A Hand-book: Or, Concise Dictionary of Terms Used in the Arts and Sciences

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John Murray, 1825 - 451 halaman

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Halaman 187 - Insects, which in their several changes belong to several of the before-mentioned divisions, may be considered together as one great tribe of animals. They are called insects, from a separation in the middle of their bodies, whereby they are, as it were, cut into two parts, which are joined together by a small ligature; as we see in wasps, common flies, and the like.
Halaman 119 - A figure of rhetoric t , by which something is left out ; in geometry, an oval figure generated from the section of a cone, by a plane cutting both sides of the cone, but not parallel to the base, and meeting witli the base when produced.
Halaman 66 - Why is the science of chemistry so named? Because of its origin from the Arabic, in which language it signifies " the knowledge of the composition of bodies." The following definitions of chemistry have been given by some of our best writers : — " Chemistry is the study of the effects of heat and mixture, with the view of discovering their general and subordinate laws, and of improving the useful arts."— Dr.
Halaman 284 - Peristylium, a continued row or series of rows of columns all round a court or building, in contradistinction to porticoes, in which the pillars did not surround a space, but were arranged in one or more parallel lines Peritrochium, in mechanics, a wheel or circle concentric with the base of a cylinder, and moveable together with it about an axis : the axis, with the wheel and levers fixed in it, to move it, constitute that mechanical power called axis...
Halaman 324 - A plantation of trees, disposed originally in a square consisting of five trees, one at each corner and a fifth in the middle, which disposition, repeated again and again, forms a regular grove, wood, or wilderness ; and when viewed by an angle of the square or parallelogram, presents equal or parallel alleys.
Halaman 306 - Power, horse, in mechanics, an expression used to denote the power of a steam engine, that is to say, how many horses
Halaman 125 - Equinoxes are the precise times in which the sun enters into the first point of Aries and Libra . for then, moving exactly under the equinoctial, he makes our days and nights equal ; equinoctial wind. EQUINUMERANT, ek\ve-nu'me-i-int. a. Having the same number. To EQUIP, e-kwip'.
Halaman 99 - Day, (astronomical,) the time between two successive transits of the sun's centre over the same meridian, which always begins and ends at noon.
Halaman 192 - An assignment of the government share of the produce of a portion of land to an individual.
Halaman 3 - A poem, in which the first letter of every line being taken, makes up the name of the person or thing on which the poem is written.

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