Their dull and fleepy streams are not at all, They have no dance, no wanton sport, No fish inhabit the adulterate flood, Nor can it feed the neighbouring wood; What my face is, and what my mind:fhould be! Here waves call waves, and glide along in rank, Here fad king-fifhers tell their tales, And fish enrich the brook with filver fcales. Daifies, the firft-born of the teeming spring, Here a fresh arbour gives her amorous shade, Such as the nymphs and me myself should please. Thus I would wafte, thus end, my careless days; For pious birds, fhould, when I die, ODE TYR O DE III. TO HIS MISTRESS. YRIAN dye why do you wear, Pure linen o'er your skin, Why bears your neck a golden chain? With gems why do you thine? I would have all my mistress' parts, Owe more to nature than to arts; I would not wooe the dress, She 's fair, whose beauty only makes her gay. For 'tis not buildings make a court, Or pomp, but 'tis the king's refort: If Jupiter down pour Hide fuch bright majesty, Less than a golden one it cannot be. ODE L ON THE UNCERTAINTY OF FORTUNE. A TRANSLATION. E AVE off unfit complaints, and clear From fighs your breast, and from black clouds When the sun shines not with his wonted cheer, The That fea which vext with Notus is, merry Eaft-winds will to-morrow kifs. The fun to-day rides drowsily, Return, and tears' fports nearest neighbours are. That good fare fhould with mingled dangers flow. Doth now over the noblest Romans reign, The yoke which from his oxen he had taken If Fortune knit amongst her play And And with the crowned axe, which he IN COMMENDATION OF THE TIME WE LIVE UNDER, THE REIGN OF OUR GRACIOUS KING CHARLES. CUR URST be that wretch (death's factor fure) who Dire fwords into the peaceful world, and taught The spade, the plow-fhare, and the rake), Man's life t' epitomize !! Then men (fond men, alas !) ride poft to th' grave, And cut those threads which yet the Fates would fave 3 Then Charon fweated at his trade, And had a larger ferry made; Then, then the filver hair, Frequent before, grew rare.. Then Revenge, married to Ambition, Begat black War; then Avarice crept on ; Then limits to each field were strain'd, And Terminus a god-head gain'd. In what plain, or what river, hath not been Nay, then her lily too With blood's lofs paler grew. Such griefs, nay worse than thefe, we now should feel, He to our land blest Peace doth bring, Unborn till Charles's reign! Where, dreaming chemicks! is your pain and cost? The iron-age of old O DE VI. UPON THE SHORTNESS OF MAN'S LIFE. MARK that fwift arrow! how it cuts the air, How it out-runs thy following eye! Use all perfuafions now, and try If thou canst call it back, or stay it there. That way it went; but thou shalt find Foel! |