The fruits of conquest now begin ; Iö triumph! Enter in. What's this, ye Gods! what can it be? Remains there still an enemy? Bold Honour ftands up in the gate, And would yet capitulate; Have I o'ercome all real foes, Noify nothing! ftalking fhade! Sure I fhall rid myself of thee Unlike to every other sprite, Thou attempt'it not men t' affright, THE INNOCENT IL L. TH HOUGH all thy geftures and difcourfes be Though from thy tongue ne'er flipp'd away Yet Yet such a sweetness, fuch a grace, In all thy fpeech appear, That what to th' eye a beauteous face, So cunningly it wounds the heart, Though in thy thoughts scarce any tracks have been So much as of original fin, Such charms thy beauty wears as might Defires in dying confefs'd faints excite : Dost in each breast a brothel keep ; And fome enjoy thee when they fleep. Who to fuch multitudes did give Though in thy breast so quick a pity be, That a fly's death 's a wound to thee ; You do the treble office do Of judge, of torturer, and of weapon too. Thou Thou lovely inftrument of angry Fate, Which God did for our faults create! Thou pleasant, univerfal ill, Which, fweet as health, yet like a plague dost kill ! Thou chafte committer of a rape! Which no man can, or would, escape ! So gentle, and fo glad to fpare, So wondrous good, and wondrous fair, (We know) ev'n the deftroying-angels are. DIALOGUE. She. WHAT have we done? what cruel paffion mov'd thee, Thus to ruin her that lov'd thee? Me thou 'ft robb'd; but what art thou Shame fucceeds the fhort-liv'd pleasure; So foon is spent, and gone, this thy ill-gotten treasure ! He. We 'ave done no harm; nor was it theft in me, But nobleft charity in thee. I'll the well-gotten pleasure Safe in my memory treasure : What though the flower itself do wafte, The effence from it drawn does long and fweeter last. She She. No: I'm undone; my honour thou hast slain, And nothing can restore 't again. Upon the carcafe of it now, Is but t' embalm a body dead; The figure may remain, the life and beauty 's fled. He. Never, my dear, was honour yet undone By Love, but Indifcretion. To th' wife it all things does allow; Like tapers shut in ancient urns, Unless it let-in air, for ever fhines and burns. She. Thou firft, perhaps, who didft the fault commit, Wilt make thy wicked boast of it; For men, with Roman pride, above The conqueft do the triumph love; Nor think a perfect victory gain'd, Unless they through the streets their captive lead en chain'd. He. Whoe'er his fecret joys has open laid, Who have not only ta'en, but bound and gagg'd me too. She. Though public punishment we efcape, the fin Guilt and fin our bofom bears; And, though fair yet the fruit appears, That worm which now the core does wafte, When long 't has gnaw'd within, will break the skin at laft. He. That thirsty drink, that hungry food, I fought, That wounded balm is all my fault; And thou in pity didst apply, The kind and only remedy: The caufe abfolves the crime; fince me So mighty force did move, so mighty goodness thee. She. Curfe on thine arts! methinks I hate thee now; And yet I 'm fure I love thee too! I'm angry; but wrath will prove my More innocent than did thy love. Thou haft this day undone me quite ; Yet wilt undo me more fhould'ft thou not come at night. VERSES LOST UPON A WAGER. S foon hereafter will I wagers lay AS 'Gainft what an oracle shall say; Fool that I was, to venture to deny A tongue fo us'd to victory! A tongue so blest by nature and by art, Though |