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It is proposed also to print the "état sommaire" of the Correspondance Politique ("inventaire vert "). Five new volumes of the Recueil des Instructions aux Ambassadeurs, relating respectively to England, the Germanic Diet, the Netherlands, Turkey and Venice, will also soon be sent to the press, leaving but two small volumes, relating to the minor states of Germany and Italy, to complete this series.

Miss Geraldine Hodgson's Studies in French Education from Rabelais to Rousseau (Cambridge University Press, 1908) fills a gap in educational literature in English.

The third and concluding volume of M. F. Strowski's Histoire du Sentiment Religieux en France au XIIIe Siècle (Paris, Plon) is entitled Pascal et son Temps and deals especially with the Provinciales and the Pensées.

M. Alfred Rébelliau, of the University of Paris, has issued an important documentary work, La Compagnie Secrète du Saint-Sacrement (Paris, Champion, 1908), containing the letters sent from the "companions" of Paris to those of Marseilles from 1639 to 1662.

The Histoire de la Révocation de l'Edit de Nantes à Bordeaux (1653– 1715), by Paul Bert, is a complete documentary work on one diocese. Also based upon the sources but written from a Catholic standpoint is the third volume of the Abbé Rouquette's Études sur la Révocation de l'Edit de Nantes en Languedoc: Les Fugitifs (1685-1715).

A valuable contribution to the history of trade and French firms in India from 1664 to 1719 is made by Paul Kaeppelin in La Compagnie des Indes Orientales et François Martin (Paris, Challamel).

A. Gazier has written from unpublished documents Une Suite à l'Histoire de Port-Royal (Société Française d'Imprimerie et de Librairie, 1908) which deals with the years from 1750 to 1782.

G. Lenôtre's Vieilles Maisons, l'ieux Papiers has been translated into English by F. Lees under the title Romances of the French Revolution (Heinemann, 1908, pp. 361, 336). A new work by the same author, Le Tribunal Révolutionnaire contains unpublished documents, plans and details of buildings, and many particulars illustrative of its subject.

F. M. Kircheisen's very elaborate Bibliographie du Temps de Napoléon (Paris, Champion) notices the political, economic, literary and military books of the Napoleonic era in Europe and in the United States. The first volume has appeared and the second is in press.

Gustave Davois has published the first volume of Bibliographie Napoléonienne Française jusqu'en 1908 (Paris, L'Édition Bibliographique, 1908), which will be complete in three volume.

Ernest Daudet's Récits des Temps Révolutionnaires gives new information on the plot of 1800 against the First Consul.

Events of the past few years have turned the attention of many stu

dents to the history of the church in France. A work that seems assured of the highest rank among such studies is P. Pisani's L'Église de Paris et la Révolution (Paris, Picard, 1908) of which the first volume deals with the years 1789 to 1792, down to the massacres of September. Its author is a canon of Nôtre Dame. With this may be compared La Politique Religieuse de la Révolution Française (Paris, Rousset) written from an opposing standpoint by Emile Lafond.

The second volume of L'Église et l'État en France depuis le Concordat jusqu'à nos Jours (1801-1906), by Professor G. Desdevises du Dézert, has been published by the Société Française d'Imprimerie et de Librairie.

In Lieutenant E. L. Bucquoy's elaborate doctoral thesis on Les Gardes d'Honneur du Premier Empire (Nancy, Crépin-Leblond, 1908, pp. 487) the author treats of both kinds of gardes d'honneur, the local and non-military, and the national regiments, of the development in Napoleon's mind of the idea of a guard composed of the élite, and of his attempts to utilize the local gardes d'honneur.

Mr. F. Loraine Petre, whose valuable works on Napoleon's Campaign in Poland, Napoleon's Conquest of Prussia, etc., we have noticed (XII. 888, XIII. 140), has recently published a history of the Franco-Austrian campaign in the valley of the Danube in 1809, entitled Napoleon and the Archduke Charles (Lane, 1908, pp. 413).

Vers la Bérésina, 1812 (Paris, Plon, 1908), by Major-General B. R. F. Van Vlijmen, is a study of the campaign of Napoleon in Russia based on unpublished documents.

Commandant M. H. Weill is publishing through the house of Fontemoing, Paris, a work in five volumes on Joachim Murat, Roi de Naples, la Dernière Année de Règne, Mai, 1814-Mai, 1815.

F. H. Cheetham's Louis Napoleon and the Genesis of the Second Empire (Lane, 1908, pp. xx, 394) comes down to the election of Napoleon to the presidency in 1848. The book is illustrated from contemporary portraits, prints and lithographs.

