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sfered the issuance of a publication entitled One Thousand Uses Eectricty of something similar. Frequent inquiries have been

le regar ling a publication of this nature and we feel that one ‚'t be compled and made available. The matter has been con stered by the Committee and while it is still of the opinion that me such publication would be valuable, it has not been in a tention to have the booklet printed. A question arose as to after tias publication should be issued in a bound volume or se le at form, also whether the Committee should itself artake it or whether arrangements could be made to induce

acturers, under the direction of the Committee, to pre ets for distribution to be sold by the Committee. This atter which has been stuched considerably by the Committee i'd recommend that the Committee of next year undersee such publication. We have compiled considerable mation which will be placed at the disposal of the new

tr. Heating ard (ooking

Here is another subrest that should be earnestly considered the rext Cornice and that is a pamphlet bearing upon

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heating and cooking This Commitee has considered leston of the issuance of sich a publication, but has done ng event of a most general nature. As the Committee weet more deeply into the subie-t it fund a mass of supposediv rate n.sterid and data which when subjected to scrutiny and aret 21 sventile ir vestigation was found to be unrehable e any plation on this subrest is compiled for circulation gmir men bers, it is the recommen lation of your Committee otestert advice be secure f and these data be subiected to care* lites to ensure that the figures quoted are accurate rather than and hused abon mvestigation instead of mere veral

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The experience of the Committee in onda ting its Christ at lukket sale led to the cor lusin and we strongly recom it it be a log tel, t'at before lu» d'et to i kuš, Lent to cover the canvassing of our net het elega trenare ! for preliminary circularization Had there been ale when the Christmas book'et was issued to con

duct such a preliminary canvass, the Committee would have been spared the expense of making ready and printing two extra editions after the first edition of 100,000 had been exhausted. Obviously such a condition would insure a lessened cost and, therefore, a lower price to our members.

Your Committee wishes to offer one rather radical suggestion. It is our thought that the time which is gratuitously given to the Publications Committee by its members should be spent in an executive capacity, in considering and correcting material presented rather than in creating substance. It has always been the pleasure of individual members of the Association to work on the Committee in preparing or making ready material for distri.bution to its members. We feel, however, that the time has arrived when the importance of the Publications Committee literature is sufficient to justify the employment in the general offices of some person to act in the capacity of a publicity agent for the Commercial Section's publications. A competent person thus employed would, we feel, more than pay his expenses in the greatly increased use of the publications and the larger income to the Association from its preparation.

▲ of which is respectfully submitted.













Third Edition

The Handbook Committee reports that it has published and Estributed a third edition of the Salesman's Handbook. All of the first and second editions having been exhausted, reprinting was necessary owing to the large demand for copies, especially on arent of the past year's increase in membership of the Commenical Section The Committee, preliminary to reprinting, decode ! upon a revision of the Handbook so as to correct errors in the previous edition, withdraw obsolete matter and add new matter necessary to bring the material down to date. This work early in the year assumed large proportions.

The first and most radical change made was in the adoption new and comprehensive method of indexing In previous Its ns the paging was such that each section was complete and the a Ulition of new matter or the withdrawal of that found to be satisfactory or obsolete was impracticable without reprinting al that was to be retained, changing only the page numbers Dis meant a complete new book each time it was decided to add even a few pages to the sections previously issued Under the new system additions or subtractions may be readily made, re

g the useful matter without confusion or re paging. It is possible for the salesman to extend the use of the index to to all important references in the NELA Buletin and art les in the trade publications, for which there is not imate are bation but a possibility of being of considerable value at hard when needed

The New Inder

The new index is based on the numerical system, with vues of classes of industries to which the appli ations apply naver index now has over 120) separate divisi ins repre g kinds of industries or installations. These divisions are mered from 100 up and are either actual ratallani na work asump'ete data as could be compiled, or relate to mformation ga direct application to the industry designated The p of the user of the data is a'l importart in indexing installation in a foun 'ry night by a foundry owner be meter Fighting" A contractor specadoning in residence


or store installations would designate this "industrial" lighting. but if specializing in industrial lighting, a title under a particular kind of foundry would be necessary. A jobber's salesman would think of enameled steel" reflectors, a reflector salesman "flat dome” reflectors, and a lamp salesman would mark this as an application of 500 to 1000 watt lamps of the type C class.

It has therefore been assumed that the central station salesman's interest is part of all of the above and the method of indexing which would enable him to first find "foundries," then different kinds of foundries, with data on what was used, the actual costs, etc., so that he could best present his case to the foundry owner or manager, would be the most logical arrangement and would result in the greatest possible use of the data.

These divisions are numbered the same for Light, Power and Heat, so that if a salesman is working on a shoe manufacturer, for instance, by referring to division number 615 under Light, Power or Heat, he may bring together all the information in the book relating to shoe factories. This is a feature of very real utility.

The salesman will also find in each section (Light, Power, Heat or Vehicle) information relating to leather workers in the division numbered 600, where all the leather working applications are brought together.

The first pages in each division have been assigned to motors and machinery or lamps and heating devices, as the case may be, for the particular industry the salesman seeks to serve.

A special index is furnished with each section and is arranged alphabetically. Many of the items are cross indexed. For instance, in the Power Section Index, Leather working machinery is 604-11 (division 604, page 11); Machines and Motors for shoe manufacturing, 604-11; and also Shoe Machinery, 604-11. Then with division 605 begin the applications or data. on installations where leather is manufactured.

On the running headlines at the tops of the pages these application titles are given, so that if a salesman knows that a certain sheet under Light, Heat, Power or Vehicle, is in the book, it may be found quickly without reference to the index. In printing the index all actual installation data is referred to in titles.

noted in italics and all the instruction or general matter titles are in regular type.

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In each section the numbers 1 to 100 are used for informa relating to the devices available for Iight, Power, Heat or Ve-le, their characteristics, sales points, methods of ms'allaAll manufacturers' catalogue material also comes ri s division The manufacturer's name appears on the corner 1 the sheet and below is the page number, so that each manutorers set of sheets is separate in paging, although sinalar in r and division number, and may thus be readily placed where gs in the handbook or desk file

Nether the division numbers nor page numbers of the sheets

ssed are complete, nor is it likely that they ever will be. e first leather working sheet in this edition in the Power secnumbered 604 11, later 604 1 may be issued and possibly in

ime 603 1 will be printed, at which time 604 1 will be merted aboad of 604 11 and 603 1 will be placed ahead of 604 1 s are left at this time for information on installations ngh not now available, may under this system be

filed in the proper place

New matter is hied first un ler section, Light, Power, Heat Vergie, se ond under division (nurbers 100 and up and Men under juge


As in previous editions of the Hand'ork each section is nisper of a different color and has its own index and •hus making it a unit volume

A new feature of the third edition is that one color differ•* from any other in the Handbook, has been adopted for inlexes so that they may be easily found, regardless of where they e tiled

The Cor matter and especially the Chairman acknowledges bes to Norman Ma beth of the Comma'tee, throng! ase expert knowledge of indexing this system was presented fa! sted, and who did a great deal of work in rearranging arperly in lexing the material of this new edition

tientally a New Handbook

The adoption of the new index and additi nal new material ate a radical rearrangement essential, so that the third edition is to all intents and purposes a new han "ook This has been if so

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