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at Havre de Grace, in five days. In a few years, flour, and every other article of produce in demand at the sea-ports, will be sent the same way. In every other back country of America, where there exists a possibility of sending the spare provisions abroad, particularly on the Ohio, the difficulty of procuring salt to cure the beef and pork will prevent these branches of farming from yielding any profit. The situation of the Genesee Country, and, indeed, the whole western part of the State of New-York, is, in this respect, highly advantageous. It is supplied with salt in such abundance, that the price is not higher than on the sea coast; and the intermediate country, till within one hundred miles of tidewater, is also supplied from these works. Thousands of barrels pass every year through the Genesee Country, for the use of settlements fifty years established, and one hundred miles nearer to the sea coast. So highly are these waters impregnated with salt, that eight pounds of water, when evaporated, make one pound of pure salt; and the springs are so abundant, that it was calculated by a very ingenious and correct gentleman, that from a single spring three hundred thousand bushels might be made in one year; and at least twenty springs are now used.-But to return to the navigation.

The south branch of the Tioga has a north course from the Alleghany Mountains, and joins the Conhocton and Canisteo at the Painted Post, as also does the Tuscarora and Cowanisque. These streams, at this uniting place, form a great, and, in time of high water, a magnificent river. From this place boats of any size could be sent to Baltimore; there being to this navigation no interruptions of consequence until we get below Wright's Ferry; from which place for Havre de Grace the State of Maryland is making great exertions to render the navigation safe and beneficial to the trade of Baltimore. The method which the gentleman employed in this business has taken will, I have no doubt, be crowned with success. The obstructions are formed by bars of

Of so much importance did these salt-works appear to the Government that, two years ago, they took the business entirely under their own direction, and appointed a Commissioner to superintend the salt-makers, and restricted the price to sixty cents per bushel, at which they are obliged, by their contract, to supply the country.

limestone rock, running across the river, from east to west, and the whole water of the river pours over them. In the dry seasons, the drift wood which collects on these ledges, is gathered and piled on the rocks, and burnt until they become quite heated: water is then thrown on them, when they immediately split into pieces: the rocks are then broke up and thrown into the pools below. These breaches are made one hundred yards in length, so as to allow rafts of any size to pass with safety. Large subscriptions have been made to carry on these works; and there is no doubt but a few years perseverance will complete a safe navigation from the head of the Canisteo to Baltimore.

The navigation from the county of Ontario to Schenectady, sixteen miles from Albany, has been of late years much improved, and is of great advantage to that part of the country. The outlets of Seneca Lake, Canadarqua Lake, and Mud Creek, join together, and form the Seneca River, which, through its whole extent, is a very useful navigation At the Three River Point it is met by the outlet of the Oneida Lake, and, after passing Oneida Lake, the boats ascend Mud Creek, from which there is a canal, to unite its waters with the Mohawk River, on which two other obstructions are canalled, to make the communication good to Schenectady. These improvements are made on the scale of boats carrying ten tons being used on this navigation. Considerable quantities of flour, potash, and salt, are every year sent down by this navigation, and thus the merchants are enabled to make their remittances. So much has the navigation been used, that one hundred boats have been known to arrive at the little town of Geneva in six weeks. In the beginning of the settlement of this country, families, moving in these boats, suffered much from want of shelter in the night; but the number of travellers has induced persons to settle and keep taverns at the most suitable places, where the accommodations are far from being bad.

The navigation from the interior county of Ontario into the lake of the same name, is by the Genesee, Rundigut, and Seneca Rivers, The Seneca River is formed by the waters of the Seneca Lake, Canadarqua Lake, Mud Creek, and the Cayuga Lake, each of which are large and and deep streams, affording great convenience

to the country adjoining them: these meet the Oswego River at Three River Point, which falls into Lake Ontario at Oswego Fort. The importance of this place induced the Legislature of the State of New York to lay out a town, which already affords great convenience to persons trading to and from Canada.

The Rundigut lies about five miles east of the Genesee River, and runs into the country about six miles at the south extremity of the bay Rundigut Creek forms a very handsome fall of about twenty feet, affording a fine situation for mills, which may be o placed that boats might be navigated from Canada to the mill, and there loaded without any trouble. A convenient store-house has

already been built, and, during the two last summers, very considerable quantities of provisions and distilled liquor were sent from this place to Canada. In the neighbourhood of this place are several bodies of iron ore,* and it is presumed that works will soon be established for the making of iron.


The Genesee River is navigable for sloops of sixty tons from the lake to the falls, a distance of six miles. These falls, which are formed by a continuance of the same ridge that forms the Falls of Niagara, are a succession of four distinct falls within the space of one mile the highest is ninety feet, but, with the rapids above, the total height is three hundred feet. These falls, for beauty, are not inferior to those of Niagara. A carrying place is made on the west side of the river, and it has already a considerable employment. Immediately above the falls the river is navigable for large boats, and continues so for twenty-five miles above Williamsburgh, where it is again interrupted. At the village of Williamsburgh the Canascraga Creek joins the Genesee River: this creek affords good navigation for near twenty miles, to Dansville, a settlement in the north west corner of Steuben county, only nine miles from the navigable waters of the Caniskeo River. The quantity of provisions and distilled liquor sent from the mouth of the Genesee River is very considerable. Last summer a small vessel was kept in constant employment in this business.

Iron can be brought, by the Susquehannah, from Pennsylvania to Genera or Bath, and afforded at nearly the same price it is sold for in New-York or Philadelphia.

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