70 ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. N.F. THOMPSON, -SOUTHERN AGENT FOR THE ELKINS MANUFACTURING AND GAS COMPANY 617 and 619 Arch Street, "Ajax" and Philadelphia, Pa. } Babbitt Metals. Metal Founders, Gas Machines, Napthas and Gasolines. Street Lamps and Street Lighting a Specialty. CORNER BAY AND LINCOLN STREETS, SAVANNAH, GA. NOVELTY IRON WORKS! 2 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga., JOHN ROURKE, Proprietor. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS. All kinds of Iron and Brass Work furnished at short notice. THOMAS BOWDEN, SALE STABLE! 214 Broughton Street, Near West Broad, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. HORSES and MULES always on hand and for sale at popular prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. A call solicited from planters, merchants and the general public. CROCKERY, ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. T. H. BOLSHAW, - IMPORTER AND DEALER IN 71 China, House-Furnishing Goods, FANCY ARTICLES, 152 ST. JULIAN STREET AND 149 BRYAN STREET, 72 ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. JAS. S. SILVA. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, CHINA AND HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS. The Most Complete Stock in 140 BROUGHTON ST., SAVANNAH, M. L. HARNETT, Formerly of the Marshall House. GEORGIA. BEN. GEORGE, Lat e of the Screven House THE HARNETT HOUSE, HARNETT & GEORGE, Proprietors, Barnard St., N. W. Cor. Bryan, Savannah, Ga. Rates, $2 Per Day. This favorite family HOTEL, under its new management, is recommended for the excellence of its Cuisine, Home-Like Comforts, Prompt Attention and Moderate Rates. J. H. LIMMER, GOUTHERN AGENT for George Campbell & Co.'s celebrated brands of CUT and PLUG TOBACCO and CIGARETTES, also Sole Agent for ELLISON & HARVEY's celebrated brands of WHISKIES and BRANDIES“Virginia Club," "Durham" and "Olive Branch." Ofice with Thomas West, 185 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. THOMAS WEST, BROUGHTON, COR. JEFFERSON STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, DIRECT IMPORTER CHINA, GLASSWARE, QUEENSWARE, Joseph Rodgers & Son's Celebrated Cutlery, Reed & Barton's Fine Silver- -о CALL AND EXAMINE STOCK. Cases and Wood Caskets, Cases and Coffins of all kinds. →Cabinet+Makers+and+Upholsterers.< 133 and 135 York Street, between Bull and Whitaker. Orders telephoned or telegraphed receive prompt attention. SAVANNAH CLUB LIVERY,SALE AND BOARDING STABLES, GLEASON & HARMON, Proprietors. Headquarters for Fine Turnouts. Personal Attention Given to Boarding Horses. J. C. SALTUS, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, Montgomery Street, S. W. Cor. Liberty. |