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commitment, and one for commitment shall preclude amendment, or a decision to the original question.

14. Motions for postponement, to lay upon the table, and for adjournment, shall always be determined without debate.

15. A motion that has been negatived, cannot be again brought forward at the same meeting, excepting upon a motion to reconsider.

16. No question shall be reconsidered, excepting on the motion of two Fellows, who voted with the majority when the question was decided, and submitted at the meeting at which the same was discussed.

17. When a blank is to be filled, the question shall be first taken on the largest sum, greatest number, and remotest period.

18. Two Fellows may demand the yeas and nays on any question which is not required to be decided by ballot, and have them entered upon the minutes. The presiding officer in such cases shall always vote last.

19. No order shall be taken upon the report of any special committee, excepting to refer it back to the committee, to lay it upon the table, or to obtain the sense of the College in relation to the resolutions appended thereto.

20. The presiding officer shall not discuss any subject while in the chair, but may assign his reasons on deciding a question of order. He shall have no vote excepting on a ballot, or upon a call for the yeas and nays.



1. There shall be published, at the termination of every three months, or as soon thereafter as circumstances will permit, a summary of the transactions of the College; comprising, 1. All written communications presented to the College, which the publishing committee may select, or the publication of which may be directed by the College. 2. A statement of all facts relating to the Science of Medicine, Surgery, or Obstetrics, communicated verbally to the College by its Fellows and 3. An abstract of all discussions upon subjects of general interest which shall take place at the meetings of the College, and such other of its transactions, the publication of which may be deemed expedient and proper.

2. The numbers of the said Summary of Transactions shall be furnished to each Fellow and Associate of the College without charge.



1. At the stated meeting of the College in the month of November, annually, there shall be elected, (due notice of which election shall be given by the Secretary,) a committee of three Fellows, to be denominated the Committee of Publication.

2. The duty of the said committee shall be to decide upon, and prepare for publication the matter to be inserted into the numbers of the Summary of Transactions; and to superintend generally their publication.

3. The Secretary of the College, who shall be ex officio a member of the committee, shall attend to the distribution of the numbers of the Summary to the Fellows of the College.

4. The Fellows shall have the privilege of reporting for publication the verbal communications and remarks presented by them at the meetings of the College.

5. No paper read before the College shall be published, otherwise than in the Summary of Transactions, as having been so read, without the consent of the majority of the Fellows present at the reading thereof, this consent to be expressed by vote.



1. The committee on the Library shall consist of three Fellows to be appointed by the President of the College at its stated meeting in June. The committee shall attend to the increase and preservation of the Library; and shall carry into effect all such regulations pertaining thereto as may be adopted by the College, and shall report upon its condition at the stated meeting in June.

2. At the stated meeting in July, the College shall appropriate such a sum as may be deemed compatible with its funds, for the use of the Library for the ensuing year.

3. At the close of the stated meetings, and at such other times as the Library Committee shall direct, each Fellow, upon applying to the Librarian, shall be allowed to take out any book or set of books, excepting such as, from time to time, the Library Committee may designate; and may retain the same until the next stated meeting. The Librarian shall enter, in a register kept for the purpose, the title of the books taken out, with the name of the Fellow by whom, and the date at which they are taken out.

4. If any Fellow shall detain the book or books delivered to him by the Librarian longer than one month,

he shall pay a fine of twenty-five cents for every month the book or books are so detained.

5. If a book be lost by a Fellow, he shall either replace it, or pay double the value thereof, or of the set of books to which it belongs.

6. At the stated meeting in May, all the books shall be returned to the Library, to enable the Library Committee to make their final report.



1. At the stated meeting in July, there shall be elected a Curator, and Committee of three Fellows, who shall be denominated the Committee on the Mu


2. The duty of the Curator shall be to prepare and set up such pathological specimens as the Committee on the Museum shall deem worthy of a place in the cabinet. He shall be, ex officio, a member of said committee.

3. The Curator shall label, and keep a correct catalogue of the specimens presented to the Museum, with the name of the donor; and, as far as practicable, a record of the case from which the specimen was derived.

4. The Committee on the Museum shall have a

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