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for most portions of German history, of Italy, Spain, Belgium, Sweden, Poland, the Orient, the United States (by Mr. W. G. Leland) and church history.

The School of American Archaeology announces that an expedition for the study of the Maya culture in Central America will take the field about December 1. Properly qualified students will be admitted. Application should be made to the director, Edgar L. Hewett, 1333 F St., N. W., Washington, D. C.

The sixteenth congress of Americanists was held at Vienna from September 9 to 14. The proceedings, as usual, related to the races indigenous to America, to its indigenous monuments and archaeology, and to the history of the discovery and of the European occupation of the New World.

The second International Archaeological Congress will meet in Egypt from April 10 to 21, 1909, and will hold its sessions successively at Alexandria, Cairo and Thebes. The first three sections are devoted to pre-classical and classical archaeology, and mainly to Greece and Rome, considered particularly in their relations with Egypt. The last three sections deal with religious archaeology, Byzantine archaeology, and numismatics and geography. The president of the congress is M. Maspero and the secretary is Ahmed Zaki Bey.

A project is on foot for the erection, in Ghent, of a monument to the memory of the eminent Belgian jurist, publicist and historian, François Laurent (1810-1887). There is no hope of help from the present clerical government, and appeal is made to the interest of scholars throughout the world. Though a Luxemburger by birth, Ghent, in whose university he was for more than half a century a professor, was the scene of Laurent's lifelong activity; and a public square of that city is the fitting place selected for the proposed memorial. Of the ten thousand dollars which is to be its cost, some three-fourths has already been raised. Those willing to subscribe are asked to address their remittances to the treasurer of the enterprise, M. Henri Boddaert, 46 Coupure, Ghent, Belgium.

It is announced that Ginn and Company will publish during the autumn a work on colonization by Professor A. G. Keller of Yale University. It is described as "a study in founding new societies, and including the less accessible passages of history, omitting from consideration the English and French colonies and the enterprises of those people who have only lately attempted the work of colonization".

P. Thomsen has undertaken the publication of a quinquennial bibliography of new works relating to Palestine. The first volume, which it is proposed to issue next spring through Haupt of Leipzig, will embrace writings published from 1895 to 1904 on the ancient and modern history of the Holy Land, the Crusades, geography and historical topogAM. HIST. REV., VOL. XIV.-13.

raphy, archaeology and modern Palestine. Works on the history of Israel, except for the most ancient period, and on New Testament history, are excluded. The second volume will cover the years 1905-1909.

L. L. Price, fellow of Oriel College and lecturer in Economic History in the University of Oxford, has published through the Clarendon Press a lecture on The Position and Prospects of the Study of Economic History (pp. 26).

A lecture on The Scope of Social Anthropology, delivered last spring by Dr. J. G. Frazer before the University of Liverpool, has been published by Macmillan.

J. Dieserud's volume entitled The Scope and Content of the Science of Anthropology (Chicago, Open Court Publishing Company, pp. 200) contains a sketch of the development of the science, a discussion of its scope and content as conceived by different writers, the titles of a library classification (pp. 33) and a descriptive bibliography (96 pp.).

Messrs. T. and T. Clark of Edinburgh are publishing The Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, edited by Dr. James Hastings and presenting in ten volumes contributions from the most competent specialists concerning the religion and morals of all nations both in the past and present. Not only theology and philosophy, but portions of the fields of anthropology (especially of mythology and folk-lore), biology, psychology and sociology are included in this work.

The Royal Historical Society will issue the following works in the Camden Series during the ensuing session: John of Gaunt's Register, volume I., edited by Mr. S. Armitage-Smith, and The French Despatches, 1786-89, volume I., edited by Mr. Oscar Browning. The society will also publish in the same series a further volume of Essex Papers, and, as a separate work, an English translation of the medieval Russian chronicle of Novgorod, prepared by Mr. Michell of the consular service, and edited under the supervision of Mr. R. Morfill and Mr. C. R. Beazley.

