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History of the War with Mexico, from the commencement of hostilities with the United States, to the ratification of Peace; embracing detailed accounts of the brilliant achievements of Generals Taylor, Scott, Worth, Wool, Twiggs, Kearney, and others; by John S. Jenkins, 8vo., 20 illustrations, morocco gilt. $2,50.

A History of the late war prepared for popular circulation. The writer takes a patriotic view of his subject. His narrative of the commencement of the war would, we presume, not displease Mr. Polk. He follows the campaign throughout with industry and spirit, drawing from public documents, diplomatic correspondence, and the newspaper letter writers by the way. More facts, we believe, are brought together than in any single publication of the kind. The narratives of adventure in California, Col. Doniphan's march, and other passages, are told with interest; the writer evidently seeking to make a useful book. The portraits and illustrations of scenes are numerous; the mechanical execution of the whole work being highly creditable to the Auburn publishers.- Literary World.

This is a volume of over 500 pages. The publishers have brought it out in excellent style. The paper, type, printing and binding, are admirable. The book has been written with due regard to accuracy, and in a popular style. It is the most elaborate, and probably the best History of the War yet published.-- Albany Evening Journal.

We have been unable to notice, until now, this new work from the pen of the author of "The Generals of the last War with Great Britain, etc." In this volume we have at last a complete and interesting history of the late collision between the two Republics of the Continent. To a minute and detailed account of the position and policy of Mexico, the origin and causes of War, are added soul-stirring descriptions of the brilliant and successful engagements of our army with the enemy. This narrative is written after a careful examination of the diplomatic correspondence and the various publications, of a public or private character, that have appeared from time to time, calculated to throw light on the subject. To render the work still more interesting and desirable, it has been illustrated with portraits of the most distinguished officers of our own and the Mexican army, with views of the ever memorable battle-fields of Buena Vista and Cerro Gordo. The reputation of the author will insure for this history a very general circulation.—Albany Atlas.


Headley's Women of the Bible: Historical and descriptive sketches of the Women of the Bible, as maidens, wives, and mothers; from Eve of the Old, to the Marys of the New Testament: by Rev. P. C. Headley, in one 12mo volume, illustrated-uniform with "Headley's Sacred Mountains." $1,25.

The author of this work possesses enough traits of resemblance to the author of the Sacred Mountains, to leave no doubt of his right to the name of Headley. There As much of that spirited descriptive power, which has made the elder brother a popular favorite, and gives promise of a successful career on his own account. The sketches are brief, and embody all the historic incidents recorded of them.- New York Evangelist.

A younger brother of J. T. Headley is the author of this beautiful volume. It will probably have a larger circulation than the splendid work issued last fall by the Messrs. Appleton, being better adapted for the general reader, in form and price, while it is ornamental enough for the centre table. It contains nineteen descriptive biographical sketches, arranged in chronological order, including nearly all the distinguished women of the sacred annals, and forming an outline of Scripture history. The illustrations are from original designs, and are numerous and appro priate. No ordinary powers of imagination and expression are shown in the vivic and picturesque descriptions; and the fine portraitures of character rivet the interest, and set forth the Scripture delineations in a stronger light. In this respec. the book has no rival, for no other is so complete, following so closely at the same time, the sacred narrative. We hope it is but an earnest of other works from the pen of its gifted author.- Home Journal.

We were so struck with the title of this work, and the prepossessing appearance of its typography, that we have so far departed from the usual course adopted in like cases, as to read carefully the work in hand, before recommending it to our readers. And we are prepared to say, that a more attractive volume has not fallen in our way for a long time. It is made up of brief historical and descriptive eulogies of the most remarkable females of a most extraordinary era in the world's history. The author has appropriated very much of the poetry and romance of the Bible, in the sketches he has given of nineteen women, who have come down to us through their peculiar merits, embalmed in sacred inspiration. Whoever reads the story of Sarah, the beautiful Hebrew maiden, the admiration of the Chaldean shepherds and the pride of her kindred; or of Rebecca, whom the "faithful steward of Abraham" journeyed to the land of Nahor and selected as the bride of Isaac, and who, it is said, "was very fair to look upon;" or of Rachel, the beautiful shepherdess who tended her father's flocks in the valley of Haran; or of Merriam, Deborah, Jeptha's Daughter, Delilah, Ruth, Queen of Sheba, the Shunamite, Esther, Elizabeth, Virgin Mary, Dorcas, and others will read a story far more interesting and attractive than any romance or novel. Every young lady in town should read this work; and we will venture to say that they will do so if they but once get hold of it, for it is a book that cannot be laid aside.- Oswego Times.