Pierre Lehautcourt's authoritative Histoire de la Guerre de 1870 is concluded with the issue of the seventh volume on the Capitulation of Metz, August 19 to October 29, 1870. The work has twice been awarded the second Grand Prix Gobert of the French Academy.

The governor-general of Algeria has decided upon the organization of the Algerian archives, and has appointed M. R. Busquet to direct the new service. He is to arrange the archives of the general government and inventory the departmental or communal dépôts. A commission will be appointed to publish an official collection of documents on the history of Algiers.

Documentary publications: Ph. Lauer and Ch. Samaran, Diplômes Originaux des Mérovingiens; facsimilés photographiques avec notices et

transcriptions (Paris, Leroux, 1908, pp. ix, 31; 48 plates); A. Chuquet, Cent Lettres Inédites de Bonaparte, 1793-1796 (Annales Révolutionnaires, April-June); Baron de Vitrolles, Souvenirs Autobiographiques d'un Emigré: La Duchesse de Courlande (Revue Historique, NovemberDecember); Count Karl von Monts, Tagebuch über Napoleons III. Gefangenschaft auf Wilhelmshöhe, edited by Fräulein Tony von Held (Berlin, Mittler).

Noteworthy articles in periodicals: H. F. Delaborde, Les Archives Royales depuis la Mort de Saint Louis jusqu'à Pierre d'Etampes (Bibliothèque de l'École des Chartes, May-August); P. Bernus, Le Rôle Politique de Pierre de Brezé au Cours des Dix Dernières Années du Règne de Charles VII. (1451–1461) (Bibliothèque de l'École des Chartes, May-August); A. Girard, La Réorganisation de la Compagnie des Indes, 1719–1723, I. (Revue d'Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine, October); L. Dutil, L'Industrie de la Soie, à Nimes jusqu'en 1789 (Revue d'Histoire Moderne, June-July); P. Sagnac, Le Credit de l'État et les Banquiers à la Fin du XVIIe et au Commencement du XVIIIe Siècle (Revue d'Histoire Moderne, June-July); J. Letaconnoux, Les Transports en France au XVIIIe Siècle, I. (Revue d'Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine, November); Ch. Bournisien, La Vente des Biens Nationaux: la Législation (Revue Historique, November-December).


In Italy much attention is being paid to the preservation of monuments. Gaetano Moretti, who for seventeen years has held the office of superintendent of the monuments of Lombardy, has recently published a work on La Conservazione dei Monumenti della Lombardia (Milan, Allegretti) which includes a detailed inventory of the historical monuments of that region. Corrado Ricci, the new director of antiquities, has initiated the preparation of an illustrated catalogue of all the works of art in Italy. One volume will be devoted to each commune and the whole series will comprise some 8000 volumes.

The second volume of Alfred Doren's Studien aus der Florentiner Wirtschaftsgeschichte (Stuttgart, Cotta, 1908, pp. xxii, 802) treats of the guilds of Florence from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century.

A new series of documentary publications relating to the finance and public economy of the states of Savoy in the century preceding the French Revolution has been initiated by the issue of an introductory volume, La Finanza Sabauda all' Aprirsi del Secolo XVIII. e durante la Guerra di Successione Spagnuola (Turin, Soc. Tip.-Ed. Nazionale, pp. xxxii, 455) by L. Einaudi, who discusses the finances of the state in time of peace and of war.

The late General Stefano Türr bequeathed all of his documents, maps, autographs and memoirs relating to the Risorgimento to the Vittorio.

Emanuele Library at Rome, which already possessed a large collection of documents on this period.

A valuable contribution to the history of the Risorgimento period has been made by Baron Helfert in his Geschichte des Lombardo-Venezianischen Königreichs (Vienna, Holder), which deals with the history of the kingdom after the fall of Napoleon.

The house of A. F. Formiggini, Modena, is publishing a history of L'Istruzione Popolare nello Stato Pontificio (1824-1870) by E. Formiggini-Santamaria, based on materials drawn from the archives and libraries of the former Pontifical State. The headings of the main divisions of the work are: The scholastic legislation of the Pontifical State; public opinion respecting instruction; organization of the schools.

In connection with the centenary of the birth of Garibaldi, the communal council of Bologna offers for international competition a prize. of ten thousand francs for the best historical work on the Expedition of the Thousand. It may be written in Italian, French, English or German, should be well documented and definitive, and should be presented to the commune of Bologna before June 3, 1910.

