Annual Report

Sampul Depan

Edisi yang lain - Lihat semua

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Halaman 25 - Train mileage : Miles run by passenger trains . . Miles run by freight trains Miles run by mixed trains Total mileage trains earning revenue .. Miles run by construction and other trains...
Halaman 107 - Passenger traffic: Number of passengers carried earning revenue . Number of passengers carried one mile . Number of passengers carried one mile per mile of road Average...
Halaman 87 - Passenger traffic: .Number of passengers carried earning revenue Number of passengers carried one mile Average of distance carried, miles Total passenger revenue Average amount received from each passenger Average receipts per passenger per mile...
Halaman 105 - Conducting transportation : Superintendence. Engine and roundhouse men. Fuel for locomotives. Water supply for locomotives. Oil tallow and waste for locomotives. Other supplies for locomotives. Train service. Train 'supplies and expenses. Switchmen, flagmen and watchmen. Telegraph expenses. Station service. Station supplies. Switching charges — balance. Car mileage — balance. Hire of equipment— balance.
Halaman 104 - General expenses: Salaries of general officers Salaries of clerks and attendants General office expenses and supplies Insurance. — Law expenses Stationery and printing (general offices) . Other expenses... Total Recapitulation of expenses: Maintenance of way and structures Maintenance of equipment...
Halaman 105 - Renewals of Ties Repairs and Renewals of Bridges and Culverts Repairs and Renewals of Fences, Road Crossings, Signs and Cattle Guards...
Halaman 106 - CAPITAL STOCK. Capital stock authorized by law, common Capital stock authorized by votes of company, common ......... Capital stock issued and outstanding, common Number of shares issued and outstanding, common .......... Number of stockholders, common...
Halaman 7 - Total mileage of trains earning revenue Miles run by switching trains Miles run by construction and other trains . Total train mileage...
Halaman 105 - Superintendence Repairs and renewals of locomotives Repairs and renewals of passenger cars Repairs and renewals of freight cars Repairs and renewals of work cars Repairs and renewals of marine equipment Repairs and renewals of shop machinery and tools . Stationery and printing , Other expenses Total.
Halaman 139 - Repairs of buildings Maintenance of equipment: Repairs of cars and other vehicles Repairs of electric equipment of cars...

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