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tan. The University of Pennsylvania Museum has now brought out as one of its anthropological publications, with an introduction by Dr. G. B. Gordon, a photographic facsimile of The Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel, Maya text in Spanish transliteration from a manuscript of 1782, but of much earlier derivation.

Professor José N. Matienzo of the University of Buenos Aires has brought out Le Gouvernement Représentatif Fédéral dans la République Argentine (Paris, Hachette, pp. 380).

Don Manuel de Amat, viceroy of Peru, sent an expedition in 1772 into the South Sea Islands, and especially to Tahiti. Dr. W. F. Tolmie has discovered in the Archives of the Indies at Seville a complete journal of this expedition, which the Hakluyt Society intends before long to publish.

Noteworthy articles in periodicals: V. Gay, La América Moderna, el Gobierno Colonial de España en América, según el Dr. Zeballos (La España Moderna, March); T. Jahr, Nordmenn i Ny Nederland [Anneke Jans] (Symra, IX. 1); K. Th. Heigel, Die Beteiligung des Hauses Zweibrücken am Nordamerikanischen Befreiungskrieg (Sitzungsberichte der K. Bayer. Akad. der Wissenschaften, phil.-hist. Kl., 1912, 6); H. Keiler, Zur Geschichte der Schiffahrtspolitik in den Vereinigten Staaten (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, April); R. W. Breckenridge, The Constitution, the Court, and the People (Yale Law Journal, January); M. Farrand, The Election and Term of the President (Yale Review, April); H. B. Fuller, Myths of American History (Munsey's Magazine, May); J. L. Hall, The Religious Opinions of Thomas Jefferson (Sewanee Review, April); C. F. Adams, John Quincy Adams in Russia: Unpublished Letters (Century, June); E. Lehr, La Doctrine de Monroe: ses Origines, son But, ses Dangers, d'après une récente Publication Américaine (Revue de Droit International et de Législation Comparée, XV. 1); A. Henderson, Forerunners of the Republic: III. Isaac Shelby; IV. James Robertson and Pioneer Democracy; V. John Sevier and the Evolution of American Democracy (Neale's Monthly, March, April, May); Ruth B. Hawes, Slavery in Mississippi (Sewanee Review, April); Rev. P. C. Croll, Early Lutheran Annals in the "Far West" (Penn Germania, March); Capt. A. Gleaves, U. S. N., An Officer of the Old Navy: Rear-Admiral Charles Steedman, U. S. N. 1811-1890 (United States Naval Institute Proceedings, March); Mrs. John A. Logan, Recollections of a Soldier's Wife, cont. (Cosmopolitan, March, April, May, June); Gamaliel Bradford, G. P. T. Beauregard (Neale's Monthly, March); Henry Watterson, The Hayes-Tilden Contest for the Presidency (Century Magazine, May); G. F. Edmunds, Another View of the "Hayes-Tilden" Contest (ibid., June); Henry Watterson, Rejoinder to Ex-Senator Edmunds (ibid.); C. O. Paullin, A Half Century of Naval Administration in America, 1861-1911, II. (United States Naval Institute Proceedings, March); Francis E. Leupp,

The Passing of a Dynasty (Atlantic Monthly, March); W. R. Riddell, Upper Canada in Early Times: a Review (Canadian Magazine, May); John S. Ewart, Canada: Colony to Kingdom (American Journal of International Law, April); Adam Shortt, The Relation between the Legislative and Executive Branches of the Canadian Government (Political Science Review, May).


In Mr. Charles Francis Adams's article, "Wednesday, August 19, 1812, 6:30 P. M.", page 521, note II, the date of the death of Isaac Hull Adams should have been November 5, 1900.




