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Bright utensils, no dirty, smoky pots or pans to be constantly cleaned.

The perfection of baking is done by means of the electric oven, all guess work as to temperature being eliminated. The perfection of broiling is the electric broiler, no fumes or gases to contaminate the food which is cooking so close to the heat and no smoke from spattering grease catching fire from a flame Saving in shrinkage in food means saving of money. Time is saved in cleaning up the range and cleaning the utensils. Health is saved due to better nutrition of electrically cooked foods and the living and working in a better atmos phere.

I CONTROLLED Cooking becomes an exact science. No uncertainty and no failure, the cooking being controlled by regulator and not by guess.

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Meals are more savory, more digestible and altogether better.

Fifcent and quick in operation Heat is instantly availble and read's reg :lated

Oven retams baking temperature ng after current is turned off

Kitchen clothes no longer a necessity because kitchen dities become light and the work clean Ad's dignity to housework and keeps in step with the march of progress


The electra rar, e is pearly well a ligted for aparts ent

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A range in an apartment is only needed for cooking

tues, as hot water and heat are usually $1,5 1 ft on the base


This condition makes the electric range far superior to fuel burners.

Apartment house tenants move frequently. Each new occupant insists on having the woodwork repainted and the walls retinted and repapered. The very nature of the electric range which does away with all smoke, grease, dirt, and filth makes this expenditure on the part of the owner unnecessary.

The utensils used on an electric range are easy to clean both inside and out on account of the absence of soot and burned foods. This makes the kitchen work easier, quicker and more attractive to the tenants.

Silverware tarnishes quickly where fuel stoves are used. Such is never possible, however, where the cooking is done electrically, as there are no products of combustion.

Many people are careless and fuel stoves in apartment houses are a constant menace. The danger of loss of life and property by fire is entirely removed where electric ranges are used.

Occupants may be asphyxiated by the use of gas as a result of the supply being temporarily cut off; on account of children carelessly opening the valves; or through mistake of the cook or housewife. The user of an electric range is absolutely free from all danger.

The ventilation in apartment house kitchens is often very poor and where some fuels are used the fumes are poisonous and the fire is constantly burning oxygen out of the air. The electric range on the other hand gives off no poisonous fumes and destroys no oxygen whatever.

Small kitchens being the rule rather than the exception in an apartment house, the heat from a fuel range often becomes unbearable. The housewife using an electric range can dress before preparing a meal and be assured that she will suffer no discomforture whatever on account of the heat.

From the central station company's standpoint the apartment house business is very desirable. The load is mostly of an off-peak character. The load factor is good. The diversity factor is not excelled by any other class of business and the demand factor is high. Curves taken on several large apartments show that the connected load in cooking apparatus is often as great as seven times that of the maximum demand. The apart

tent hase business is easily the most attractive cooking load at can be secured.


It is the opinion of the Sub-Committee that the magnitude the electric range business in the future is largely, if not ente up to the manufacturers to determine. In other words, ency, durability, flexibility and price of the coming electarges will govern the volume of business which is to be Ted

It is apparent that in the Pacific Coast and Rocky Mountain tates the central stations are alive to the importance of this 1 of development, and it is also apparent that an interest is gcreated in electric cooking in all parts of the country from e Pacific to the Atlantic. The public is becoming curious as what are the advantages of electric cooking, and this curimay be easily changed to desire, if the products of the man4. turers fulfill the requirements and meet the conditions laid

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There must be constant improvements in developing the "ange itself. At the present time it has become the custom to develop the electric range along the lines of the modern gay range". This is a good basis upon which to start, but the te development of the electric range may be along lines of wn, rather than a continual imitation of the gas range When the first automobiles were put upon the market they Med buggies and carriages formerly drawn by horses, but „lly the automobile manufacturers have developed machines entirely different lines, better adapted for the work which t upon them. It is quite probable that the development of telee tr range will point in a sinalar directin


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!r some time past t'ere has been a fear on the part of rarge manufacturers and central station managers that el tric co king load would seriously affect the daily and an peak of the central stations, and con nserpiently there was a to keep down the size and capa ty of the barters However, experience has demonstrated that the co king load wit not servopoly aftost the peak, and that under ordinary cond to ne g to the diversit, fuctor, ntrire than 10 per cent eted lad m de tri rages is likely to come pain the jea at one time Consequently there need not be the four of m

creasing the capacity of the burners so that the cooking may be done more quickly, and thus better meet the competition of other fuels.

The most important factor in the satisfactory operation of an electric range is the heating element. It is essential that the burners be constructed initially so that they will be able to withstand the use and abuse which may be put upon them. It is absolutely essential that the heating elements which are liable to burn out should be readily and quickly replaced, so that there may be no unnecessary delays in repairing. The average housekeeper is willing to pay the price for the service upon the condition that cooking can be done quickly, and with as little trouble for repairs as is caused by other cooking appliances and other fuels.

The majority of central stations interested in the development of the electric range business are willing and anxious to make liberal expenditures and concessions in order to induce consumers to cook by means of electricity, and such matters as adjustment of rates and local advertising will undoubtedly receive the attention they deserve from central station managers.

The manufacturers will still require to co-operate with the central stations after sales have been made, so that owners of electric ranges may be thoroughly instructed regarding their operation and durability. It is as much to the advantage of the manufacturer to follow up a sale as it is to the central station and such work intelligently done will produce results which will be altogether desirable.

The properly constructed electric range has all the good points of older methods of cooking without any of their disadvantages. It has also many advantages which are not possessed by other cooking appliances. However, the public is not informed regarding the advantages and operation of the electric range, and while interest is being created in the subject there is still a note of interrogation in the public's mind. Education and demonstration will overcome doubt and want of knowledge, and the proper education of the public can only be brought about by the earnest co-operation of the manufacturers themselves and then between the manufacturers and the central stations.


The Sub Committee on the above subject consulted with the te vetpaties as the Merchandising Committee and secured the wing formation:

The companies replying served a population of 2,781,420 and 195,353 urban residential consumers and 16,937 rural resial customers; climatic conditions varied from a maximum of : 115 degrees Fahrenheit in summer to -- 40 degrees in winter; *erintis in which heat is required in the home varied from 3 to 12, this planly shows that each company must take these varying ns into consideration in making rates for this business A;;roximately 47 per cent of the companies reporting have tele the current only, 27 per cent s'eam, 13 per cent comten steam and hydro electric plants and 11 per cent purchase The source of power has not, apparently, affected the tates male for electric cooking; however, flat rates for wa'er tagare made alm st entirely on the part of hy fro-electric

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Eithrile difference was noted in the piles of competing fuels as between urban and rural districts, which ind: ates that emes with large transmission lines serving both disses of terri could make the same cooking rates over the whole system. tody two e mpanies report their peak loa I as occurring dur

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't hours, the thers report the peak between the hurs an 18 (0) P. M., and revilts obtained frm cooking and water beating installat: ns in late that tis peak overlaps or es with the previous sistem peak

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Aoximately half of the companies report their distr. t gup during 1915, and the others report their district

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The companies report only 21 per cent as many ele trie water heaters in use as there are elestri rani, en

Research work done by t'e C my rice in lates that the in

an of an e'etric water heater v

tatge red ces the averige r.

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f the range from 100 ka hr, to se ka dr, in other words, the

fat, e without separate water heater rease the nonthy con


the compames who have se ured m

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