The Lives of Mary and Martha, mother and wife of Washington: by Margaret C. Conkling, with a steel portrait, 18mo, scarlet cloth.

MISS CONKLING, who is a daughter ef Judge Conkling of Auburn, is favorably known as the author of Harper's translation of "Florian's History of the Moors of Spain." She also wrote "Isabel, or the Trials of the Heart." In the preparation of the pretty little volume she has done a praiseworthy deed, and we hope she will receive the reward she merits. She has taught us in the work

"how divine a thing

A woman may be made.'

The mother and wife of Washington were, in inany respects, model women, and the daughters of America will do well to study their character which is finely drawn on these pages.- Literary Messenger.

This beautifully printed and elegantly bound little work, reflecting the highest credit upon the skill and task of the publishers, contains biographical sketches of Mary, the mother, and Martha, the wife of the Father of his country. It is a most valuable contribution to the history of the American people, embracing not only the great public events of the century during which the subjects lived, but those pictures of home life, and that exhibition of social manners and customs, which constitute the most important part of life, but which, from the fact of their apparent triviality and intangibility, the historian generally passes over. The authoress evidently sympathises earnestly with her subject, and feels that in the exhibition of those womanly virtues which characterized the heroines of her narrative, she makes the most eloquent plea in favor of the dignity of her sex. It is dedicated to Mrs. WM. H. SEWARD, and contains a finely executed engraving of the wife of Washington. We cordially commend it to the public, and most especially our lady readers.Syracuse Journal.

This acceptable and well written volume goes forth upon a happy mission,

"To teach us how divine a thing

A woman may be made,"

by unfolding those charms of character which belong to the mother and wife of the hero of the Land of the Free; and in the companionship of which, while they illustrated the watchful tenderness of a mother, and the confiding affections of a wife, is shown those influences which made up the moral sentiments of a man, whose moral grandeur will be felt in all that is future in government or divine in philosophy; and one whose name is adored by all nations, as the leader of man in in the progress of government, to that perfection of human rights where all enjoy liberty and equality. To say that Miss Conkling has fulfilled the task she says a "too partial friendship has assigned her" faultlessly, would perhaps be too unmeasured praise, for perfection is seldom attained; but it will not be denied but that her biographies are traced in the chaste elegances that belong to the finished periods of a refined style, which fascinates the reader with what she has thus contributed to our national literature.

The design of the volume is, to picture a mother fitting the "Father of his Country" in a light full of the inexhaustible nobleness of woman's nature, and yet as possessing that subdued and quiet simplicity, where Truth becomes the Hope on which Faith looks at the future with a smile. The mother of Washington was tried in a school of practice where frugal habits and active industry were combined with the proverbial excellences of those Virginia matrons, who were worthy mothers of such men as Washington, Jefferson, Marshall, and Henry. Miss C. has pictured with fidelity and elegance, her views of this remarkable woman; not less beauti fully has she sketched the character of Martha, the wife; following her from her brilliant manners as the Virginia belle, through the various phases of her life, she gives a rapid but comprehensive view of those characteristics which make up the quiet refinement of manners native to her, and which ever gave her the reputation of an accomplished wife and lady. And with peculiar delicacy Miss Conkling has portrayed the thousand virtues with which she embellished a home; her amiable disposition and winning manners made the happiest to the purest and best of all en fame has chosen for its noblest achievments.- Syracuse Star.


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