The names of contributors are printed in small capitals. (R) indicates that
the contribution is a review

ABBOTT, W. C., (R) Brown's "Political
Activities of the Baptists", 797.
ADAMS, E. D., (R) Rose's "William
Pitt and the Great War", 137; (R)
Rose's "Pitt and Napoleon", 138.
ADAMS, G: B., (R) Poole's "Exchequer
in the Twelfth Century", 356; “Ori-
gin of the English Constitution", re-
viewed, 567; (R) Norgate's "Mi-
nority of Henry III.", 792.
"Adams, Writings of John Quincy",
I., by W. C. Ford, reviewed, 818.
Aegyptisches Vereinswesen ", by J.
M. San Nicolò, reviewed, 828.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

nual Report of the ", 1910, reviewed,
American Historical Association, Meet-
ing of the, at Boston and Cambridge,
449-472; allied societies, 449; social
events, 450; conference of archi-
vists, 450-452; conference on an-
cient history, 452; conference on
historical bibliography, 453-454; con-
ference on military history, 454-455;
history teachers' conference, 456;
conference of historical societies,
457; conference on medieval his-
tory, 458; conference on American
history, 459; conference on modern
history, 460; meeting of the Missis-
sippi Valley Historical Associa-
tion, 461-462; joint meeting of the
Historical and the Political Science
associations, 463; papers relating to
European history, 464; papers relat-
ing to American history, 465-467;
business meeting and reports, 467-
470; lists of officers and committees,

"American History, Causes and Ef-
fects in", by E. W. Morse, reviewed,

"American History, Guide to the Study
of", by Edward Channing, A. B.
Hart, and F: J. Turner, reviewed,
American History, Profitable Fields of
Investigation in, 1815-1860, by W.
E. DODD, 522-536.

American Trade, Observations of Lon-
don Merchants on, 1783 (doc.), 769-
American Year Book", by F. G.
Wickware, reviewed, 636.

[ocr errors]


AMES, H. ., (R) Andrews's "The Co-
lonial Period", 814.

ANDERSON, F. M., (R) Weill's "France
sous la Monarchie Constitutionnelle ",
168; (R) Reclus's "Jules Favre",
368; (R) Reclus's "Ernest Picard",

ANDREWS, C: M., "Guide to Materials
for American History in the Public
Record Office", I., reviewed, 592;
(R) FitzRoy's "Acts of the Privy
Council", VI., 800; "The Colonial
Period", reviewed, 814.

Anent the Middle Ages, by G: L. BURR,
710-726; the booklet of Nicolas of
Cusa, 710-713; the beginning of the
Middle Ages, 713-715; relation of
Church and State, 715-719; Luther
and tolerance, 720-724; Calvin and
tolerance, 724-725; the end of the
Middle Ages, 725-726.

[ocr errors]

Angelsachsen, Die Gesetze der ", II.,
by F. Liebermann, reviewed, 387.
"Anglais et Français du XVIIe siècle",
by C. Bastide, reviewed, 395.
Annates, First Levy of Papal, by W:
E. LUNT, 48-64.

"Anne d'Autriche, Louis XIII. et
Mazarin", by Paul Robiquet, re-
viewed, 361.
"Apologistes Grecs du II Siècle, Les",

by Aimé Puech, reviewed, 382.
"Arbitrage International chez Hèl-
lenes", by A. Raeder, reviewed, 349.
"Archéologie, Américaine, Manuel d'",
by H. Beuchat, reviewed, 812.
"Archeology, South American", by
T: A. Joyce, reviewed, 116.
"Arctic Heroism, True Tales of ", by
A. W. Greely, reviewed, 611.
Armitage-Smith, Sidney, "John of
Gaunt's Register", reviewed, 391.
Atkinson, C. T., (ed.) "John Surman
Carden", reviewed, 840.
Auerbach, Bertrand, "France et le
Saint Empire Romain Germanique ",
reviewed, 622.

"Augustine, Politics and Religion in
the Days of ", by E: F. Humphrey,
reviewed, 616.

[ocr errors][merged small]

"Bacon, Roger, Opus Tertium of ", by
A. G. Little, reviewed, 832.
"Bâle à la Deuxième Coalition, Des
Traités de ", by Raymond Guyot,
reviewed, 133.


Barnes, J: S., (ed.) Fanning's Nar-
rative", reviewed, 402.
"Barrington-Bernard Correspondence",
by Edward Channing and A. C.
Coolidge, reviewed, 816.
"Bas-Languedoc, Les Prédicants Prot-
estants des ", by Charles Bost, re-
viewed, 131.

