Upon my foe would gladly die. Deep into her bofom would I strike the dart, They flutter ftill about, inconftantly: Curfe on thy goodness, whom we find Vain God! who women doft thyself adore! I'V They take the feathers, we the head. THE DISTANCE. VE followed thee a year, at least, But yet can thee o'ertake no more Than this day can the day that went before. In this our fortunes equal prove Our stars, that move for ever round, In vain, alas! in vain I strive The wheel of Fate fafter to drive; Hearts Hearts by Love ftrangely fhuffled are, I Thought, I'll fwear, I could have lov'd no more Than I had done before; But you as easily might account Till to the top of numbers you amount, As caft up my love's fcore. Ten thousand millions was the fum; I'm fure her beauties cannot greater grow; A real caufe at firft did move ; My love, as we in numbers fee, By cyphers' is increas'd eternally. So the new-made and untry'd spheres above Took their firft turn from th' hand of Jove; But are, fince that beginning, found By their own forms to move for ever round. All violent motions short do prove; . But, by the length, 'tis plain to see That Love's a motion natural to me. LOVE'S VISIBILITY. WITH much of pain, and all the art I knew, Have I endeavour'd hitherto To hide my love, and yet all will not do. Men without love have oft fo cunning grown, Love 's of a strangely open, fimple kind, But thinks none fees it 'caufe itfelf is blind. The very eye betrays our inward fmart ; Or if by chance the face betray not it, Like drunkenness, into the tongue 'twill get; LOOKING ON, AND DISCOURSING WITH, HIS MISTRESS. TH HESE full two hours now have I gazing been, To look on heaven with mighty gulfs between Was the great mifer's greatest pain; VOL. I. U Sa So near was he to heaven's delight, As with the bleft converse he might, Ah wretch! I feem to touch her now; but oh, As her hard foul's averfion from my love. So travellers, that lofe their way by night, Th' uncertain glimmerings of a taper's light, They fit them down, and weep in vain, RESOLVED TO LOVE. I Wonder what the grave and wife Think of all us that love; Whether our pretty fooleries Their mirth or anger move: They understand not breath that words does want,; Our fighs to them are infignificant. One of them faw me, th' other day, Touch the dear hand which I admire; My foul was melting strait away, And dropt before the fire: This filly wife-man, who pretends to know, Afk'd why I look'd so pale, and trembled so? -Another, from my miftrefs' door Saw me with eyes all watery come; Nor could the hidden caufe explore, But thought fome smoke was in the room: Such ignorance from unwounded learning came; He knew tears made by fmoke, but not by flame. If learn'd in other things you be, And have in love no fkill, For God's fake keep your arts from me, Study or action others may embrace; My love 's my business, and my books her face. Thefe are but trifles, I confefs, Which me, weak mortal! move; Nor is your busy seriousness Lefs trifling than my love: The wifest king, who from his facred breast |