moving feature at the one which attracts the attention of the passer by in the street. The notograph is an electrical device on which the letters travel across the face as though attached to a moving belt, and the number of lamps arra ged in horizontal and vertical rows on the face of the sign are connected mdividual's with a corresponding set of bruses on the control machine A heavy fibrous paper land, perforated like the roll ma plaver piano, is drawn across the brush board. The brushes, mak ing corta t throu, h the perforati nis, cause the prover Lamps to light up on the face of the sim and, as the port wated band is drawn across the brush board the letters perforated in the bar ↑ «p" car to nerve across the sym là c mt: nexent that of the land t'r yhtei ends of the band are co recte ! makugan en " shelt wh hris contenus'y through the .1 1 De advanta, e of this el otro ad er * the reading may be t-11 every night It is al o 1. De largest taph 11 datne soms in this commiffy, is 171 rer of Maligan Avenne and Rat Jch Street somy 18 50 by 130 feet and faces soul, are 12 fest m height and rove actos Those atteseig this convention write by stepping out on the M-1 gan Averest north own, as it is practically impossible to secure electric advertising unless an example is set by those who will enjoy the most benefit. Fourth That central stations make special efforts to popularize factory signs, flood lighting and last but not least, electric flag signs, for the general good of the industry. Respectfully submitted, A K YOUNG, Chairman A F BEERY HARRY BRAUN GALEN CROW JAMES GREENSTONE NORMAN HICKOX C LANTZ A H LORING HI MARKHAM FH MURPHY ES PELLING H A SIMMONS ADDRESS OF CHAIRMAN OF SECTION JOSEER E BECKER NO DISCUSSION Adress was referred to a committee See page la REPORT OF THE COMMERCIAL SECTION FA EDKINS, CHU SEMAN DISCUSSION Ma LokinCIA et naingi As an ad endum to the report, it wel probe My be of interest to the men bets present ti know somet'ng about the progress be nude by t mered Engineering Corse which was prostit fed last year I Lave a letter from Mr Fred R-ledus who is t'e materi f the Central Station Instit te un bras can e 1 this con e. m beset the operations up to May 19th The t til re the course thus far are $125/72, tum, i tongres pense for organizing and cond ing Course for the first seven months w 18 $3824, This balance is estimated to be the course along the lines on which it is he therent to est mated that we will have a considera' 'e in reuse I st and we have provided excess copies to the nor wer . On not on the report was receivedi SEE REPORT FACE to |