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" The Post -Office Department or its revenue is not by law liable for the loss of any registered mail matter. "
Sholes' Directory of the City of Savannah ... - Halaman 37
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Every Man His Own Lawyer and Business Form Book: A Complete Guide in All ...

John Gaylord Wells - 1875 - 628 halaman
...subscribers thereto. Registration of Domestic Letters. THE Post-office Department or its revenue ia not by law liable for the loss of any registered mail matter. Only letters, or other mail matter on which letter rate of postage is fully prepaid, can be registered...
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American Almanac and Treasury of Facts, Statistical, Financial, and ...

Ainsworth Rand Spofford - 1888 - 394 halaman
...Postal cards, 1 cent. Registered letters, 10 cents in addition to the proper postage. The Post-Office Department or its revenue is not by law liable for the loss of registered mail matter. For immediate delivery, 10 cents additional postage, prepaid by special stamp,...
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American Almanac and Treasury of Facts, Statistical, Financial, and Political

1879 - 432 halaman
...Registered letters, 10 cents in addition to the proper postage. Thu Post-Office Department or ¡te revenne is not by law liable for the loss of any registered mail matter. Second Class. REGULAR PUBLICATIONS. — This class inclndes all newspapers, periodicals, or matter...
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Official Congressional Directory

United States. Congress - 1878 - 552 halaman
...Registered letters, ю cents in addition to the proper postage. The Post -Office Department or its revenue U not by law liable for the loss of any registered mail matter. SECOND CLASS. UEGULAR PUBLICAT10NS. — This class includes all newspapers, periodicals, or matter...
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An American Almanac and Treasury of Facts, Statistical, Financial, and ...

1878 - 428 halaman
...letters, 10 cents in addition to the proper postage. Tb« Post-Office Department or its revenue ie not by law liable for the loss of any registered mail matter. Second Class. RESULAB PUBLICATIONS.— This class includes all newspapers, periodicals, or matter exclusively...
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American Almanac and Treasury of Facts, Statistical, Financial, and ...

Ainsworth Rand Spofford - 1879 - 434 halaman
...Postal cards, 1 tent. Registered letters, 10 cents in addition to the proper postage. Thu Post-Office Department or its revenue is not by law liable for the loss of any registered mail matter. Second Class. REGULAB PUBLICATIONS. — This class includes all newspapers, periodicals, or matter...
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Official Congressional Directory

United States. Congress - 1879 - 730 halaman
...Postal cards, I cent. Registered letters, 10 cents in addition to the proper postage. The Post-Office Department or its revenue is not by law liable for the loss of any mail matter, but will use its best efforts to assist the owners in the recovery of lost matter. SECOND...
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An American Almanac and Treasury of Facts, Statistical, Financial ..., Volume 2

1879 - 432 halaman
...cents. At offices where no free-delivery by carrier, 1 cent.' Post:il cards, 1 cent. Tlit' Post-Office Department or its revenue is not by law liable for the loss oí any registered mail matter. Registered letter*, 10 cents in addition to the proper postage. Second...
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Sholes' Memphis Directory for ... and Guide to the Taxing ..., Volume 10

1883 - 464 halaman
...on the face of the envelope. After a registered letter has been transmitted it cannot be recalled bj the sender. No letter can be registered on Sunday....liable for the loss of any registered mail matter. For information relative to foreign registration, see US Official Postal Guide. Stamp Department. Mrs....
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Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Manual for the use of the General court ...

Massachusetts gen. court - 1881 - 462 halaman
...FOREIGN COUNTRIES, BBS " POSTAGE ON FOREIGN LETTERS." REGISTRATION OF DOMESTIC LETTERS. The Post-Office Department or its revenue is not by law liable for the loss of any registered mail-matter. Letters, or other mail-matter on which postage is fully prepaid, can be registered for...
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