Fool! 'tis thy life, and the fond archer thou. I 'll-bid thee fetch but yesterday, Befides repentance, what canft find Our life is carried with too strong a tide A doubtful cloud our fubftance bears, Each day doth on a winged whirlwind ride. But his past life who without grief can fee; But fays to fame, Thou art mine heir; To out-live Neftor in a day. AN ANSWER TO AN INVITATION TO CAMBRIDGES JICHOLS, my better self! forbear; NICH For, if thou tell'st what Cambridge pleasures are, Ishall, in mind at least, a truant be. Tell me not how you feed your mind In Ovid's nut I fhall not find The tafte once pleafed me. O tell O tell me not of logick's diverse cheer! Tell me not how the waves appear I fhall contemn, the troubled Thames And graces with fresh paint that day; When th' city fhines with flags and pageants there, And fatin doublets, feen not twice a year. Why do I stay then? I would meet Thee there, but plummets hang upon my feet: Tis my chief wifh to live with thee, But not till I deferve thy company : Till then, we 'll fcorn to let that toy, Friendship and wit, thy better parts. Though envious Fortune larger hindrance brings, MISCEL MISCELLANIE S. THE мотто. "Tentanda via eft, &c." WHAT fhall I do to be for ever known, And make the age to come my own? I shall, like beasts or common people, die, Whilst others great, by being born, are grown; In this scale gold, in th' other fame does lie, Out of myself it must be strook. Yet I must on; What found is 't strikes mine ear? It founds like the last trumpet; for it can Raife up the buried man. Unpast Alps stop me; but I'll cut through all, And march, the Mufes' Hannibal.. Hence, all the flattering vanities that lay Nets of rofes in the way! Hence, Hence, the defire of honours or estate, And all that is not above Fate ! Hence, Love himself, that tyrant of my days! Come, my best friends, my books! and lead me on ; : All I was born to know: Thy scholar's victories thou dost far out-do; He conquer'd th' earth, the whole world you. Welcome; learn'd Cicero ! whofe bleft tongue and wit Preferves Rome's greatnefs yet: Thou art the first of Orators; only he But you have climb'd the mountain's top, there fit And, whilft with wearied fteps we upward go, ODE. TE ELL me, O tell, what kind of thing is Wit, For the first matter loves variety less ; Lefs women love 't, either in love or drefs. A thousand different shapes it bears, London, that vents of false ware so much store, For men, led by the colour and the shape, Some things do through our judgment pass And fometimes, if the object be too far, Hence 'tis a Wit, that greatest word of fame, And Wits by our creation they become, Admir'd with laughter at a feast, Nor florid talk, which can that title gain; The proofs of Wit for ever muft remain. VOL. I. H 'Tis |