Bastide, C., "Anglais et Français du
XVII Siècle", reviewed, 395.
"Beale, Edward Fitzgerald", by Ste-
phen Bonsal, reviewed, 173.
BEARD, C: A., (R) McLaughlin's

[ocr errors]

Courts, the Constitution, and Par-
ties", 378; "The Supreme Court
and the Constitution", reviewed, 380.
BEER, G: L., "The Old Colonial Sys-

tem", I., reviewed, 798; (R) Chan-
ning and Coolidge's "Barrington-
Bernard Correspondence", 816.
"Beginnings of San Francisco", by
Z. S. Eldredge, reviewed, 601.
"Belge, Mémoires sur la Révolution",
by Camille Buffin, reviewed, 140.
BELL, H. C., (R) Johnston's "Marie
Caroline Reine de Naples", 623;
(R) McClellan's "Smuggling in the
American Colonies ", 843.
BEMIS, S. F., (R) Tawney's "Agrarian
Problem in the Sixteenth Century",

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Syria and Palestine", reviewed, 159.
"Ruins of Desert Cathay ", 113.

BOLLING, G: M., (R) Leaf's "Troy",

Bonsal, Stephen, "Edward Fitzgerald

Beale", reviewed, 173.

Bost, Charles, "Les Prédicants Prot-
estants des Cévennes et du Bas-
Languedoc", reviewed, 131.
Boulay de la Meurthe, Count, "Corre-
spondance du Duc d' Enghien ", IV.,
reviewed, 838.

BOURNE, H: E., (R) Braesch's "La
Commune du Dix Août 1792", 135;
(R) Mautouchet's "Le Gouverne-
ment Révolutionnaire, 10 Août 1792-
94 Brumaire an IV.", 166; (R) Clap-
ham's "Abbé Sieyès ", 396.
"Brabant, Dénombrements de Foyers
en", by Joseph Cuvelier, reviewed,
Bradford, Gamaliel, jr., "Lee the
American", reviewed, 154.
Bradford, William, "History of Ply-
mouth Plantation ", reviewed, 595
Braesch, F., "La Commune du Dix
Août 1792", reviewed, 135.

Bratli, Charles, Philippe II.", re-
viewed, 128.

BREASTED, J. H:, (R) Schoff's "Peri-

plus of the Erythraean Sea", 118.
Brehaut, Ernest, "Isidore of Seville ",
reviewed, 386.

Bresslau, Harry, "Handbuch der Ur-
kundenlehre für Deutschland und
Italien ", I., reviewed, 158.

[ocr errors]

Bretagne, Romaine", by François
Sagot, reviewed, 564.
Brette, Armand, deceased, 179.
BRETZ, J. P., (R) Hemmeon's "British
Post Office", 145.

Brindley, J: E., "Road Legislation in

Iowa", reviewed, 823.
"Brissot, Jacques-Pierre", by H.-A.
Goetz-Bernstein, reviewed, 365.
British Consul at Charleston to Lord

John Russell, 1860, Despatch from
the (doc.), 783-787.
"British North America, Lord Dur-

ham's Report of the Affairs of ", by
Sir C. P. Lucas, reviewed, 608.
Brock, M. Dorothy. "Fronto and his

Age", reviewed, 383.
Brown, Louise F., "Political Activities
of the Baptists ", reviewed, 797.

[blocks in formation]
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BUCK, S. J., (R) Brindley's "Road
Legislation in Iowa", 823; (R)
Downey's "Work Accident Indem-
nity in Iowa", 823; (R) Sham-
baugh's "Applied History", 823.
Buffin, Camille, (ed.) Mémoires sur
la Révolution Belge ", reviewed, 140
BURNETT, E. C., (introd. to doc.) Ob-
servations of London Merchants on
American Trade, 1783, 769–780; (in-
trod. to doc.) George Rogers Clark
to Genet, 780-783; (introd. to doc.),
British Consul at Charleston to Lord
John Russell, 783-787.

BURPEE, L. J., (R) Greely's "True
Tales of Arctic Heroism", 611.
BURR, G: L., Anent the Middle Ages,

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