DON'T LEND YOUR DIRECTORY! Your Neighbor is as well able to Purchase One as you are. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the Year 1882, in the Office SAVANNAH, GA.: MORNING NEWS STEAM PRINTING HOUSE. 1882. DIRIGO APR 7 1300 T. L. WYLLY. aston... G. B. CLARKE. WYLLY & CLARKE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS -AND PAPER DEALERS. School Furniture and Requisites! Corner Whitaker and St. Julian Streets, TRUNKS, SATCHELS, ETC. Cor. Broughton and Whitaker Streets, - Savannah, Ga. Agency for M. Elkin & Co.'s Fine Shoes, Ladies', Misses' and Children's, EVERY PAIR WARRANTED: J. H. FURBER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTURING CONFECTIONER, Ladies' Ice Cream Oyster Saloon Attached Our Candies are Made Fresh Every Day ! No. 130 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. PREFATORY. CENSUS.... .... .........37,333 The fourth annual issue of SHOLES' DIRECTORY OF SAVANNAH is herewith presented to its patrons and the public, and the publishers confess to a greater feeling of general satisfaction than any former work has given them. There are various reasons for this, the primary one, perhaps, being that their labor of the past has been appreciated, and the present volume gives evidence of liberal support. Then the growth in population during the past year, as shown in the accompanying figures, and the fact that there is to-day scarcely a vacant house or room in the whole city, give good ground for hopeful calculations as to the future. The number of names in the 1881 book was 12,841. The present volume contains 14,004, an increase of 1,163. The census returns last year, taken by careful and experienced men, gave a population of 34,879, while the returns now foot up 37,333, a gain of 2,454, or over 7 per cent. The population last year was divided as follows: 19,144 white, and 15,765 colored. The present division is white 20,514, colored 16,819. In the compilation of this volume 3,669 names are omitted which held place in the former book, and 4,832 new names are added. The publishers extend their heartiest thanks to the enterprising business men of Savannah who have stood by them so liberally. For the neat typographical appearance of the book, credit is due to the Morning News Steam Printing House. Attention is called to the very handsome and handy little map which accompanies the book. In the future, as in the past, it will be our constant endeavor to improve, and present to our patrons a directory worthy of support. Very respectfully, SHOLES & CO. |