The Locomotive Engine and Its Development: A Popular Treatise on the Gradual Improvements Made in Railway Engines Between 1803 and 1893Lockwood and son, 1893 - 204 halaman |
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The Locomotive Engine and Its Development: A Popular Treatise on the Gradual ... Clement Edwin Stretton Pratinjau tidak tersedia - 2015 |
The Locomotive Engine and Its Development: A Popular Treatise on the Gradual ... Clement Edwin Stretton Pratinjau tidak tersedia - 2018 |
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Architect ARCHITECTURE Author axle blast-pipe boiler broad gauge Builder built cloth boards coal Company's constructed Containing coupled wheels Crown 8vo cwts cylinders cylinders 18 D. K. CLARK designed driving wheels driving-wheels English express engines FARMING Fcap feet 6 inches feet diameter formulæ four coupled wheels four-wheeled Fourth Edition gauge George Stephenson gradients Haigh Foundry Handbook Hawthorn & Co inches diameter injector inside cylinders Iron leading wheels Leicester and Swannington Liverpool Liverpool and Manchester locomotive locomotive engine locomotive superintendent Manchester Railway Messrs Midland Railway miles an hour Mining MODERN numerous Illustrations pair passenger placed Plates Practical Treatise pressure of steam rails Revised and Enlarged SCOTT BURN Second Edition Shildon six wheels speed square feet square inch strongly bound student Surveyor Swannington Swannington Railway Tables text-book Third Edition Timber tion tons trailing wheels trains tubes valuable Weight of engine Weight of tender Woodcuts
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