The Hansische Geschichtsverein, which has almost completed the publication of the medieval sources of the history of the Hanse and has made considerable progress with the publication of the modern sources, has greatly widened the scope of its activities by undertaking the issue of a series of Abhandlungen zur Verkehrs- u. Seegeschichte, edited by Dietrich Schäfer. These studies will, as a rule, be based on unprinted material, although monographs drawn from printed sources will not be excluded. The numbers announced are Brügges Entwickelung zum Mittelalterlichen Weltmark by Rudolf Häpke and Emdens und Ostfrieslands Handelsblüte im 16. Jahrhundert, by Bernhard Hagedorn. The publisher is Karl Curtius, Berlin.

M. Henri Cordier's excellent bibliographical dictionary of works relating to the Chinese Empire, Bibliotheca Sinica (Paris, Guilmoto), has been completed by the issue of the eighth fascicle.

Colonel E. M. Lloyd's valuable Review of the History of Infantry (Longmans, 1908, pp. xii, 304) begins with Marathon and Plataea and comes down to Paardeberg and Liao Yang.

Noteworthy articles in periodicals; L. Réau, L'Origine et la Signification des Noms Géographiques (Revue de Synthèse Historique, April); H. Berr, Progrès de l'Histoire au XIXe Siècle: Pages Oubliées (1833), de A. Chéruel (Revue de Synthèse Historique, June); W. Erben, Theodor Sickel: Umrisse seines Lebens und Schaffens (Historische Vierteljahrschrift, August).


The German government has founded at Cairo an Imperial Institute for Egyptian Archaeology of which Dr. L. Borchardt is the director.

A translation by Miss Elizabeth Lee of Professor Maspero's Causeries d'Egypte, previously noticed in these pages (XIII. 401), is being published by Mr. Fisher Unwin under the title New Light on Ancient Egypt.

Dr. S. Funk's work on Die Juden in Babylonien, 200-500, is concluded by the issue of a second part (Berlin, Poppelauer, 1908, pp. xii, 160). The first part appeared in 1902.

Mr. Murray is publishing translations by Bettina Kahnweiler of A Century of Archaeological Discoveries by Professor Michaelis, and Douris and the Painters of Greek Vases by M. Pottier of the Louvre. Both books will be illustrated. The former will contain a preface by Professor Percy Gardner and the latter a preface by Miss Jane E. Harrison.

Twenty-two Gifford lectures on natural religion delivered at Aberdeen by the late James Adam have been edited with a memoir by his wife, Mrs. Adela M. Adam, in a volume entitled The Religious Teachers of Greece (Edinburgh, Clark).

Two brilliant lectures on Greek Historical Writing and Apollo, delivered before the University of Oxford last summer by Professor Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, have been translated by Gilbert Murray and published by the Oxford University Press.

The Macmillan Company announces for publication this autumn The Ancient Greek Historians by Professor J. B. Bury and Social Life in Rome by W. W. Fowler.

Under the title ['Hρúdov] пepì пoliteias (Paderborn, Schöningh, 1908, pp. 124) Professor E. Drerup publishes in the series of Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des Altertums, of which he is an editor, an Athenian political pamphlet of the year 404 B. C.

A paper read before the British Academy by Mr. Percy Gardner on The Gold Coinage of Asia before Alexander the Great (London,

Frowde, 1908, pp. 32, 2 plates) dwells on the broader aspects of the subject and attempts "a chronological survey of the relations between the Persian state and the subject countries and cities, as they are reflected in the issues of gold and electrum coin".

In the historical bulletin of the Revue Historique for July-August, M. Ch. Lécrivain concludes his review of foreign publications, issued from 1902 to 1907, dealing with Latin antiquities.

In the ninety-eighth volume of the Bibliothèque des Écoles Françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, M. Charles Dubois treats of the history and topography of Pouzzoles Antique (Fontemoing). The volume includes fifty illustrations and a map.

