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appoint a Recording Secretary pro tempore, who shall perform the duties of the Permanent Secretary until his arrival.

Section 3. Nineteen members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Section 4 The President shall appoint a committee of three persons to examine the credentials of delegates, which committee shall attend to that duty. The President's address may then be read, after which the committee shall report to the Association as soon as practicable, when the Secretary shall call the roll, noting the names of the delegates and members in attendance.

Section 5. The Executive Committee shall present names recommended for membership, when the President, having ascertained that a quorum of members is present, shall order an election by ballot, and appoint two tellers.

Section 6. Reports of committees shall be presented, read by their titles, the synopsis, or in full, and Jaid on the table for future consideration.

Section 7. The President shall call the roll of Colleges and Associations represented, requesting each delegation in turn to appoint one member, the persons so selected to act as a committee to nominate officers and the Standing Committees for the ensuing year; in addition to which he shall appoint five members, who are not delegates, to act with the committee.

Section 8. The reports of the Executive Committee, of the Permanent Secretary, and of the Treasurer, shall be read by title or in full.

Section 9. A committee of five shall be appointed to examine and report upon specimens exhibited.

Section 10. Incidental business may be called up by the Business Committee. ARTICLE III. The order of business at the second session of each Annual Meeting shall be as follows:

Section 1. The President shall call the Association to order.

Section 2. The Secretary shall read the minutes of the preceding meeting, which may be amended if necessary, and shall then be approved.

Section 3. The Report of the Committee on Nominations shall be read; when the President shall appoint tellers, and the Officers and Committees nominated shall be balloted for.

Section 4. The officers elected shall take their respective places.

Section 5. The Executive Committee shall present names recommended for membership, when a ballot shall be ordered for their election.

Section 6. Reports of Standing Committees shall be read.

Section 7. Reports of Special Committees shall be read.

Section 8. The second session shall close with the examination of specimens on exhibition.

ARTICLE IV. The order of business at subsequent sessions shall be determined by the Business Committee, with the consent of the Association.


Of Rules of Order and Debate.

ARTICLE I. The ordinary rules of parliamentary bodies shall be enforced by the presiding officer, from whose decision, however, appeals may be taken, if required by two members, and the meeting shall thereupon decide without debate.

ARTICLE II. When a question is regularly before the meeting, and under discussion, no motion shall be received but to adjourn, to lay on the table, for the previous question, to postpone to a certain day, to commit or amend, to postpone indefinitely; which several motions have precedence in the order in which they are arranged. A motion to adjourn shall be decided without debate.

ARTICLE III. No member may speak twice on the same subject, except by permission, until every member wishing to speak has spoken.

ARTICLE IV. On the call of any two members, the yeas and nays shall be ordered, when every member shall vote, unless excused by a majority of those present, and the names and manner of voting shall be entered on the minutes.



ARTICLE I. In all such points of order as are not noticed in these By-Laws the Association shall be governed by the established usages in all assemblies governed by parliamentary rules.

ARTICLE II. Every proposition to alter or amend these By-Laws shall be submitted in writing, and may be balloted for at any subsequent session, when, upon receiving the votes of three-fourths of the members present, it shall become a part of the By-Laws.

ARTICLE III. No one or more of these By-Laws shall be suspended.


APPROVING of the objects of the American Pharmaceutical Association, I am desirous of joining it in membership; and, having read its Constitution and By-Laws, I hereby signify my approval of the same, and subscribe to them.


I hereby agree to return my certificate of membership in the American Pharmaceutical Association to the Treasurer of that body, if I shall hereafter cease to be connected in membership with it.


The undersigned, members in good standing, being personally acquainted with of testify to his moral character, his skill as a practical Druggist and Pharmaceutist, and his professional probity and good standing, and they recommend him for membership in the American Pharmaceutical Association.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Members are requested to report any inaccuracies in these lists, and to notify the Secretary and Treasurer of all changes of address.

(The names of life members in SMALL CAPITALS. Names of life members under the old Constitution in italics.)

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