A Hand-book: Or, Concise Dictionary of Terms Used in the Arts and SciencesJohn Murray, 1825 - 451 halaman |
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acid alkalies Anatomy ancient angles animals Antiquity Architecture Astronomy bivalve body bones Botany called carbonate Chemis Chemistry colour combination Commerce common compound comprehending Conchology consisting constellation denotes earth East Indian East Indies Entomology fishes flower fluid formerly fossil French genus of birds genus of plants Geology Geometry given to crystallizable Grammar grass Greek Heraldry Ichthy Ichthyology insects instrument iron Ital kind Latin lime Linnĉan logy macy Mechanics medicine ment metallic oxides mineral Mineralogy mistry motion muriate Music name given Natural History natural order Navigation neral Nosology order of Linnĉus Ornithology Painting Phar Pharmacy Physiology potash quity ralogy resembling rock Roman root round seed shells ship signifies silica soda species stance star stone substance sulphur Surgery tain tany term applied thing thology tion tomy tory tree tural ture Typography vegetable vessel wood word worms Zoology
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Halaman 187 - Insects, which in their several changes belong to several of the before-mentioned divisions, may be considered together as one great tribe of animals. They are called insects, from a separation in the middle of their bodies, whereby they are, as it were, cut into two parts, which are joined together by a small ligature; as we see in wasps, common flies, and the like.
Halaman 119 - A figure of rhetoric t , by which something is left out ; in geometry, an oval figure generated from the section of a cone, by a plane cutting both sides of the cone, but not parallel to the base, and meeting witli the base when produced.
Halaman 66 - Why is the science of chemistry so named? Because of its origin from the Arabic, in which language it signifies " the knowledge of the composition of bodies." The following definitions of chemistry have been given by some of our best writers : — " Chemistry is the study of the effects of heat and mixture, with the view of discovering their general and subordinate laws, and of improving the useful arts."— Dr.
Halaman 284 - Peristylium, a continued row or series of rows of columns all round a court or building, in contradistinction to porticoes, in which the pillars did not surround a space, but were arranged in one or more parallel lines Peritrochium, in mechanics, a wheel or circle concentric with the base of a cylinder, and moveable together with it about an axis : the axis, with the wheel and levers fixed in it, to move it, constitute that mechanical power called axis...
Halaman 324 - A plantation of trees, disposed originally in a square consisting of five trees, one at each corner and a fifth in the middle, which disposition, repeated again and again, forms a regular grove, wood, or wilderness ; and when viewed by an angle of the square or parallelogram, presents equal or parallel alleys.
Halaman 306 - Power, horse, in mechanics, an expression used to denote the power of a steam engine, that is to say, how many horses
Halaman 125 - Equinoxes are the precise times in which the sun enters into the first point of Aries and Libra . for then, moving exactly under the equinoctial, he makes our days and nights equal ; equinoctial wind. EQUINUMERANT, ek\ve-nu'me-i-int. a. Having the same number. To EQUIP, e-kwip'.
Halaman 99 - Day, (astronomical,) the time between two successive transits of the sun's centre over the same meridian, which always begins and ends at noon.
Halaman 192 - An assignment of the government share of the produce of a portion of land to an individual.
Halaman 3 - A poem, in which the first letter of every line being taken, makes up the name of the person or thing on which the poem is written.