Ralph Van Deman Magoffin has contributed to the Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science A Study of the Topography and Municipal History of Praeneste (Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1908, pp. 101), the first of a series of monographs in which the author proposes to examine the history of the towns of the early Latin League from the topographical and epigraphical points of view.

Studies in the Life of Heliogabalus, by Orma Fitch Butler, issued as part one of University of Michigan Studies, Humanistic Series, volume IV. (Macmillan, 1908, pp. 169), contains an analysis of the modern critical literature dealing with the Scriptores Historiae Augustae, a history of the time of Heliogabalus drawn from all sources except the Life in the Augustan history, and a critical study of the Life itself with a view to determining the historical worth of its component elements.

Noteworthy articles in periodicals: T. Ashby, The Rediscovery of Rome (Quarterly Review, July); J. B. Carter, Roma Quadrata and the Septimontium (American Journal of Archaeology, April-June); H. H. Howorth, The Germans of Caesar, I. (English Historical Review, July).


Eduard Schwartz, the second volume of whose large and authoritative edition of the Greek text of the Church History of Eusebius appeared early this year, has just issued through the house of Hinrichs, Leipzig, the complete text in a small edition without literary apparatus.

The authenticity of a document commonly regarded as spurious is defended by Dom J. M. Pfättisch in his work on Die Rede Konstantins des Grossen an die Versammlung der Heiligen, the fourth number in the Strassburg Theological Studies (Freiburg-im-B., Herder, 1908, pp. xi, 117).

Monsignor Vattasso's index of incipits of Latin Christian writings before 1216 has been completed by a second volume, Initia Patrum Aliorumque Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum (Rome, Typis Vaticanis, 1908).


Professor Walter Goetz of Tübingen is editing a series of Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte des Mittelalters und der Renaissance (Leipzig, Teubner) which promises to be of much value. While the general purpose of the series is to investigate the development of the spiritual life of these periods, each volume will be a detailed and critical examination of a limited field. The two numbers already published are studies of Das Heiligen-Leben im 10. Jahrhundert, by Dr. L. Zoepf (pp. vi, 250) and Papst Leo IX. und die Simonie: Ein Beitrag zur Untersuchung der Vorgeschichte des Investiturstreites, by Dr. J. Drehmann (pp. ix, 96).

A translation of The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi (Burns and Oates) has been made by the Countess de la Warr from the Père d'Alençon's text, and contains his introduction. The volume comprises many interesting documents, such as the Rule of the Poor Clares and some fragments of Jacques de Vitry.

A new Latin quarterly, Diarium Terrae Sanctae, from the press of the convent of S. Salvatore at Jerusalem, is devoted to the history and present interests of the Franciscans in the Holy Land. The first fascicle, published last March under the general direction of Father Roberto Razzòli, contains the first installment of the "Bullarium Franciscanum Terrae Sanctae ", beginning with the year 1228, the first part. of the "Navis Peregrinorum", or book containing the names and nationalities of all pilgrims to the Holy City from 1561 to 1663, and an introduction to the publication of 24 folia of the eighteenth century. that fill in gaps in the Ichnographiae Locorum et Monumentorum Terrae Sanctae of Father Horn, printed from a Vatican codex in 1902 by Father Golubovich.

Professor G. U. Oxilia has edited a tract De Ecclesiastica Potestate (Florence, successori Seeber), written by the medieval philosopher Egidio Colonna, and treating of the struggle between church and state under Philip the Fair and Boniface VIII.

Canon L. Salembier, professor in the Catholic University of Lille, in an address delivered last spring to the historical seminary at Louvain on the subject of the Great Schism of the Occident, spoke of the published sources, of the principal results arrived at by workers in this field, and of the various topics that awaited investigation. The latter part of his address is published in the Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique for July.

Noteworthy articles in periodicals: A. Degert, Un Ouvrier de la Réforme au XIe Siècle: Amat d'Oloron (Revue des Questions Historiques, July); K. Hampe, Uber die Flugschriften zum Lyoner Konzil von 1245 (Historische Vierteljahrschrift, August).

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