne from which she had been temporarily ejected. She prospered. No reverses of fortune befell her and her husband. They laid land to land and field to field. No poetic justice was ever dealt out to

Eleanor for her own grasping covetousness. purposes, Heaven smiled cordially upon her. and purposes did Heaven once smile down request of whose lips He granted, but at the same time He sent leanness into their souls.

To all intents and And so to all intents upon a people, the

Eleanor and Nannie drifted as far apart from each other as though they had never exercised a most potent influence upon each other's destinies. Nannie gradually outgrew the first keen edge of her grief and loneliness. She was young; little by little the freshness and vigor of life came back to her. The color found its way back to her cheeks; the laugh even struggled back to her mouth, finally to her eyes.

Years ago not so many as an arithmetical detail, but centuries as a matter of emotion when she had made up her mind to accept Mr. Wilford, she had stolen upstairs to her little room in the third story of her uncle's house, and had sat down in front of her desk and cried and cried. The desk was a large old-fashioned rose-wood one that had belonged to her mother. She opened it presently and took out a bundle tied with a bit of blue ribbon. Only a small package at that. Two or three notes of invitation: "Dear Miss Nannie, will you go with me to-morrow evening to hear Fanny Kemble read?"- or, "" Dear Miss Nannie, will you drive out with me to the Park to-morrow evening?' One was about a book which she had lent to this friend of hers, and which he returned with a page or so of comment. Not love-letters, you will observe; and yet the girl cries afresh over them, as though her heart would break. And presently she takes out of the plain gold locket around her neck, one side of which holds a bit of bright brown hair, her mother's, a little photograph. A young man's picture-so there you have her ro


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She laid the notes and the picture in her open grate, and kneeling down before it, she set fire to the little pile. With clasped hands she saw it consumed to ashes, then she rose with a little sigh. She was going to be married, and she must have no sentimental memories. Besides, had George Ankawr ever told her that he cared for her? Perhaps she should make it her pride to try to forget him. But in the bottom of her heart she knew that he did care for her, and that the only reason he had not told her so was that he was about to go off on a long cruise, and that he would not ask her to enter upon a long, indefinite engagement.

When that long cruise came to an end he hurried home, hurried to Nannie Stillé, and found her married. So he had been a vain fool and she had never given him a second thought. He applied for sea-orders once more, and at the end of another three years he drifted back again to the place where Nannie's brown eyes had first won his heart.

Which brings me to the end of my story. Did not I say her eyes


had learned to smile once more?


RICHMOND, OCT. 26, 1875.

WE times,

E take pleasure in giving our readers, in a form in which

correct copies of the eloquent addresses of Gov. Kemper and Dr. Hoge on the occasion above mentioned.


My Countrymen :-The oldest of the States has called together this great concourse of her sons and her daughters, with honored representatives of both the late contending sections of our common country. On this day, abounding with stern memories of the past and great auguries of the future, I come to greet you; and, in the name and by authority of Virginia, I bid you all and each welcome, a heart-warm welcome, to her Capitol.

With a mother's tears and love, with ceremonies to be chronicled in her archives and transmitted to the latest posterity, the Commonwealth this day emblazons the virtues, and consecrates in enduring bronze the image of her mighty dead. Not for herself alone, but for the sister States whose sons he led in war, Virginia accepts, and she will proudly preserve, the sacred trust now consigned to her perpetual custody. Not for the Southern people only, but for every citizen of whatever section of the American Republic, this tribute to illustrious virtue and genius is transmitted to the coming ages, to be cherished, as it will be, with national pride as one of the noblest memorials of a common heritage of glory. Nay, in every country and for all mankind Stonewall Jackson's career of unconscious heroism will go down as an inspiration, teaching the power of courage, and conscience, and faith, directed to the glory of God.

As this tribute has sprung from the admiration and sympathy of kindred hearts in another continent; as the eyes of Christendom have been turned to behold the achievements of the man; so will the heroic life here enshrined radiate back, to the remotest bounds of the world, the lessons its example has taught.

It speaks to our fellow-citizens of the North, and, reviving no animosities of the bloody past, it commands their respect for the valor, the manhood, the integrity, and honor of the people of whom this Christian warrior was a representative type and champion.

It speaks to our stricken brethren of the South, bringing back HIS sublime simplicity and faith, HIS knightly and incorruptible fidelity to each engagement of duty; and it stands an enduring admonition and guarantee, that sooner shall the sun reverse its course in the heavens than HIS comrades and HIS compatriot people shall prove recreant to the parole and contract of honor which binds them, in

the fealty of freemen, to the Constitution and Union of the States. It speaks with equal voice to every portion of the reunited common country, warning all that impartial justice and impartial right, to the North and to the South, are the only pillars on which the arch of the Federal Union can securely rest.

