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And that's a pleasant country, without doubt,
To which all foon return that travel out.



Little thought, thou fond ingrateful fin !
When first I let thee in,

And gave thee but a part

In my unwary heart,

That thou would'ft e'er have grown

So false or strong to make it all thine own.

At mine own breast with care I fed thee ftill,
Letting thee fuck thy fill;

And daintily I nourish'd thee

With idle thoughts and poetry!

What ill returns doft thou allow !

I fed thee then, and thou doft starve me now.

There was a time when thou waft cold and chill,
Nor hadft the power of doing ill;

Into my bofom did I take

This frozen and benumbed fnake,

Not fearing from it any harm;

But now it ftings that breast which made it warm.

What curfed weed 's this Love! but one grain fow, And the whole field 'twill overgrow;

Strait will it choak up and devour

Each wholesome herb and beauteous flower!

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Nay, unless something foon I do,
"Twill kill, I fear, my very laurel too.

But now all 's gone-I now, alas! complain,
Declare, proteft, and threat, in vain ;
Since, by my own unforc'd confent,
The traitor has my government,

And is fo fettled in the throne,

That 'twere rebellion now to claim mine own.



Know 'tis fordid, and 'tis low (All this as well as you I know) Which I fo hotly now purfue (I know all this as well as you); But, whilft this curfed flesh I bear, And all the weakness and the bafenefs there, Alas! alas! it will be always fo.

In vain, exceedingly in vain,

I rage fometimes, and bite my chain ;
Yet to what purpose do I bite

With teeth which ne'er will break it quite ?
For, if the chiefeft Chriftian Head

Was by this sturdy tyrant buffeted,
What wonder is it if weak I be flain?




S water fluid is, till it do grow

Solid and fixt by cold;

So in warm feafons Love does loosely flow;

Froft only can it hold:

A woman's rigour and difdain

Does his fwift courfe reftrain.

Though conftant and confiftent now it be,
Yet, when kind beams appear,

It melts, and glides apace into the sea,
And lofes itself there.

So the fun's amorous play

Kiffes the ice away.

You may in vulgar loves find always this;

But my fubftantial love

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Of a more firm and perfect nature is;

No weathers can it move : Though heat diffolve the ice again, The cryftal folid does remain.



HEN like fome wealthy island thou fhalt lie,
And like the fea about it, I;

Thou, like fair Albion to the failors' fight,
Spreading her beauteous bofom all in white;

Like the kind Ocean I will be,
With loving arms for ever clasping thee.

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But I'll embrace thee gentlier far than so;
As their fresh banks foft rivers do:
Nor fhall the proudest planet boast a power
Of making my full love to ebb one hour;
It never dry or low can prove,

Whilft thy unwasted fountain feeds my love.

Such heat and vigour shall our kisses bear,

As if like doves we 'engender'd there : No bound nor rule my pleafures fhall endure, In love there 's none too much an Epicure:

Nought fhall my hands or lips control;
I'll kiss thee through, I 'll kifs thy very foul.

Yet nothing but the night our sports shall know;
Night, that 's both blind and filent too!
Alpheus found not a more fecret trace,
His lov'd Sicanian fountain to embrace,
Creeping fo far beneath the sea,

Than I will do t' enjoy and feast on thee.

Men, out of wisdom; women, out of pride,
The pleasant thefts of love do hide :


may fecure thee; but thou 'aft yet from me A more infallible security;

For there's no danger I fhould tell The joys which are to me unspeakable.




N vain, thou drowsy God! I thee invoke
For thou, who doft from fumes arise-
Thou, who man's foul doft overshade

With a thick cloud by vapours made

Canft have no power to fhut his eyes,

Or paffage of his fpirits to choke,

Whose flame 's fo pure that it fends up no smoke.
Yet how do tears but from fome vapours rife ?
Tears, that bewinter all my year?

The fate of Egypt I fuftain,

And never feel the dew of rain,
From clouds which in the head appear;

But all my too much moisture owe

To overflowings of the heart below.

Thou, who doft men (as nights to colours do)
Bring all to an equality!

Come, thou juft God! and equal me

Awhile to my disdainful She:

In that condition let me lie,

Till Love does me the favour shew :

Love equals all a better way

than you.

Then never more shalt thou b' invok'd by me ;
Watchful as spirits and Gods I'll prove :
Let her but grant, and then will I
Thee and thy kinfman Death defy;
For, betwixt thee and them that love,
Never will an agreement be;

Thou scorn'ft th' unhappy, and the happy, thee!


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