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No. 5


Account of Charges in the Barr* Mr General's Department

Cart hire at Long Island...

Ditto on York Island taking the average of two Quarters.... Ditto in the City....

Hire of 21 Sloops and Schooners taking the Medium of the Quarter before & this.....

A Quarter

Wages paid in the above time for Labourers, Carpent. Masons, Assistants, Clerks, Attendants at Wood-Yards for Long Island, Staten Island & City and Paulus Hook....

N. B. The whole Expence of this Department for the above Quarter as per account given in by the Barrack Master General including £2500 for House Rent which was not asscertained.

If in Government's Hands

21 Sloops and Schooners qt 1825 Tons at 7 Men per 100 Ton is 128 Men at £5 per Month.....

20 Drivers for 20 Waggons which is supposed about the number in use is 20 Men at 1/6 per day for 92 days...


For a Year

Ballance in favor of Governmt..

from 1st Oct to 31st Decemb 1780 for Cart, Waggon & Vessel

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No 6

Account of Charges in the Engineer's Department for Vessel,

3 Sloops and 1 Schooner qt 280 Tons at 13/ Sterling per Ton per Month.....

6 Waggons and 3 Carts...

A Quarter

equal to

A Year

Workmen's Wages for the above period Vizt Carpenters, Labourers, Masons, Blacksmiths &c. ....

N. B. The whole Expence of this Departmt for the above Quarter...

4 Sloops and Schooners qt 280 Tons at 7 Men for 100 Tons 21 Men at £5 Sters per month.......

9 Drivers for the Carts & Waggons is 9 Men at 1/6 Sterling per day.....

A Quarter Sterling....

A Year

Ballance in favor of Government.....

Cart and Waggon hire from 1st Jan to 31st March 1781

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