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1. THE officers (as required by the Charter) shall be a President, a Vice-President, four Censors, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, to be chosen annually, by ballot, on the first Tuesday in July, or within one calendar month thereafter.

2. The President shall maintain order at the meetings of the College, and shall sign all orders on the Treasurer, duly passed by the College. He shall have power to call special meetings at his own discretion; and it shall be his duty to call them, when requested in writing by six Fellows. He shall not discuss any question while in the chair, unless it be a question of order; and shall have no vote, except when his vote may be necessary to decide a question.

3. The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of the latter officer, or at his request when present. In the absence of both the President and the Vice-President, a chairman shall be appointed viva voce.

4. The Censors shall inspect the records and examine the accounts of the College, and report thereon at the stated meeting in July. They shall take cognizance of all charges of a breach of the regulations of the College, preferred against a Fellow, and shall consider and determine the same, and report thereon to the College; provided that, in cases where a Censor is one of the parties concerned, the charge shall be referred to a committee of three, to be chosen by ballot, who shall act as censors pro hac vice.

5. An appeal from the decision of the Censors to the College, in these cases, shall always be reserved.

6. The Treasurer shall collect and receive all the moneys due to the College, and pay them only upon the order of the President, or other officer who may have presided at the meeting at which the appropriation was passed; and these orders shall be his vouchers for his expenditures. He shall present annually a statement of the finances of the College, at the stated meeting in June, and at such other times as the College shall direct.

7. The Secretary shall keep correct minutes of the proceedings of the College, and record them in a book provided for the purpose. He shall keep a list of the Fellows and Associates, on which he shall note the date of the election of each; the time of his death, resignation, or loss of membership, and the residence of Associates. He shall cause to be inserted, in a book provided for the purpose, the biographical notices of deceased Fellows presented to the College. He shall receive and preserve all books of records,

and papers belonging to the College, provide certificates of membership, and perform such other duties as are appropriate to his office.

He shall be, ex officio, a member of the Committee of Publication. He shall also act as Librarian.



1. The College shall consist of Fellows and Associates.

2. The Fellows shall be practitioners of medicine, of good character in their profession, residing within the city and incorporated districts of Philadelphia, and who are over twenty-four years of age.

3. The Associates shall be distinguished practitioners of medicine, residing without the limits above mentioned.

4. No person who gives his support to any system of practice, which is sustained by efforts to weaken or diminish public confidence in the science of medicine or in the medical profession, or who, by advertisement announces his claim to superior qualifications in the treatment of diseases, or of a particular disease; or who holds a patent, or part of a patent for a surgical instrument; or gives a prescription to any apothecary, which he refuses to give to other apothecaries; or who

deals in secret medicines, or publicly recommends them, shall be considered eligible as a Fellow or Associate of the College. And, any Fellow or Associate who may be hereafter so engaged, shall forfeit his right to membership, on the fact being reported by the Censors. But an appeal from the decision of the Censors is permitted, as in other cases.

5. Candidates for Fellowship may be proposed in writing, at any stated meeting, by three Fellows. They shall be balloted for only at the stated meetings in January, April, July, and October; when, if four-fifths of the Fellows present vote in their favor, they shall be pronounced duly elected; provided, that no election for a candidate shall be gone into, unless there be present at least twenty Fellows.

6. The names of the persons proposed as candidates for Fellowship shall not be placed on permanent record, unless the said candidates shall be actually elected; and, in the case of the rejection of any candidate, the paper containing his nomination shall be destroyed immediately after the meeting, at which he is balloted for, has adjourned.

7. No person elected a Fellow shall be deemed a member of the College, until he shall have subscribed the ordinances and by-laws, and paid his initiation fee; and if he omit the signing and payment above mentioned for three months, his election shall become void.

8. The initiation fee shall be fifteen dollars, payable at or before the signing the ordinances and by-laws, and the annual contribution shall be five dollars, pay

able at the stated meeting in July. To all annual contributions that shall remain unpaid after the meeting in October, ten per cent. shall be added.

9. Any Fellow who shall decline the payment of his annual contribution for two successive years, shall forfeit his membership. Provided, however, that if any Fellow shall be absent from Philadelphia, on public service in the Army or Navy of the United States, for twelve months or more, at any one time, a deduction shall be made from the amount of his annual contributions, corresponding to the duration of his ab


10. No Fellow who may remove from the city of Philadelphia, and Incorporated Districts, shall, in consequence of such removal, forfeit his Fellowship, but he shall be exonerated from the payment of the annual contributions.

11. No Associate, who may come to reside within the limits described in Chapter II. Sect. 2, shall be admitted to a Fellowship in the College, without being elected and introduced in the manner prescribed for the admission of Fellows.

12. The number of Associates shall not exceed forty, ten of whom shall be foreigners.

13. Associates shall have the privilege of attending the meetings of the College, but shall take no part in the transaction of its private business.

14. The signing of the Constitution adopted in 1788, shall be deemed a subscription to the ordinances and by-laws of the College, in force for the time being.

15. Every Fellow of the College shall receive a certificate of membership according to the annexed

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