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Board at which you, Sir, preside, in order to promote every enquiry necessary to ascertain the several points in question. An Extimate or Comparative View, which I had the honor to lay before the Board, has been contrasted with one of considerably higher expence, and a conclusion drawn, apparrently in favour of the latter. The investigation of the objects of my Commission rendered it necessary to draw information from various sources, in searching for which I have met with many retarding difficulties. Urged by considering the great length of time elapsed since my arrival, during which this Business has lain Dormant and the repeated orders I have received from the Lords of the Treasury to enter upon it, I was perhaps too sanguine in my first attempts. I wish notwithstanding to proceed with the utmost Candour and Deliberation and beg leave to assure those Gentlemen who first harboured the idea, that nothing can be more repugnant to my own feelings than to think of wounding theirs by Insinuations, Inuendoes, or by any means whatever; I pretend not to infalibility more than themselves and therefore hope that mistakes on either side will be kindly pointed out and candidly rectified.

The Calculations in the enclosed Estimate are made on the largest scale of Expence, and as they also depend on the Judgment of Mechanics, and Men of probity and experience, I flatter myself they are grounded on the most deliberate and solid principles; as such I submit them to the consideration of the Board, presuming they contain every thing essential respecting the Horse, & Waggon Departments, at present existing with this Army.

I have the honor to be,

His Excellency

Lieut Genl Robertson

SIR &c &c


ESTIMATE of the Probable Expences attending the Estab Persons of every denomination, and the annual repairs neces Horses and Waggons being the same as these at present em

[blocks in formation]

Comprehending Farriers, Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Sawyers, Wheelwrights, Collarmakers and other Artificers to accompany occassionally the different Brigades of Waggons, making new Harness and all necessary repairs, 2 Compan3. of 50 Men each making 100 vizt;—

60 at...

40 at...

1 Master Carpenter...
1 Master Wheelwright..

1 Master Blacksmith..

Carried forward..

lishment of a Train of Horses and Waggons, with the requisite sary to keep it up, including Casualties, the proportion of ployed in the Quarter Master General's Department.

[blocks in formation]

The foregoing three Articles contain the full establishment of the necessary persons of every Denomination to manage and keep up this Department, and each may, I presume, be obtained and engaged for the respective Salaries there specified.

The present Artificers, Conductors, Waggon Masters, Clerks, &c employed in the Qu! Master General's Department apparently to aid the proprietors of the Horses and Waggons (but which the Gentlemen themselves of the Department can best explain) would be included in the Articles, if necessary, otherwise would most of them be discharged-from whence an Annual saving of upwards of £20000 would arise.

Article 4th

Horses to replace such as may die annually or become unfit for service including all casualties. 500 at £32 each is......

This is an allowance of one fourth of the whole which must be admitted as very ample. The common rate of Mortality in this Country is in a much less proportion, and the Casualties can scarce make up the difference, especially when the Army does not take the Field, and in an Active Campaign it may be supposed that the Casualties would be fully counterballanced by adding all the Captured Horses and Waggons to the Establishment-N. B.-the Average price of Horses is fixed at £32 New York Currency, because one Department of this Army has been supplied with able Horses at that rate, but many have been purchased in that and other Departments for less. On these united considerations I rest the foundation of this Article. Carried forward......

Brought forward...

Article 5th

For Materials to construct annually 60 Large and 100 Small Waggons and to answer for Casualties....

The workmen being already paid in Article 3d this Calculation allows 3ds of the prime Cost for each Waggon estimating the Large at £40 and the small at £20 Sterlg.

Article 6th

200 Setts of New Harness to replace such as may be annually rendered unserviceable and for Casualties...

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