Documentary publications: L. Schiaparelli, I Diplomi dei Rei d'Italia: Ricerche Storico-Diplomatiche, Parte III., I Diplomi di Lodovico III. (Bollettino dell' Istituto Storico Italiano, 1908, vol. XXIX.); P. Kehr, Nachträge zu den Papsturkunden Italiens, II. [1065-1196] (Nachrichten von den Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 1908, 2).

Noteworthy articles in periodicals: F. Schneider, Toscanische Studien, II. (Quellen und Forschungen, XI. 2).


The second division of K. Rhamm's vast work, Ethnographische Beiträge zur Germanisch-Slawischen Altertumskunde, deals with Urzeitliche Bauernhöfe im Germanisch-Slawisches Waldgebiet. The first part of this division has been published in a large volume entitled Altgermanische Bauernhöfe im Uebergange vom Saal zu Fletz und Stube (Brunswick, Vieweg, 1908, pp. xxxii, 1117).

A contribution to medieval textual criticism and cosmography is made by Dr. P. W. Kohlmann in his study of the ecclesiastical historian Adam von Bremen, published in the series of Leipziger Historische Abhandlungen edited by Professors Brandenburg, Seeliger and Wilcken (Leipzig, Quelle and Meyer).

In celebration of Professor Gustav Schmoller's seventieth birthday, the Verein für Geschichte der Mark Brandenburg has published a volume of Beiträge zur Brandenburgischen und Preussischen Geschichte (Leipzig, Duncker and Humblot, 1908, pp. viii, 493), to which the following historians have contributed : Fr. Holtze, F. Hirsch, W. Stolze,

F. Arnheim, G. Kuntzel, O. Krauske, M. Hass, Fr. Freiherr von Schroetter, P. Bailleu, O. Tschirch, Th. Schiemann (on Nicholas I. and Frederick William IV. respecting the plan to convoke a united Diet), R. Koser, A. von Ruville, P. Schwarz, M. Tangl and O. Hintze. Most of the papers treat of the seventeenth century or later, although M. Tangl deals with the documents of Otto I. for Brandenburg and Havelberg as models for the falsified documents of the Saxon bishoprics.

Professor Henry Simonsfeld has published in the Sitzungsberichte (Munich, Franz) of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Phil.-hist. Kl., the fourth installment of his contribution on Urkunden Friedrich Rotbarts in Italien (1908, pp. 48).

Germany in the later Middle Ages, 1200-1500 (Longmans, 1908, pp. 205), by the late Bishop Stubbs, completes the series of lectures on Germany of which the first volume was reviewed in our October number, pp. 167–168.

Under the general editorship of Professor C. G. Herbermann the Catholic Historical Society of New York City College has brought out a facsimile of Waldseemüller's Cosmographiae Introductio.

In the series of Abhandlungen zur Mittleren und Neueren Geschichte, edited by Professors von Below, Finke and Meinecke (Berlin, Rothschild) Dr. Hans Goldschmidt has a volume on Zentralbehörden und Beamtentum im Kurfürstentum Mainz vom 16. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert (pp. xx, 209); and Dr. Erich Kober publishes a study of Die Anfänge des Deutschen Wollgewerbes (pp. vii, 113).

The second volume of the collection of biographies, Unsere Religiösen Erzieher, edited by Professor B. Bess (Leipzig, Quelle and Meyer) contains the following studies: Luther, by Professor Th. Kolde; Zwingli, by A. Baur; Calvin, by the editor; Spener, by P. Grünberg; Goethe and Schiller, by K. Sell; Schleiermacher, by O. Kirn; Bismarck, by O. Baumgarten; and Die Religion der Erzieher, by Professor W. Herrmann.

In George Winter's two-volume biography of Friedrich der Grosse (Berlin, E. Hofman) the author pays special attention to Frederick's management of internal affairs.

An important study of the history of Catholicism in Germany from 1848 to 1870 is made by Georges Goyau in the third and fourth volumes of his work, L'Allemagne Religieuse (Paris, Perrin, 1908). The preceding volumes dealt with the years 1800 to 1848.

In the eighth number of the Geschichte des Fürsten Bismarck in Einzeldarstellungen, edited by J. Penzler (Berlin, Trewendt), Dr. K. Herrfürth treats of Fürst Bismarck und die Kolonial-politik (1909, pp. xii, 439).

A collection of 670 letters of Calvin in German translation by R. Schwarz, with an introduction by Professor Paul Wernle, is being published by the house of Mohr, Tübingen. The attempt has been to select


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