It represents that unbought spirit of honor which prefers death to degradation, and more feels a stain than a wound; which is the stern nurse of freemen, the avenging genius of liberty, and which teaches and proclaims that the free consent of the governed is at once the strength and the glory of the government.

It stands forth a mute protest before the world against that rule of tyrants which, wanting faith in the instincts of honor, would distrust and degrade a brave and proud but unfortunate people; which would bid them repent, in order to be forgiven, of such deeds and achievements as heroes rejoice to perform, and such as the admiration of mankind in every age has covered with glory.

Let the spirit and design with which we erect this memorial to-day, admonish our whole country that the actual reconciliation of the States must come, and, so far as honorably in us lies, shall come; but that its work will never be complete until the equal honor and equal liberties of each section shall be acknowledged, vindicated, and maintained by both. We have buried the strifes and passions of the past; we now perpetuate impartial honor to whom honor is due, and, stooping to resent no criticism, we stand with composure and trust, ready to greet every token of just and constitutional pacification.

Then let this statue endure, attesting to the world for us and our children, honor, homage, reverence for the heroism of our past, and at the same time the knightliest fidelity to our obligations of the present and the future.

Let it endure as a symbol of the respect which both the sections will accord to the illustrious dead of each, signifying, not that either will ever be prepared to apologise to the other, but that, while calmly differing as to the past, neither will defile its record, each will assert its manhood, its rectitude and honor, and both will equally and jointly strive to consolidate the liberty and the peace, the strength and the glory, of a common and indissoluble country.

Let it endure as a perpetual expression of that world-wide sympathy with true greatness which prompted so noble a gift from Great Britain to Virginia; and let its preservation attest the gratitude of the Commonwealth to those great-hearted gentlemen of England who originated and procured it as a tribute to the memory of her son.

Let this statue stand, with its mute eloquence to inspire our children with patriotic fervor, and to maintain the prolific power of the Commonwealth in bringing forth men as of old. Let Virginia, beholding her past in the light of this event, take heart and rejoice in her future. Mother of States and sages and heroes! bowed in sorrow, with bosom bruised and wounded, with garments rent and rolled in blood, arise and dash away all tears! No stain dims your glittering escutcheon! Let your brow be lifted up with the glad consciousness of unbroken pride and unsullied honor! Demand and resume complete possession of your ancient place in the sister


hood of States; and go forward to the great destiny which, in virtue of the older and the later days, belongs to the co-sovereign Commonwealth of Virginia.

It is in no spirit of mourning, it is with the stern joy and pride befitting this day of heroic memories, that I inaugurate these ceremonies in the name of the people.

The eulogist of the dead, the orator of the day, now claims your attention. He needs no encomium from me. I present him, the companion and friend of Jackson, the reverend man of God — MOSES D. HOGE.


Were I permitted at this moment to consult my own wishes, I would bid the thunder of the cannon and the acclamations of the people announce the unveiling of the statue; and then, when with hearts beating with commingled emotions of love and grief and admiration, we had contemplated this last and noblest creation of the great sculptor, the ceremonies of this august hour should end.

In attempting to commence my oration, I am forcibly reminded of the faltering words with which Bossuet began his splendid eulogy on the Prince of Condé. Said he: "At the moment I open my lips to celebrate the immortal glory of the Prince of Condé I find myself equally overwhelmed by the greatness of the theme and the needlessness of the task. What part of the habitable world has not heard of his victories and the wonders of his life? Everywhere they are rehearsed. His own countrymen in extolling them can give no information even to the stranger. And although I may remind you of them, yet everything I could say would be anticipated by your thoughts, and I should suffer the reproach of falling far below them."

How true is all this to-day! Not only is every important event in the life of our illustrious chieftain familiar to you all, but what lesson to be derived from his example has not already been impressively enforced by those whose genius, patriotism, and piety have qualified them to speak in terms worthy of their noble theme? And now that the statesman and soldier, who well represents the honor of Virginia as its chief magistrate, has given his warm and earnest welcome to our distinguished guests from other States and from other lands who honor this occasion by their presence, I would not venture to proceed, had not the Commonwealth laid on me its command to utter some words of greeting to my fellow-countrymen, who this day do honor to themselves in rendering homage to the memory of Virginia's illustrious son.

I cannot repress an emotion of awe as I vainly attempt to overlook the mighty throng, extending as it does beyond the limits of these Capitol grounds, and covering spaces which cannot even be reached by the eye of the speaker. More impressive is this assemblage of citizens and representatives from all parts of our own and of foreign lands, than ever gathered on the banks of the ancient Alpheus at one of the solemnities which united the men of all the Grecian states and attracted strangers from the most distant countries. There was

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